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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    symphonies exploding in the sky | elio
    and since you’re the only one that matters,----------------
    ----------------tell me: who do i run to?

    Away on an adventure, Elio says, and Pteron gives him a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. An adventure it has been, but not the sort he had wanted. Nearly a year spent looking for Aegean, a year trying to make up for what he had done in sending him away from Taiga in his efforts to keep the peace. He’d found him in the end though, Pteron reminds himself. He’d found him and each moment since has been wonderous.

    The scars and the confirmation that Elio has returned to Taiga does elicit a brief flash of concern, but it is quashed as Pteron takes another long breath and finds no scent of Reia clinging to his brother. So the red stallion’s injuries are from another source, it seems, and not one that he feels the need to immediately divulge. Pteron understands - children are a far easier topic than many others.

    “I’m a bit foggy on the details myself,” the dun stallion admits, rolling his winged shoulders in a casual shrug and speaking in a relaxed tone that does not quite match the wicked look in his olive eyes: “My current theory is that if the sex is good enough, Magic will sometimes give you a child as a trophy.” It is difficult to keep his composure as he says this, but he does so. Elio though, raised by the same woman who had taught Pteron to hide his emotions, could surely see the laughter that pulls his lips taut and dances behind his green eyes.

    “I take it that you’ve not been practicing enough,” Pteron continues loftily. “Or is that why you moved to Taiga? You made your way through Loess and needed to find something new?” When he had been Elio’s age, Pteron had done much the same. It does not occur to him that the same might not be so for his younger brother. Elio is as good-looking as the rest of their family, after all, and the scars add a bit of flair (as though he needs it with those bright markings). As he finishes speaking, Pteron chivies Elio’s shoulder with a few playful nips, the mask of somberness falling away quickly.


    -- pteron --


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    RE: symphonies exploding in the sky | elio - by Pteron - 05-28-2020, 07:13 AM

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