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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The north wind meets the sea - Izora Lethia
    Leilan had honestly not passed through Taiga a lot - at least, not formally. In fact he had for a long while after his return, actively made sure he didn’t cross their borders - or it’s leader. With Ruan and Lilitha, he once had decided not to get involved, having enough trouble on his own; when he next visited, Aten led a near-empty Taiga, and it was after the arrival of this woman, Lethia, that Taiga had truly started to grow - well, and Lilliana probably, too. But during their troubled times he had no longer led the Isle, and felt no need to get himself involved with Lepis and Wolfbane - a latter a younger man he once knew, but feels more and more he does not, not anymore. Lepis might perhaps think the same, he wonders; but none of that should cloud his conversation with the pleasant mare before him.

    He nods to her when she mentions the Isle’s recent destruction. ”Unfortunately we just hadn’t enough time to react, what with Jesper gone at the moment. I sometimes get the idea he still eats himself up about it.” he admits, but shakes his head. What’s done is done, and bringing up the past means there’ll be no breakthroughs towards a better future. He shrugs. ”I’ve done what I could for the Isle for now, but I feel it’s not enough. It’s still not as bustling with activity as it should be,” he muses, tail moving idly when he thinks of his recent discussion with Oceane. ”Loess offered to send Noah over for a day, but a day wouldn’t be enough for her to heal our meadows. Now I have Alcinder in my care, instead. Perhaps he’ll help mend things long-term, by getting to know us northerners.” he tilts his head at Lethy curiously, but holds himself back before blurting out thathe mainly asked for teenagers because they need mares and children out there. They wouldn’t want to go, at least not the majority, and he doesn’t want to softly-force a Taigan kid like he did the Loessian son.

    Shaking himself, he settles to listen to the buckskin mare, and outs a short laugh when she tells him it will be interesting. Whether or not that means what all that is about, the roan knows he won’t get any more information out of Izora today, and takes his defeat while instantaneously focusing on what is more readily at hand. ”Of course, let’s take a walk then. Is there any spot in Taiga you like better than others, as a destination? Or perhaps Lilli’s favourite, if you know which that is.” he wonders aloud. After all, he just arrived, and honestly, spending time with a maturely beautiful woman would be just the thing for him, on this afternoon. He hasn’t in a long time thought about women that way - not since... was it Yuki who’s the youngest? That had been back in Hyaline. So perhaps he is finally getting over... a certain someone. Hmm, or perhaps not then.

    His ears perk forward when Izora mentions the raiders, and his baritone voice chuckles a bit. ”Ah, we’re a rough people, but good enough at heart, or so I like to believe. You could hardly blame us for taking food elsewhere, if the only green on the Isle is in the night sky.” He rolls his shoulders a little, then slides up next to the mare, waiting for her lead. He’s quite certain he hasn’t seen everything yet, especially not at the heart of the land.
    nothing burns like the cold

    @[Izora Lethia]
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

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    RE: The north wind meets the sea - Izora Lethia - by Leilan - 06-12-2020, 09:04 AM

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