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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Lost my faith in wrong and right; Castile

    And there's a lesson waiting to be learned
    the firestarters always get the burns
    and the good guys never get the girl

    She looks at him and still wonders what’s going on in his mind. Sometimes she thinks he may be dangerous, other times he’s just her old friend in a different look, and yet she can’t predict any of his actions. Not in his current state she can’t; he has two different ways of thinking, and while these sometimes overlap, they’re most of the time contradicting, and she could not predict him for the life of her.

    But she doesn’t have to. She could talk to him when they were both much younger, and she can do so now, still. ”Last a little longer, Cas. You’ve an exposed flank in the East.” she tells him - but it’s not in his nature to listen to her when she talks about military strategies, especially now, now when he’s not wholly himself. As himself, he might have understood its meaning far better than he may in the moment, when his dragon-self is conflicting.

    ”I see future actions, Cas, but I can’t read your mind. Until you decide to speak up, I know nothing.” And since Sochi left, he had not decided to confide in anyone yet. But now he does, and she smiles when he starts the description. A newbreeze, huh. Not his confidant Lepis then, but a lover. Interesting choice; but Oceane was a fine choice indeed. He doesn’t know about her forced move however; as the dragon takes over for a moment, Ilma looks to the east, though she can’t see the land.

    When Castile surfaces, it is with more difficulty than she anticipated when she came to see him this morning. Ilma nods gravely, her posture not falling but she also knows she cannot stay longer, her mere presence tempting the predator inside that a fairy thought to just let surface over time. ”As soon as I am able to.” Where and when that was, depended on a few different factors, and she didn’t like either.

    So perhaps, she thinks, it might be safer to leave this information with Lepis as well, before she leaves. ”I’ll leave you to yourself, Cas. Be stronger for as long as you can.” she smiles up at him, faithful that he will hold on a little longer, but knowing that eventually, he’ll just be a dragon on the loose, with no more ties to Loess than to his family.

    and shooting stars cannot fix the world

    @[Castile] we can end here if you like or he can roast her tail when she leaves, either is fine :p
    Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this: men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time

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    RE: Lost my faith in wrong and right; Castile - by Ilma - 02-25-2020, 05:06 PM

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