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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  leader of the landslide, bru & aeris

    no one really knows what the ocean hides
    but you and I, bird, we’re gonna find out

    Reia steps forward slowly, deliberately.

    Her cerulean eyes have been following closely, fascinated by the dribbling blood. Another hunter, she muses. A fresh kill.

    Hunger groans through her body; she hasn’t hunted since yesterday, tending to her daughter instead. The only reason Adarra still hugs her side – not today, thankfully – is to solely drive a splinter further into Pteron’s skin. The child has no other use beyond manipulation, but Reia adorns her with kisses and affection in order to remain within Adarra’s trust. A cruel decision, but Reia’s moral compass has often times veered off course.

    It’s why she is alone, abandoning her daughter in Taiga only to fill her empty side with another.

    Prior to the invitation – just barely – she steps forward. Firelight of her mane illuminates her pretty face as it crackles along the ridge of her arched crest. A jagged smile meets the stranger’s coyness, complementing as the threads of their lives intertwine. ”I like your confidence,” she breathes, a plume of smoke rising from her nostrils. There have been others – too many – that cower away from bumps in the night or walking shadows. Inwardly, she chuckles. Pteron comes to mind and the discomfort that glazed his eyes when he saw her for the first time. They are of different levels in the food chain, and yet she wants him nonetheless. That’s why she claimed him, marked him. As weak as he is, he belongs to her.

    But her, this scaled mother of monsters and mayhem, claws feverishly at Reia’s fascination. If she were so kind, she could begin to consider her an equal, but there is no such thing. Instead, a rare compliment suspends in the space between them, Reia’s voice a low drawl. ”You invite danger,” a deep breath is drawn in, memorizing her now, ”rather than hesitate or run.” Not that Reia intends to be cruel or destroy the world around her; but she’s exhausted by the meek personalities surrounding her as of late. Licking her lips contemplatively, her gaze falls to follow the occasional drips of fresh blood. ”What was it?” She asks, her hunger distorting her thoughts and piquing her interest.

    and I'll be next to you when the lights go out


    Messages In This Thread
    leader of the landslide, bru & aeris - by gospel - 01-15-2020, 03:47 PM
    RE: leader of the landslide, bru & aeris - by Reia - 01-16-2020, 11:41 AM

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