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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    every scar will build my throne; any

    every scar and bone will build my throne

    When I was much younger than I am now, when my legs were far more gangly and my eyes as wide as the moon that shone through the pines, within the darkest evenings. My mother told me of tales, adventures and of the harsh truth of life. She told me that life dealt you such cards that made you have to make due with what you had, but of course you would work for more, work for what you want, for what you need. She painted this new world in such a black and white picture, perhaps I had not stopped to see that there was indeed colour splashed around the pines. The toadstools that grew just off from where I slept, they were very vibrant. And the way the sun pierced through some sunrise and sunset, well that was certainly neither black nor white. My mother had a way with words, like the sun had a way of warming your spine, and the moon had a way of retaining all mystery and intrigue. My mother was my mother, and it was from her, I learn much.

    My father, he is the stone that holds us all together. He is the soldier, the face of a knight. Without him, I dare think what just might breach the borders of the Chamber. If they both had their home here, and had their hearts stolen from the Chamber, then what of I?

    'It is alive, Wayra. Very much so.' I say, idle for a while in my contemplations. My silver lips upturned into the briefest of purest smiles, before twisting back to the smirk that normally adorns my features. I take a few steps forward, paling the blue roan girl with my silver-bronze frame, I pass her and then stop, just on from the tree in the distance was the deepest, darkest region of the chamber. I lowered my nose and pressed it against the earth. Ash and cinder, dust and grime, it meshes with my skin, knits with my bone. I was created here, born here, and perhaps, perhaps regardless of the outcome of my existence, I may just die here too.

    'Do you hear it, below us?' I turn my head, swinging at the end of my willowy neck. Amber eyes glistening with a newfound exhilaration. I had pressed on with the golden mare, my father, they had shown me the scars upon the earth, where the heartbeat was the strongest. The gentle pulse beneath us now, was a thrum of life and energy. It was both exhilarating and most frightening a thought.

    'The Chamber, she has a heart.' as if talking of the lady, the forest goddess, the fiery princess, I am hushed, daring to speak aloud. 'It isn't hers though. She stole it, took it from a man.' I talk with the energy and vibrancy that matches my amber eyes as I turn back towards Wayra. Truth be told, it was nice to have another to talk to, to seek out a form of adventure, to just be.. a child with. Through the year I have lived, it was quite true that I had not had much time to be a child. There was just so much activity that was child-friendly here. And that is when you make it yourself.

    'Atrox. And I heard he is back. Whether or not to try and reclaim it, I don't know.' the smirk had faded and for now a frown furrowed my lips, my wrinkling brow. I shook my head, dishevelling ribbons of darkness to cascade across my face. 'She is dangerous, The Chamber. If she can take hearts, souls. then what else might she take if not your own life too?' such a dreary subject weighs heavy upon my shoulders and for the briefest of moments I met the girl's gaze and I stepped even closer, enticed by the gentle thrum of her own heart and the life that coursed through her veins.

    She was right, the Chamber it was very much alive. The trees, the earth, even the leaves. They watched, they waited. They were, just like us. they were.

    'I dare say that I'm sure many here have lost their hearts to the chamber, not quite as literal as Atrox. But I do not know. Do I wish to give such a thing to a kingdom, a land?' My gaze left the girl and moved, to scan the trees, the thick trunks and the mystical haze that seems to radiate the chamber gorse. I shook, my entire body, ridding myself from a layer of dust. 'Ah, maybe. Maybe one day I will see her for what she really is.' My tone is low, thoughtful and smooth. I turn back to Wayra, walking forward to align myself in a way that makes us equal. Together. A friend. Oh, it would be nice to have a friend. And not the burly boys from the playground that inhibit my darker side, but a girl, a girl that brings out another side. After all, my father had my mother.

    'What do you want, Wayra? Out of life, out of this?' I pause, 'Ah, that is rather a big question. Who truly knows what life brings, if not nothing but surprises?' After all, seeing her, here, that was a mighty surprise.


    killdare x engelsfors


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    RE: every scar will build my throne; any - by Vercingetorix - 08-24-2015, 06:04 AM

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