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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the dead are crawling from their graves (ALL KINGDOM)
    "you say I'm crazy, but I think I'm freaking amazing."
    I was never one for my mother's plans. For years she had created children with the most powerful stallions she could find in hopes of producing heirs to thrones. Her lust for power had been a most strong one and I had never shared that lust with her. Her plans had never been my own. At least that's what I thought. Though as fate would have it, somehow her plans seemed still align with my life. in ways I could understand what drove my mother to follow the paths of her lust. but I never saw her following those paths for the correct reasons. somehow they all thought, those who lust for power, that they would become eternally immortal. but just like the simplest of horses the memories of queens and kings came and went, the only ones who make significant differences throughout time to be the ones that are truly remembered.

    Though this wasn't at all why I am doing what I am today. I am simply doing this because of the silence that had dug it's claws into the valley. The mornings had become so silent and devoid of equine life that the only creatures that seemed to be heard from were the soaring black birds and flighty deer. I had come here from the tundra thinking the forests of the valley and the surrounding mountains were the perfect place to hide during my periods of being a hermit. I had enjoyed watching the members of the valley grow and multiply. But I had hated seeing the valley fall into a stasis. It was all but of an image of what once was. And it was time for those left, and for the future to help it grow.

    i had been trying for the last year to help the valley grow in the best of ways. New life was always a perfect way to help those of us left to help the valley grow in life and back to the glory it once held. only a team could do this... but as each passing day came and went, I had begun to grow frustrated. my efforts, though many and well made, were too small. and I still found myself wandering the valley's forests in seclusion and quiet torture. it seemed as though without life, a kingdom became undesirable to most no matter how much potential it held within it's borders. recruits had come and gone. sometimes they were unsuccessful in his trying, while others disappeared, never to be seen despite their promises of coming along.

    then the travelers. oh the travelers in search of homes. they never stayed too long. his greetings mere nothings dancing along the wind only to be carried away and becoming lost words. the valley was in a sense a monster in hibernation. waiting to be awoken by those who truly care for her survival and growth. and now was that time. I could feel it somewhere deep inside of me the moment I woke this morning. it was as though the valley were calling silently and as I found my way towards her beautiful center the calls got even louder. adrenaline shot through graying body causing my dappled to tremble. my wings tucked tightly against my sides as the jaguar spots began to glow slightly brighter in reaction to the sudden spike in adrenaline. ears pricked forward, and eyes shining bright I glanced around me and took a deep breath.

    it was time for us to make a difference. it was time to write history. it was time to make a change for the better of the valley as a whole. and with that my nostirls flared before I huffed slightly. and then I was sending out a whinny loud enough to travel across most of the kingdom thanks to the silence spread from corner to corner. it was then I waited for them to come forward, slinking out of the shadows like I had at the beginning of this year. it was always times like these that brought the best from the darkest of corners unable to ignore the changes and drama that situations like these brought forth and it was now that they were needed. all those who were still active within the valley's borders and living their lives with hopes of the activity growing once more.

    who were they to keep the valley from it's full potential? and all he heard from others lately was of the boredom that was overtaking their small lives. so when they were finally standing infront of me, I cleared my throat in order to silence their thoughts and draw attention. "hello everyone. for those of you who have not met me I'm demian," my voice was deep and scratchy, the lack of use evident as I met each of their eyes with my own. "I've called you here today in order to discuss the valleys... state." taking a small breath I stopped to catch nish's eye before continuing. he was probably the closest to me in the sense of a brother, our similarities so well paired. "We have been silent as a kingdom. almost dead in the simplest of terms for too long. the silence has creeped in past the borders, setting us in a sort of slumber." one, two, three. a just long enough pause for the facts to truly sink in. "we as a whole will be noticed by the rest soon enough. the valley will be seen as weak, easy to take. free for conquer if we do not step up to the plate. we must change things. we must grow. we must build... before it is too late. Eight has been gone for too long. The occasional visit is no longer good enough..."

    "A ruler should be constant. A kingdom as a whole a united front. Activity should be crawling within these borders rather than the silence that now does. And the valley should be seen as a force to be reckoned with. We can do this. We can make these changes. Together. As a whole. But we cannot do these things if we continue to flit around ignoring the facts." another deep breath, a temporary pause. again just enough time for them to understand what he was saying. oh yes. that's right lovelies. I am making a move to help the valley and it's up to you all, not just me, on whether or not this will work.

    "I have been trying for weeks to build activity and to recruit new members to our kingdom." catching their eyes to show just how serious he was he continues, "But I have had little to no success. Not due to lack of effort, but simply because the lack of activity in our beautiful kingdom, is not very.. how do you say, tempting to most. Silence fends potential members away, while it brings in those from other kingdoms who wish to take over. and what doesn't make sense is why we would allow for our kingdom to be put at such a point of vulnerability." And that was exactly what they were at this point in time. Vulnerable. They couldn't allow this to last for much longer. Not if they wanted their home taken from them.

    "I gathered you all here today to bring these facts to your attention. But also to suggest that a new ruler be put in place of Eight, though great as he is--," I mean no disrespect and I try to make that obvious before continuing my little speech, "--to rule our kingdom for a time and help it to rebuild." The nerves are slowly wrapping up my legs and with a soft release of air I glance at the entire crowd before putting forward my own suggestion. "I ask for you all to consider myself as an option. I have a plan, that if chosen, I will discuss with you all after this. But I can tell you my only desires and goals are to help the valley build and grow and become the kingdom it once was. though my plans of course include for us to do this together as a whole."

    I choose not to divulge my plans because I don't want any others who wish to take a chance at the throne as well to use my plans as their own or even if possible, against me. sometimes it was good to stay quiet until those right moments. so maybe this is why I refuse to state how my rulership would only last long enough for someone else to prove themselves. I honestly don't want anything to sway their decisions.

    The most important thing was this: if he were to be put in place, he wants them to choose honestly. not for potential future gain. the valley for now was like a delicate flower. and choosing wrong could end them up in an even more difficult situation than they were now. especially when they were unprepared for even the tiniest of disadvantages.


    carnage x adalind

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    the dead are crawling from their graves (ALL KINGDOM) - by demian - 08-23-2015, 03:29 PM

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