again you’re gone, off on a different path than mine i'm left behind wondering if i should follow
“I’d intended to let him loose in Nerine,” Lepis answers without a pause, the lack of hesitation before replying at first sounding like a continued indicator of truthfulness. She’s willing to answer the questions asked of her, the quick response seems to say; sure that is not something someone with ill intentions would do? Yet as she continues. “I was hoping the curse would deal with my Heartfire problem, but it seems that’s already been taken care of.”
If Neverwhere truly knows little of Lepis, the dun mare suspects that answer is quite in line with what is expected of her. So the mare gives Neverwhere that answer, her mouth still drawn in a thin line, her blue-grey eyes unamused, and waits for a reaction. Or so it seems she does, until the little dun rolls her eyes with a scoff and a shake of her head. Lepis knows that it shouldn’t have surprise her to hear the version of events that the roan mare had given her reluctant successor, a tale that involves threats to Nerine and Lepis as some sort of ne’erdowell. And yet some part of her had been startled, and the thoughtless sarcasm with which she’d responded was an indication of that, though the newest Nerenian queen can’t know Lepis well enough to guess that. There are few that can; with the curse there is one less.
“You do realize that this is your responsibility, don’t you? Protecting your kingdom from a threat?” It would be easy to shift her disdain for one queen to the next. This one expects Lepis to answer questions after admitting her lack of faith, and doesn’t seem to have much interest in fulfilling the duties of a leader. That exact type of disinterest is why Lepis had set herself so firmly against Neverwhere’s predecessor. “If you expect others to do your work for you while you do nothing but hold the title of Queen, you’re no better for the North than Heartfire was.” The words might have been scathing in a different tone, might have been worthy of exactly the reputation that Lepis appears to have earned here in Nerine.
But Lepis has learned better. Sometimes honesty is best served gently, even when it would be easier to rip off the band aid and get it over with. So she’d made an effort, spoken the way she might to her adult children or even to Castile, a reminder rather than reproach. (Lepis hates being spoken to in such a manner and cannot fathom why it might be less offensive, but that is because she is both egotistical and exceptionally vain). The tobiano mare is still thinking of honesty when Neverwhere warns her about the dangers of the storm, and so the response that she gives to the subsequent promise to not attempt to keep her elicits a smile and another truthful answer.
“I would certainly hope not.” Lepis replies with the ghost of a smile. “Though I suppose if you wanted to revive Loess’ vendetta against Nerine, that might be an excellent first step.” Revive, she says, as though the thing has died with the disappearance of the former queen, as though Neverhere has the chance now to end it.
She doesn’t, of course, because once Lepis has set her mind to something she does not turn away. A new queen of Nerine is an unexpected obstacle, both to her ambitions and to her search for her former husband, but the dun mare considers nothing insurmountable. Well, at least not anything that is not wing-breaking weather. One last glance at the ever darkening sky, and she says: “If you’ll direct me to a more suitable shelter, I’ll be out of your hair as soon as the storm passes. ”
LEPIS i’m the one who sees you home-- but now i’m lost in the woods and i don’t know what path you are on |