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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    resurrect the saint within the wretch; flower

    She steps in closer to him without hesitation and the gesture makes his heart clench. His vision is still burning in his mind - pieces of her strewn about, moonlight glittering through each fragile fractile - and he sighs with a heavy shudder, closing his white-lidded eyes as if to block it out. He can feel her tender gaze on him, searching his face for answers to what he is telling her - he hides the truth, because he cannot bear to tell her, but he cannot hide the way it affects him and she can see right through the facade. She reaches towards him, her touch hard and cool against the heat of the Tephran air which he then inhales deeply. Her radiant smile burdens him all the more, for now having seen it he cannot bear to see it gone from her lovely face. 

    There is something like a chuckle that leaves him as he snorts softly. “They never make sense,” he assures her, his dark oceanic eyes flickering to meet her gaze. But only for a moment before he looks back out over the ocean as if holding her eyes with his own is too much for him to handle. His brow furrows, almost with confusion, but with deep darkness within its shadow. “I can’t leave mine behind.” They’re always with me. Even visions that have come to pass still plague his mind, like his father being attacked by sickness or the cries of the past war. When he actually is dreaming it is just a replay of what he’s seen, over and over, never ending.

    Maybe I can teach you how to dream.

    This causes his gaze to fall back to her, tilting his head slightly, curious. He narrows his eyes at her questioningly, searching her gold irises and finding himself lost within them again, before her voice reminds him of the present. He smiles because she smiles, a soft huff on his pale lips. It would be in vain, he knows, but there is something about the idea, coming from her, that makes him willing to try it. She tugs at the darkness of his black mane, urging him. He blinks as she lowers herself, unmoving save for his navy eyes following her rubied body as she curls her legs beneath her, the sound a soft hissing whisper against the sand. His white wing that once sheltered her remains frozen for a moment before he quietly tucks it against his sides.

    Lay down with me.

    Suddenly the moment is all the more intimate and a flat line finds his lips as he hesitates. “Flower, I... ” Only a few moments pass, however, and then bay and white stallion tucks his chin to his chest, bending his forelegs to allow his entire weight to fall heavily onto the black sand beach. He avoids her eyes, though he desperately wants to look into their molten gold depths once again. He champs nervously, resettling his large wings so that they are neatly against his dark barrel, tendrils of forelock now haphazardly across his white face with his movement downward. He turns his face to her, still refusing to meet her gaze, with a stoicism she would now find familiar as he waits, unwilling to admit aloud how wonderful it would be if this somehow helped him, or even how wonderful it would feel if she would decide to move closer to him.



    Messages In This Thread
    RE: resurrect the saint within the wretch; flower - by Warden - 05-24-2020, 11:47 AM

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