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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    give me hope in the darkness; Neverwhere/Any
    so give me hope in the darkness that I will see the light
    'cause oh that gave me such a fright
    She doesn’t smile back at him, and Brennen turns that over in his mind thoughtfully, but mostly entertained by her. He shifts, getting comfortable, though when she does speak, his bright eyes glint with something that definitely isn’t amusement. The magician has straightened subtly, slowly, considering his response, but is saved from making the decision whether or not to be offended when a familiar presence that had been nagging at the edges of his consciousness comes closer, arriving and filling the silence that had been verging on uncomfortable with easy noise.

    The queen barely acknowledges Leilan, but he’s not a cold stranger to Brennen - who does turn exactly the look Leilan was expecting on him, something that hovers somewhere between exasperated and fond. The roan is one who might seem an odd link in his mental net; he’s not actually related to Brennen, after all, and Brennen and Scorch are no longer together. But a part of him still loves her, and her family isn’t the only brood he’s added to his personal protection. Perhaps he didn’t quite understand Leilan at first, and they have been known to butt heads, but loving Nihlus has made him understand more and he is appreciative of the way he diffuses the tension on purpose, and bites back a scolding type response when the boy calls him ‘old’. Their eyes meet over the question of his status as Nerine’s champion and he gives a small nod, because he is as far as he knows as well. He intends to remain thus, for some time.

    “I don’t mind coldness,” he drawls with a flick of his tail, because heaven knows Brennen isn’t exactly known for being warm. “It’s much preferable to foolishness.” When she acknowledges him, she uses a name that isn’t Heartfire’s, and that does make him frown. Did he miss a queen entirely? He didn’t think he was that out of touch, and it makes him uneasy and unhappy.

    And bemused, as he turns his attention to another arrival, one he can feel instantly might have been pulled in their direction by his other call – and this one, unlike Leilan, is one of his, because Heartfire had been his, thought he hadn’t known it until he became a magician. “I don’t think we’ve met, but I knew your mother,” he doesn’t miss the blood and all, but as a warrior that doesn’t bother him overmuch, and he smiles at her in a way that is quite gentle. “I’m Brennen, and I’m your great…great-great grandfather. If I’ve got that right.”

    He is pleased to have them here, Leilan and Brazen, and that pleasure probably is obvious to them over the bond he’s established, however weak it normally is. And perhaps it is good that they are here, to buffer his somewhat contrary instinct to continue to needle the queen, to use irritation to see what she is made of. But that isn’t something he’s willing to do…in front of the children. He can still see Leilan in his mind as a child himself, a creature just coming into his own. Brennen turns his eyes back to the queen, and his voice is several degrees cooler than the words he’d used to address Brazen and Leilan, and his gaze watchful. “It seems you are the only one still lacking an introduction. One would think the name of the woman I may be to serve would not be too much to ask, even if other basic niceties like not commenting on one’s scent are not.”

    Why, one might ask, would Brennen continue to be the champion for a place he does not live, and to which he has only the vaguest of loyalties? It is for these children. In part for the memory of his Amazonian queens, of course, for Scorch and for Breckin and the others, but also because their children and grandchildren are still a big part of this sector of the world, and that makes them safer if many know he is their first line of defense.
    but I will hold, as long as you like
    just promise me we'll be alright

    @[Brazen] @[Leilan] @[Neverwhere]

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    RE: give me hope in the darkness; Neverwhere/Any - by Brennen - 01-16-2020, 12:05 AM

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