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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    No mile as long as the one that leads home - Brennen, any

    That he stops coming closer is enough for her, the dappled mare draws herself up to her usual height, those bear cub ears lifting almost imperceptibly from where they lay flat against her poll and the skin around her nostrils softens. It’s a small difference, but enough to say that she sees his wordless recognition of her demands, and that she will be ignoring any further nonsense, provided it stays over there. Her gaze turns from Leilan to the winged bay making his way to them, and if she notices that his greeting is not to her first, she neither comments, nor cares. Her own attention is halved by the boy creeping back towards the dusky dragon, enraptured by the way ice grows from his breath and the insects flee.

    They are none of them perfect examples of politicians, and perhaps that is just as well.

    “I did.”

    That’s it, that’s all she says, letting the windy silence of Nerine fill the gap of conversation before carrying on, her eyes, like the Magician’s, also falling on the colt trying hard to mimic Leilan. It’s a fool’s errand, of course, all his excited snorting at the grass does no more than result in a fit of sneezing that knocks him into a seated position, wings and legs askew. He shakes his head, still sitting, readjusting his wings with care.

    If he winces slightly as his left wing extends and tucks back against his small body, Neverwhere pretends not to notice - children are always finding ways to hurt themselves – and his full attention is back on the grasshoppers jumping away. With an excited squeal the gold-dappled colt splits apart, and two boys hare off after the bounding bugs, quickly over-running them, just as quickly forgetting them to leap and chase one another in circles around the frosted stallion.

    His mother turns to Brennen once again.

    “I need the North safe from Wolfbane,” the still-new scars clawed out across her skin are a road map of the damage of which he is capable, the tooth piercing her shoulder twitching as her skin jumps, irritable, “His curse has progressed beyond simple theft and he is a danger to everybody in it. I’d prefer the whole kingdom, but if that isn’t possible, at least one place in Nerine needs to be free of him.”

    She gives a pointed look at the tobacco-colored colt, who has blended together into one again and stands at Leilan’s knee, watching his (sadly) ice-less breath turn to fog over those cold scale.

    “He’s drawn to his children, and he has more than one of those here." She thinks of the worry that looms behind Lilli's bright eyes and the the anger and hatred that fuels her own interactions with him, "We need your help.”

    Image by Ratty

    @[Brennen] @[Leilan] @[Djinni]

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    RE: No mile as long as the one that leads home - Brennen, any - by Neverwhere - 05-29-2020, 11:45 PM

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