i've been around this world and now everything's a bore
i don't know that much, but i know about keeping score
Asphyxea, as petulant and as proud as ever, is revelling in her prize. It wasn't long ago that she had asked her mother to fly to Hyaline and bring home some fruit. Her parents' stories of other kingdoms often included things Phyx lusts after and - a sweet, sweet plum is just the thing to sate her child's ferocity.i don't know that much, but i know about keeping score
Little tendrils of fire and smoke rise from the corners of her mouth. It's an instinctual reaction, one that shows how pleased she is with her little pile of fruit sure to give her a stomach ache. Her little talons dig excitedly into the ground as she crouches to take an excited bite -
- only to be horribly interrupted by her mischievous brother.
The filly screeches, flipping around to face the noise only to find wings she doesn't realize are wings closing around her. Panic rises in her chest and she truly thinks she is about to die, that this creature with talons and a fierce jump couldn't possibly her brother.
Gar's leap knocks Asphyxea over, and she lands with and oomph on her side. She flips over immediately, kicking her legs and flexing her talons to protect herself. The creature flies off of her and if it makes a cry of pain, the teal girl doesn't hear it over the ringing in her ears.
Phyx flies upward then spins around, kicking sand up at she goes. She stares at the creature, suddenly realizing its her brother at the same time she realizes there is blood on her front claws.
"Yadigar!" she screeches again, rushing forward, furious. The plums are scattered and crushed, forgotten. Phyx looks at them, even angrier, and then realizes with a deflating chest that her brother is still crouching - hurt.
"Gar?" she says, this time whispering, moving forward to press her nose to his face. "Are you okay?"
and if there's one thing i know for sure,
it'd be a long cold day in hell when i take you back
it'd be a long cold day in hell when i take you back
this actually made me very sad :(