There's not much that happens in Tephra that Saint is not perfectly aware of. That thread of magic that keeps her tied to the land also gives her the strength to be constantly patrolling, just a simple dragon princess casting her serpent shadow over the tropical kingdom. She loves it, the black shadows of her wings ballooning when she strokes down, then shrinking when she flies up.
That is what she does when she spots Isilya and the Icicle Isle leader. At first, she doesn't think much of the encounter, and continues to study the heat signatures of the nervous creatures below (her stomach rumbles, she's hungry, and she thinks she might ignore the pair to hunt); but when she draws in her next deep breath, the distinct scent of dragon drags her into a sharp turn.
"Hmmm," Saint hums to herself, circling high enough above the pair to appear mostly nondescript. Her infrared vision turns off and she studies them, able to just make out their colors from her height.
Suddenly, the dragonness tucks her wings tightly to her sides and enters a deep dive. Saint's princess nature has always given her a bit of a flair for dramatics, this frightening descent being a bit of a show she relishes in.
Saint flares her wings out at the last minute, shifting quickly into her horse form but keeping her wings, back legs swinging violently forward as she violently lands. The grass beneath her hooves gives way as transforms back into her dragon, talons digging into soft, soft dirt. The talons curl and uncurl, Saint being one inherently suspicious of other dragons having been born to protect a recently burnt down kingdom.
Still, though cautious, Saint remains calm and crouches behind Isilya, curling in such a way that might indicate she is protective of the queen.
"Hello," she states clearly, but otherwise remains quiet.
into the fray
@[Isilya] @[Leilan]