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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    every scar will build my throne; any

    every scar and bone will build my throne

    I forget some times, that no everyone is made of steel and iron. I forget that when I tell my mother a lie; only small ones, but still you do not lie to your mother, especially one who's eyes can turn to ice in moments. And I do forget that not everyone is like me, in the sense that they take something dark and make it even darker. I notice Wayra's skin twitch, her eyes widening. I shake my head, dishevelling the dark tendrils of mane as I do. I reach my muzzle out and touch her skin, her shoulder, then her neck. She is strangely soft, her blue skin does not feel quite like I had imagined. She looks like shadow, but feels like silk. I then pull back, unamused and quite stunned. I snort. 'I did not mean to scare you.' my tone is darker than intended, and as my ears soften back against my crown, my head dips to the earth, pushing the ashen remains about, distractingly. Feeling the pulse quite rigid, quite alive.

    'What happens when you rip someone's heart out? I thought that they would die. But Atrox, he is not dead. So.. the Chamber. Will she survive, like Atrox does? Or will she crumble in and we lose all the pines and the flaming tree?' Somewhere in the distance, the darker parts of the woods, I hear the siren like call of the wolves. They are both eerie and haunting and delectably beautiful. I can imagine that the sound is quite alarming to those who do not know or understand. But when you've slumbered to their call, and watched them haunt the grounds like shifting ghouls, you know that they mean no harm. There are more harmful things in the living souls of the residents here, than of the predatory wolves.

    'Maybe it is not us that make the plans, more our parents.' my tone is wistful, a thought that occurs to me and hits me like an arrow. I let it embed deep inside of me, and remain. The thought, the thought of being what they want, rather than what I want. Ah, but I was in the same ship as Wayra. I knew not what I really wanted. I stepped forward again, bridging the small gap I had allowed. She had calmed considerably, and I stretched my muzzle back out, this time not touching her silk-like skin. 'Perhaps we sail the same ship, Wayra. Do you care for an adventure?' a chuckle breaks the still silence and my amber eyes light up as they watch her, watch her fumble around with thoughts and words. she seemed far too delicate to wander the pines, she was dressed as a shadow, but was a greater light than anything else.

    'Beqanna is full of fantastical creatures. But one never knows when a dragon may be lurking. A serpent, a beast.' my eyes widen a little, the grin on my lips ever widening. 'Perhaps Vercingetorix will be a name feared, revered. and perhaps, perhaps he will save those damsels.' I snort here, the breath coming in plumes of mist around my face as the cold winter's grasp clutches the chamber. 'But not everyone needs saving. I'm sure there are girls that want to be saved, but then there are those that don't even know it.' I pause, eyes flickering, having not noticed they had dropped to the floor. They rose to meet Wayra, roam her body, her eyes and settle there, watchful, observant. Almost seeming to swallow her very existence into my eyes. 'I would want to save them, the ones that don't know it. Perhaps the reward is far greater.' Ah, ah, there, right there, the spark inside of me. I shook my had, grunted a little and turned my gaze away from the blue girl, to study the curves of the pines, the aged lines. 'Have you ever told a tree a secret? I'm sure they have heard many and yet, they are the most trusted in the world...'


    killdare x engelsfors


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    RE: every scar will build my throne; any - by Vercingetorix - 08-25-2015, 07:12 AM

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