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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    shadows creep and want grows stronger; any

    There had only been one tragedy in this young girl’s life so far and she had reversed it, made it so it did not happen, and though the echo of the feeling still exists it fades each time she sees her sister alive and well. The knowledge that she can use her magic to change fate has emboldened the young girl, made her believe that she will never be touched by heartbreak again.

    So it is that when she sees it in others, she does not recognize it for what it is.

    She stumbles across the pair accidentally - she had been chasing a frog, marvelling at the way it hurried just ahead of her hooves every time she stepped a little too close. Spots line her body mimicking those of the frogs, though instead of deepest black they are just a shade darker than the crisp white of her body.

    They disappear when she notices the mare, though, and the frog safely slips into the pond. As interesting as the smaller creatures of the world are, Beyza feels drawn to her own kind - there’s always something new for her to discover in them.

    She misses, or does not comprehend, the words of the dragon - though they alert her to his presence. Those all-white eyes widen a little at the sight of him - and, unconsciously, a pair of snow-white dragon wings fold against her side, hugging close. They’re not the soft feathered wings she normally summons when she needs comfort, but she’s far too distracted to try switching them now. She’s only a little afraid, she’s grown up surrounded by monsters after all, and in the end it is the mare who had drawn her attention.

    Beyza stares at the scar, not quite understanding that she shouldn’t, and then as she speaks - her white skin begins to twinkle with light, mimicking the shine in that smallest of galaxies. “You’re very pretty.” She states this the way she would point out the colour of the grass or the sky, or whether it was raining - a simple fact of life.

    And then bits of the dragon’s speech comes back to her - enough for her to remember the word ‘hurt’ - and her crystalline face crumples into concern as she looks up at the mare. “Are you sick? Can I help?”


    something borrowed into something new

    @[luster] BECAUSE I CAN <3

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    RE: shadows creep and want grows stronger; any - by Beyza - 03-11-2020, 06:59 PM

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