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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The road may be long, but it always unwinds // Warlight
    It was breathtaking to feel so close to her after so long apart. To join with her again in this way was a blessing the golden stallion breathed in on every rasping gasp. She was beautifully alive, and beautifully his. 

    He never wanted to stop touching her. The long swim, long walk and long love-making however took their toll as the sun climbed the heavens, leaving the pair hot and damp in their island sanctuary. He smirked at her admonishment, knowing the thick scent in the air was not only of his making. Sweat, sex and saltwater air. It was a cologne he could get used to, and could see she enjoyed it more than she was saying. 

    His teeth nipped playfully at her rump as she darted past into the waiting ocean, loving the curves of her as she moved. For all that he'd just spent considerable time worshipping that body, he found he still couldn't take his eyes off it, off her. The invitation was unnecessary as he'd already begun to follow the hypnotic sway of her hips where they led to the water's edge. The scattering of sand beneath his hooves sounded like rain where it hit the lapping waves, and his head tossed when the ground evened out beneath him again. 

    He joined her in the shallows of their personal beach, the water cool on his exertion-warmed skin. His head ducked beneath the waves a moment, let the water cover him completely on a lungful of air, and then erupted from the surf in a thrashing rear that threw brine in every direction. His laughter rumbled, a husky, deep seated thing that so rarely emerged from his scarred throat. "Better?" He asked, grinning broadly at the antlered mare. 

    With steps slowed by the water's grasp, the fiery maned stallion moved back to her side, stretching his thick neck to nibble fondly at her dark crest. They both deserved a little light heartedness, a little paradise. The world had denied them that on so many turns. It didn't seem wrong to take it back by whatever means they needed to to make things right again. 

    His jaw worked at the knots in her neck and shoulders carefully, feeling the weight she still carried. The worry and the fear that even as they fought for some kind of normalcy, it could be stripped away so very easily. So long it had felt that their lives were not their own, to live by their own rules and desires. Someone else had always been steering, in directions fraught with sorrow. Raul sighed into the wet tangles of her mane, the anxiety that he was getting his hopes up resurfacing as they soaked in the sea. 


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    RE: The road may be long, but it always unwinds // Warlight - by Raul - 04-10-2020, 11:31 AM

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