He waits, the first drops of rain finding their way through the architecture of fronds and branches, speckling his mahogany coat with damp, onyx-dark spots. The flames which dance across his body spit and hiss as the rain falls into them, burning hotter to counter it.
And then, she is there.
He had thought he was above this, that the sight of her wouldn't make him feel one hundred different things. She harbors a longing that strikes him when he sees it, softening the bitter-sweet lines of her face as she speaks his name.
He wants to fall to his knees, to fall into her endlessly, but something is wrong. The moment which he had anticipated is nothing like reality. He had been prepared for her to react in so many different ways, but nothing could have prepared him for this.
The curve of her belly and all the possibilities it implies cause the muscles of his neck jerk as his jaw clenches shut over the words he was about to say. He is left speechless, the pressure building inside of him as he stands stunned, cuckolded.
He trembles, taking an unsteady step forward as he feels the red-hot blood rushing into his face and limbs. He feels weak. He feels unbridled fury. He feels the flames in a way he hadn't since he was young - in a way that reminds him that he hasn't changed at all.
The detached facade he wore so often was shed now, there was no hope of hiding the storm that ripped through his chest. The flames grown, wings sprout from his shoulder and the forest starts to burn. But he doesn't notice; the power of his mismatched gaze never leaves her face.
"There's someone else," he snarls, using everything he has to stay where he stands. "Where is he."
so scream you, out from behind the bitter ache.