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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Sidewalk scenes and black limousines (Santana and Family)

    I've got you deep in the heart of me

    -So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me-

    Darling? Eyas thought to herself, twitching her smokey black lips into a half-smile. That was new. The “witch” part he tacked on at the end wasn’t, but lately she’d been thinking he sounded more endearing and less endangering about it. Satana’s  teeth clacked together over a fly, and the little buckskin pegasus settled in beside him. She looked up at his fearsome expression, eyes sparkling. “I have two plans, mister frosty.” The pony mare took a shot at his unusual choice of appearance. He reminded her of the old knight tales before bedtime, when she’d been a young foal here in Loess.

    “But let’s just hope that we’ll only need one, alright?” Eyas’ smile faded away after she finished. Her face, once casual, went rigid. She glanced away from the armored horse beside her and out into the expanse of her birth home, peering...

    When she snapped to her senses a moment later, Eyas knowingly turned towards the sound of Gale approaching, beaming. “Brother.” She called him aloud, for ‘Tana’s sake alone. She stepped comfortably forward and rubbed her face over the smooth, cool stripes patterning his skin, and silently shared with him the vision of all that she’d seen since they’d separated earlier. In return, he tweaked her sight; Eyas blinked and laughed a short, crisp laugh at his ingenuity. She liked the blue-colored world he showed her. “He won’t keep us waiting long.”

    She tucked her wings close to her sides, the white feather tips brushing past her hips and curving over her dark tail, waiting. In the distance a dry cloud of dust curled up on the horizon, though Eyas had to squint past the rising sun to see it. Surely, she thought, we must seem like a quiet threat. Three horses impassively waiting together outside Kingdom borders, two brutish stallions flanking one small, shrewd mare. Eyas wanted to slip inside of Santana - see her approaching sibling the way only a dragonborn could - but she anxiously refrained, remembering his one request on Island Resort.

    The dust billowed out and finally, finally after so many years, Elio their brother was reunited with them. He was a stout, hard stallion like nearly all of her brothers; there was iron in the shape of him when slowed to a stop. His face was impassive, but at such a close distance Eyas marveled to herself at its similarity to their sire’s. Elio shared a strong resemblance to Wolfbane, and for a moment her confidence faltered.

    “To meet with you.” She replied somberly, “And to meet with mom.” Eyas stepped forward, distancing herself from the males. “This is Santana, a friend.” She pointed with her nose toward the ice-scaled stallion, “Gale - Elio. Elio - Gale.” The petite mare smiled, glancing between her family members.

    “You know who I am. Barely.”


    @[Santana] @[Gale] @[elio]
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    RE: Sidewalk scenes and black limousines (Santana and Family) - by Eyas - 06-21-2020, 02:54 PM

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