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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Not your baby // Any
    Tarte squeaks and Capulet draws just a few inches back, chin tucking closely to his chest in surprise. He isn't sure if he is upset that she surprised him or that he surprised her. Shadows twist and whirl erratically in tune with his withdrawal, and when he opens his mouth just the tiniest bit in shock, sharp teeth glint beneath filtered light.

    Cap can't feel displeasure for long, though - for his eyes are quickly drawn to the whip and curl of the demon girl's tail. Its elegant movement reminds him of the way his body seems to float, noiseless and dark and terribly unequine. The shadow boy doesn't feel displacement, though, being raised by a family of shadow and fog; so he doesn't find kinship in otherness, but he does wonder (in a child's way) if they're related.

    The pair's noses brush, Capulet's edges blurring in the way shadows do. A smile lifts his lips, genuine even if his teeth are frightening. They look natural there, like two of the Devil's henchman crossing paths after years apart.

    "I'm fine," Cap says, breaking the silence. "You look hungry, though," he adds with a lean, eyes peeking over Tarte's jutting ribs. "Did your stomach just growl?"


    Messages In This Thread
    Not your baby // Any - by Tarte - 05-03-2020, 09:39 AM
    RE: Not your baby // Any - by capulet - 05-11-2020, 06:49 PM
    RE: Not your baby // Any - by Tarte - 05-13-2020, 03:55 PM
    RE: Not your baby // Any - by capulet - 05-16-2020, 10:16 AM
    RE: Not your baby // Any - by Tarte - 05-17-2020, 03:50 PM
    RE: Not your baby // Any - by capulet - 05-20-2020, 09:37 PM
    RE: Not your baby // Any - by Tarte - 05-27-2020, 07:18 PM

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