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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    No mile as long as the one that leads home - Brennen, any
    There’s surprise when the colt splits himself in two, and he wonders if he could split into more than that - then, he starts to suspect he got it from his mother. He may not use such information, but he notices more than he usually lets on, and this is a prime example; he remembers the strange shadows and figures that plagued them last time he visited Nerine - and Neverwhere. Brennen had been present too, but the magician had not sired the kid.

    However, occupied - or pretend-occupied really - as he is, he only nods to the approaching lavender mare and otherwise slashes his tail at one of the colts, and grows a wing on one side to flap at the other to make them stop running and occupy him the kid(s?) moment. He scrutinises the mare who sent the one looking for Brennen away, though he is less concerned with her not referring to the magician - Brennen’s voice is dry ice and he doesn’t want to tests his limits with the man, besides it is more fun to see if she’ll wriggle or fight - but he does interject one sharp question. ”And what shape exactly would that be?” A monstrous one with tentacles and several heads maybe? His horse shape - probably not, and if so, would he still impersonate someone else? Or a dragon shape like Castile, to burn more of the lands? Really there is too much wiggle room there, and he doesn’t think this mare who apparently thought to take the matter in her own hooves, had told the boy she talks about, all the details.

    He doesn’t care much for the competition between the lavender mare and Brennen though - he still perks one ear at them when looking back at Neverwhere’s colt. Wolfbane, of course. Spinal mane and iridescent markings, though the colt looks otherwise like his dam. The kid’s breath is fogging his scales but otherwise does nothing, but he eyes Neverwhere suspiciously when she mentions more than one. How the heck did Wolfbane not visit him, but managed to breed so much in the north anyway - but then, she had said he was cursed. A multiple-shape curse according to the other mare, he could be anywhere. Drawn to his children though - some form of decency might still linger.

    The gold-and-ice stallion ruffles the kid’s head, then looks to the others present. ”And I thought he was a pain in the ass before he got cursed,” he shakes his head, but mentally calling up the images of the blue-striped stallion whom he once knew - making eye contact with Brennen once as an invite to watch with him and learn what he could. Of his arrival in Loess, his excessive time spent with Arthas, the visit in Ischia he made and the small party in the Resort where they good-heartedly called eachother names in the presence of Leliana. Good times, and nothing too worrisome; otherwise he had only heard some things about him and Lepis taking over Taiga back in the day, but he’d thought that was the mare’s idea at the time. Who could tell though? How far had he been willing to go then, how far would he go now? The roan diverts his attention between Neverwhere and the colt - that Wolfbane would never in his life gotten Neverwhere so far as to be with him, let alone want to even try. Somehow he doesn’t want to know what exactly happened to Neverwhere. He can guess enough.
    nothing burns like the cold

    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: No mile as long as the one that leads home - Brennen, any - by Leilan - 06-16-2020, 08:51 AM

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