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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the dead are crawling from their graves (ALL KINGDOM)
    Fennick’s timing had never been great. He often wondered if it was something he was doing, or if he really was just that unlucky. He wasn’t sure if he would prefer the latter. If he was just terrible then maybe he could change, if he was an unlucky son of a bitch…well there wasn’t much to be done about that, was there?

    This decision, however, Fennick was sure about. He was going to the Valley, and it was going to be great. Really great, he was sure of it. He would make a name for himself, he would shape the life he lived, and the world he lived in.

As he wound his way through the rocky path, and the mountains surrounding the valley loomed up before him. He felt his confidence grow, a sense of purpose he never felt before blossomed in his chest.

    Fennick wasn’t sure why he wanted to go to the Valley, and that’s why he was so sure about the decision. It was totally random! As far as he knew, he had no family there, no friends. There was no reason at all for him to go there. It was best thing he could do, to remove himself from the equation, to not use an ounce of logic or reason when making this decision. When he thought about something it never worked out for him. In a way, this moment was the ultimate test. If he was truly just unlucky, then this decision would blow up in his face. If it worked out, well then he would know it was his thought process that was causing him nothing but grief.

    Fennick grinned. This plan was perfect.

    The stallion’s steps faltered. Ahoy there! A kingdom meeting in progress! What truly perfect timing! He would arrive, introduce himself, and his new life of prosperity and good fortune would begin. Fennick could hardly contain himself, and he allowed a few jigging trot steps to hasten his way to the gathering.

    This was the first day of the rest of his life, and he must not be late!

As he neared the gathering the shapes, so fuzzy and small in the distance, began to form. There was the speaker, strange with his jaguar spots, and a crowd of faces beginning to cluster around. Who was he, the speaker? Did he rule the Valley? What was his name supposed to be? Fennick sighed inwardly, he wanted this decision to be random, but maybe he should have researched it just a little bit before arriving. He didn’t even know who he was supposed to speak to.

    Oh well, there was nothing to do but catch up. Fennick quietly joined the group and struggled to catch up with the conversation. 

    Ah, so this chap was Demian…good, good..whoever that was…

    And they were discussing the future of the Valley! Excellent, that was a future Fennick wanted to be apart of!

    Demian thought a ruler should be constant. So did Fennick! Wow this was going well!

    Wait…hold the phone…what was he doing now? Suggesting a new ruler?

    "Ah, damn it!”
    Fennick all but wailed. Why did this keep happening to him?

    ”What am I?! Some god damn bad luck charm?” Fennick was starting to lose his cool a little. Why did everything he touch die?! He’d been in the valley for less than 10 minutes. Less than 10 minutes! And they were already staging a coup.

    Fennick took a few shaky breathes. He had interrupted their meeting, and he was beginning to grow embarrassed about that. He cleared his throat, awkwardly, and tried again.

    “Erm…pardon me. I’m Fennick, and I came to join the Valley. Clearly you’re in the middle of something, carry on.” Ah yes, a smooth recovery. Fennick smiled to himself. All in all, this wasn’t going so bad.

    my father was a whale

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    RE: the dead are crawling from their graves (ALL KINGDOM) - by Fennick - 08-23-2015, 08:25 PM

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