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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    burn everything you love then burn the ashes; anyone fun
    The tirade that Gryffen's grouchy response earns him throws both of them for a loop, honestly. Porrim's expression shifts from general disapproval to disapproval and befuddlement, even if it earns Annihilate a laugh from the sour-looking cremello. However, the filly is enthusiastic about playing the I'm-your-family game (and technically, in a distant sort of sense, it is not a lie), and so when she flounces over to Porrim's side, the yellow mare cranes her neck and noses affectionately at the strange filly's withers. It's not even entirely an act. Porrim has become significantly fonder of foals since Uisce came into her life (and, granted, left just as suddenly and quietly). “Well, you didn't exactly make it difficult,” she teases. “You shouldn't speak to strangers like that, sweetheart, it's...”

    Porrim trails off as Gryffen speaks up, blinking slowly at his request. “... Rude,” she finishes, cocking her head briefly as she gives him another once-over. “Well, I hardly think it's necessary for you to personally speak to her parents when I'm fully capable of passing the word along myself, but if you insist, which name would you like?” Her eyes narrow slightly. “Her mother's, you know--” She glances pointedly at Annihilate, a not in front of the kid sort of look. “--Can't speak,” she fills in, hurriedly. “Most of the family knows her as Spectre, but she's got more nicknames than I've got relatives.” Her mother had been a rambling presence in the Meadow some decades before – the least she could do was posthumously lend her name for a moment or two.

    Gryffen relaxes as soon as Annihilate starts prodding him for an introduction, and so Porrim does too – at least to an extent. One ear remains trained warily on the rambunctious filly (Please, she thinks, do not divebomb this one also) as Gryffen somewhat reluctantly offers his name, and – oh. From the Chamber. Fabulous. “Well... her manners aren't perfect, but she did remember to introduce herself,” she remarks mildly, offering him a wry smile. “As I'm sure everyone within earshot heard - Nova. Of... everywhere, as of late.” A pause as she bumps her nose affectionately against Annihilate's shoulder, attempting to catch her eye. “I think you owe Gryffen an apology, hon.” Even if she would prefer to just saunter off with the kid in tow.

    OOC; Gryffen's new html is lovely, omg <3 Porrim's decided to stop playing nice at the LAST possible second and I can't seem to iron out the issue (table bg color is giving me hella grief) so we are going to go without for the time being, apparently.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: burn everything you love then burn the ashes; anyone fun - by Porrim - 08-25-2015, 08:09 PM

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