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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    when the evening pulls the sun down - diplomats, shatter me

    i'm a wishful thinker, with the best intentions.

    He is respectful and polite and what I would imagine of a King, a King who has seen much in his life. Yet I know not a thing, he could be a soldier, an underling. But he looks as war-torn as any gentleman may be. I nod slowly, green eyes watchful but not so as observational as normal. He talks of Kingdom Relations and of Shatter Me. A quirk of an invisible brow finds my strawberry face.

    'Shatter Me should be with you shortly, she is never far.' I add an agreeable nod, firming my own thoughts. The dappled Queen was either wandering the Falls, beside her Tiberious (I had seen them, yet said nothing. It was a lovely sight really, and I hoped them the best.) Astute eyes find his discomfort, and I roll my vast shoulders, sidestepping a little. 'You could wait in the shade, if that would make it more comfortable?' my tone is soft, lilting, as caring as one could be to a stranger.

    The sunlight beams upon my back in torrents of tangerine heat, and I shift equally as uncomfortable. Vast frame shivering, knocking away the flies that pester in the stagnant heat. Errant speaks of cold and winter and the idea almost feels a blessing right now. Crunchy snow beneath over dried hooves. A cold, almost refreshing breeze. 'Snow right now, seems like a blessing.' I chuckle, the sound is soft, a tender song of larks in spring trees. Soft dew upon grass come morning. My gargantuan head turns to see Shatter descend. I dip my nose, low towards my chest, salmon nose twitching as my lips form into a warm, friendly smile.

    'Sir Errant is here to see you, My Lady.' I direct a nose from each, confirming the fact. A little awkward sidestep, but I remained still, shifting my emerald gaze between the two. 'Do you mind if I stay? There is much to learn, if of course Sir Errant does not mind, and neither you, My Queen?

    E L D

    ambassador of the falls

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    RE: when the evening pulls the sun down - diplomats, shatter me - by Eld - 08-21-2015, 02:51 PM

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