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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  You’ll lose yourself in the clouds; Svedka

    let my shadows prove the sunshine

    There is a slight frown that creases the soft pink of his lips, the lightheartedness leaving his face for a moment in the realization that there might not be any way to undo or avenge what has been done to her. The seriousness is out of place on the sharp angles of his champagne and ivory face, though it does nothing to take away from his handsomeness. He wonders if they’ll ever know or understand what exactly has happened to her. What would have happened if she had stumbled across anyone besides himself today? Svedka pauses the thought with a soft snort, expelling it from his mind. She had not come across anyone else; no need to dwell on what might have happened to her. The fairies had deemed it so that she would return to them safely, even though they did nothing to help her remember her past. Just as they did nothing to remove his own curse of the puma. Perhaps it was his burden to bear, just as not having a past would be Ilma’s. 

    He inhales deeply, gathering his thoughts before chuffing gently, his mouth turning upwards in a tender smile. “No matter,” he replies assuredly, pressing the broad of his forehead against the perfect white of her own, his brilliant blue gaze closing momentarily. He would be her anchor, if need be, to remind her where she had always belonged even if her memories cannot help her with that realization. Svedka straightens, turning his head slightly to check her expression with inquisitive and curious blue eyes. He finds her smiling and his heart leaps, matching hers with a broader, brighter grin that encapsulates Svedka’s cheery disposition in a single expression. He’s not exactly sure what he’s done to make her smile, only that he is simple elated that he’s done so. The darkness that has shrouded them both for so long seems to dissipate, all uncertainty evaporating into the chill of winter’s air.

    Svedka moves so that he can stand beside her, shoulder to shoulder, pointed northwest towards Tephra. “Then let us focus on the future,” he decides, his golden shoulder gently pressing into the pale of her own, while he leans towards her to sentimentally nuzzle her. “I’d like to show you Tephra, if you’re comfortable.” Svedka pauses, leaning back slightly to watch her reaction. “We could take the long way.” He’d hate to rush her into something so new so quickly; she’s technically only just met him, after all.



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    RE: You’ll lose yourself in the clouds; Svedka - by Svedka - 05-18-2020, 08:27 AM

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