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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    it began with a bang and buzz; any
    Naturally, they all begin to gravitate towards one another like small planets to the sun. It is instinctual for them to seek out larger numbers than to remain as one. One seems far too lonely for most of them anyway, unless they harbor some kind of deep flaw in their character that makes them prefer it that way. So in that regard, one becomes two and two becomes three beneath the tree that offers them the broad reach of its leafy shade.

    Pollen smiles; it is no surprise that it is someone clearly male to balance out the overwhelming femaleness of their two-member group. That too, was only natural and half expected as she looks at the male nearing them. He’s borderline old enough to pass for a grown stallion but there still seems to be a lanky coltishness to his mannerisms. He’s pretty to look at from the way he moves to the way the spots on his skin shine in the light. 

    If she has a bit of a magpie-heart, she’d not admit to it but his shininess was appealing. So were the dancing green eyes that flicked between the other girl and her. He has good manners, introducing himself first and stating what she assumes is his homeland. Her attention splits, has to divide between the bees crawling all over her neck and hair (one slips down to her cheek to monitor the situation) and the two horses.

    The girl’s comment made her chuckle; she couldn’t help herself because it was true - she had a swarm, which might as well be the closest thing to a herd that she has at the moment. “No, can’t say that I am ever alone but look - we have more company joining us by the moment, now that Aodhan is here.” Pollen beams happily, never quite able to lose her goodwill and cheer. She lets the pair talk for a moment more before adding her own comments.

    “I’m not from around here either. It is a pleasure to meet you both though on such a fine summer evening as this.” She too, had been taught manners by her mother or to at least be nice enough to others. The palomino continued to smile until she realized she was the only one who hadn’t introduced herself. “Oh goodness! You’ve all been kind enough to tell us your names and here I’m dawdling, name’s Pollen.”

    Simple. Momma hadn’t named her that for nothing, as if she’d known one day the bees would come and claim her daughter as their queen. That seemed far too fanciful for her momma though, and Pollen just kept on smiling as a couple of the bees ventured out to buzz around the others. 

    They never quite made it close enough to catch the currents of a snort that would blow them back to her, or to be tossed off an ear with a flick, or swatted away by a tail. But they made themselves known to the point that she noticed, laughed a little, and assured her present company that the bees wouldn’t harm them. “Don’t worry, they won’t sting unless I tell them to.”

    @[Aodhan] @[Persephere]

    Messages In This Thread
    it began with a bang and buzz; any - by Pollen - 06-06-2020, 09:23 AM
    RE: it began with a bang and buzz; any - by Pollen - 06-13-2020, 07:11 PM

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