infinity overhead
and i whisper, are you listening?
The heather is dying with the coming of fall and she finds herself standing in the midst of it, enjoying the way the withering stems lashes against her limbs with the breeze. The coolness is inviting, she doesn’t mind the way it chills her. Her fur hasn’t grown much, the jungle doesn’t allow it, so it makes her shiver with each passing gust. It’s becoming odd how the heat is starting to bother her, how she seems to seek out the cold more and more. Everything about her screams that she is a sister, that she can’t leave. And yet… And yet. Maybe her time there is done. Maybe it’s time for this jaguar to change her spots.
Constantly lost, lost in her mind, lost in her home. Decisions weighing on her, Lion constantly haunting her dreams. The Meadow is her only escape. The only time she can somewhat clear her head although the former Dale King always seems to catch in the corner of her eye, making her spin quickly and searching the shadows for a figure that’s not there. It’s become obvious that the former Khaleesi is not what she had once been. This is a shell of the powerful and intelligent being she had once been. And she searches… How she searches! Searching for answers, searching for peace. Just something, give me something! Something that makes me whole again.