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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'll learn to breathe deep and make peace with the stars; for shah
    He has never noticed the shadows that hide in their eyes when they turn and smile at him, never noticed the flicker of remembering or how it traces strange lines of tension across jaws clenched a shade too tight. He has only ever known their love, and it has built a gentle heart inside his chest, one without walls or scars or long fissures buried and ready to break. Their gift to him is a wholeness that leaves sunshine in his smile and summer in his beautiful brown eyes, trust in the absence of knowing what living wound lives inside them.

    There is such sunshine in his delicate face now as he watches his parents wake and touch one another, a gentle love full of gentle smiles and gentle kisses. He knows little yet, but he does know that they love each other, and that it is the best gift either one could have given the other. Besides him, of course. The little dark colt cannot help but to interrupt them, pushing into their embrace and nuzzling mom’s black chest, dad’s smoky blue shoulder. He loves them so much.

    But he is distracted when dad speaks, and his first words aren’t no - though, truly, they so rarely are. Phosphor gasps, his little black tail waggling furiously as excitement races through his tiny body. “You actually know a dragon?!” His eyes are so wide with awe and wonder, a shade of brown the color of dew-damp bark. But of course dad knows a dragon, dad knows literally everything!

    “I don’t mind the cold!” He promises so fervently, promises well before he really hears dad or the agreement that comes out of his own whiskered mouth. Oh. Cold? His face wrinkles as he thinks, his little curved ears drooping sideways and then flicking back, because thinking is such hard effort. “I mean, I’m pretty fluffy, right?” His voice is gentler now, just a shade unsure because he knows he wants to be brave, but he isn’t sure he has any idea how to be. But mom must notice his gentle concern, because she nuzzles her soft lips along the crest of his neck and up to his ears until his worry melts and soft giggles take their place. “You are bravest Phosphor I know.” She promises, kissing his brow as he bumps his head against her.

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    RE: i'll learn to breathe deep and make peace with the stars; for shah - by phosphor - 04-22-2020, 09:26 AM

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