As she is staring suspiciously back at him, Brienna takes a small half-step backwards. He may have forced her to stop but that doesn’t mean she intends to let him get to close. She has the advantage of being atop her small knoll and she means to keep it, just in case he turns into a four-eyed fox or a multiple-headed polar bear.
Her ears are still pinned into the pale green of her mane and her eyes remained narrowed, fixated on him.
The stallion looks … amused? Why? she thinks. Brienna isn’t entirely sure of what is so funny (though if she had known how ridiculous she had looked running from a bird, she would have laughed) "Okay, twinkle hooves,” she sasses under her muttered breath, commenting on his ability to change shape as well as his speed. Faster than her, apparently.
"That depends,” the spotted yearling says. Bri doesn’t take another step back but the longer he stands talking to her, the more obvious it becomes that he isn’t going to eat her. Perhaps she should know better than to keep talking to a stranger but even she can’t doubt that there is something of a familial resemblance between the two of them, spots and all. For as long as he been talking with her, there might be some truth in his statement. Maybe he is her uncle.
At that moment, the saving sound of hoofbeats carries over the Nerinian moorlands and the filly glances back briefly to find her twin approaching. Finally, her expression says. While Brienna has made the assumption that the shape-shifting stallion won’t eat her, she still doesn’t trust him enough to give up her exalted position on her little hill. @[Fechin], thankfully, seems to know this and comes alongside her sister.
Brienna turns her head to briefly regard her sister before candidly saying: "Fun?”
While Fechin might have viewed the whole interaction as somewhat humorous, the tired runner feels fatigued and somewhat exasperated. "He thinks that he’s our uncle,” Brienna explains. Her eyes linger on her sisters asking silently, what do we think?
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
[open] Not all who wander are lost; family!
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