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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    love is a temporary madness... {diplomats, any}
    love is a temporary madness...
    Russet gaze moving between the two mares before her, she studies them circumspectly. The golden mare is smooth-tongued and courteous, hiding her thoughts and emotions behind a veil of glamour and charm. The Chamber’s queen is less the consummate actress in her demeanor, the barest hint of impatience shining through. She could well understand this. Likely Straia had far better things to do than entertain what could, at best, be considered a courtesy call.

    Her attention turns easily back to the golden mare as she asks after their king. She pauses for a moment, considering how best to describe the Dale’s new ruler to them. As with anybody, Ramiel is so multi-faceted that it is difficult to sum him up in a few words. And even were she so inclined, she would have difficulty finding anything bad to say of him. She would have been hard pressed to name a better choice for their new ruler. Ramiel had been devoted to the Dale since the day of his birth, had put himself entirely into becoming a fit king for the day he would inherit the throne.

    “He is stoic, though his heart is brave and true. He will lead the Dale well.”

    Her words are simple, describing him as best she can in few words. She does not expound on her explanation, finding no reason to. They would find out for themselves soon enough just what sort of king Ramiel would be. She turns her attention then to Straia’s words, smile resting easily upon her lips.

    “I am delighted to see and hear that the Chamber is recovering so well. The Dale is also well. Growing, in fact.”

    Just as Straia does not mention many things, neither does she. Though the Dale had been quiet for many years, life is stirring within their borders now. She and the other members had been putting themselves diligently forward in an effort to ensure its expansion. The Dale is no longer content being small and quiet.

    “It seems that you are doing the same. I do hope that our kingdoms can remain on friendly terms.”

    Or if not friendly, at the very least cordial, though she does not say this aloud. The Chamber had never been known for its friendliness.

    “I do not wish to take up too much of your time. I’m sure you both have much better things to do than to entertain me all day.”
    image c nadyabird.deviantart.com; html c Insane

    Messages In This Thread
    love is a temporary madness... - by Elysteria - 08-24-2015, 01:01 PM

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