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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  this is it, the apocalypse

    She hears the scream - and it’s a new noise to her ears. It startles her but mostly it draws her curiosity out from within her, like a rope tugging her forward before she can even think about whether she should find someone else. She is still so small and surely it would have been better to find their parents, or even Ana, to help.

    Beyza had been farther away and she arrives in time to see a white figure descend down a rocky slope and her heart jumps into her throat. “Cali.” At least the scream had not been her twin (and she is certain she would have felt it if it had been), but now she moves a little faster since her sister is involved. Not even hesitating to peer over the ledge before she follows the same treacherous path as her twin - stumbling just as she would have but though Beyza’s eyes are functioning - they are locked on the sight of the two girls at the end of her path.

    It’s a lot to take in - the girl being crushed by rocks, the glowing flowing and then coating Beyza’s twin as she goes to help. Beyza can’t hear the words because her pulse is pounding too loudly in her head, something screaming danger at her.

    And when her twin collapses before she can reach her - Beyza screams too. It erupts from the ghostly filly and echoes in the canyon around them, punctuated with a pulse of white fire that ripples over the rocks like a tide, scorching earth and stone - cleansing and burning the area of the glowing blood (though this is accidental, later Beyza will have time to consider the cause of what’s to come). When it reaches the other fillies it does not harm them, and Beyza is hurrying behind it as the fire shatters the stones pinning the older girl to the ground.

    There are cries, but Beyza feels distant to them and does not know they are coming from her mouth when she collapses close to the two girls - her muzzle tracing along her twin’s beautifully white neck. Her beautiful twin's wings are limp at her sides and somehow Beyza knows that the beautiful spark that was Caledonia no longer exists.

    A headache is forming, but whether it’s from the use of her magic, the pain, the crying, or the proximity to the girl with the glowing blood - it’s impossible to say. She feels as though she is burning alive from the pain of this loss - her first and already it’s one that carves out a portion of her own heart. As she continues to cry, kneeling in the rubble, the fire turns into sparks. Streaks of lightning brighter than sunlight arc around the three fillies and Beyza does more than wish that her sister would get better. She still doesn’t fully understand the magic within her but she calls on it now, digging for the feeling of electricity that accompanies all of her accidental experiments. The lightning that flickers across all three of their bodies does not burn, it heals. Knitting flesh and bones, cleansing blood of radiation, starting a heart that no longer beats. It does not differentiate between the two girls Beyza is curled up next to - though it cannot rid Anomaly of what she is but for now the presence of the radioactive girl is negated against the others as Beyza’s magic purifies this small patch of Pangea.

    That part, the healing and negation of the other girl, is accidental - Beyza is using her magic but the scope of it is not something she can contain just yet. Perhaps her magic knows she would want to heal the other as well. If it had been a conscious choice it would have been after her sister.

    “Come back to me Cali. Come back.” She whispers into her sister’s flesh, white eyes shut tight as diamond tears continue to fall - too afraid of her own failure to open her eyes and see if she’s finally doing something right. Just a little while longer, she thinks, because she can feel her headache transform into exhaustion and the brightness of the lightning begins to fade.


    something borrowed into something new


    if you guys want me to change anything, just let me know <3333

    Messages In This Thread
    this is it, the apocalypse - by Anomaly - 02-22-2020, 11:51 PM
    RE: this is it, the apocalypse - by caledonia - 02-23-2020, 05:17 PM
    RE: this is it, the apocalypse - by Beyza - 02-25-2020, 04:39 PM
    RE: this is it, the apocalypse - by Anomaly - 02-26-2020, 09:25 PM

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