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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  ♫ oh i'm a master pretender [anyone]
    Down flutters a lone feather, pirouetting nimbly with the help of the whispering breath of the wild. A fresh pair of eyes locks onto it, now mesmerised by its grace, it twirls with great fluidity and motion to the damp wintry verdure down below. It pauses atop the grass tips, the eyes parting from the relaxing vision with persistent hesitation before slowly meandering between small eskers to follow the light. Sunbeams lazily begin to dance amongst the leaning greenery, interrupted by the dappling of the canopies above. An orchestra of birdsong and grasshoppers collaborate musically with the merry production of light which is becoming quite the strangely intriguing show to this fresh pair of eyes, now distracted by the robin's egg spring azures which were wheeling and whirling up and down the soft slopes of the grassy knolls, just grazing the fresh dew. Gradually, the light begins to fade, and darkness starts to loom over the sky, threatening to blanket the greenery below. It fades back up into the sky, disappearing for a moment, until it recedes and once again begins to suffocate everything as far as the eye could see with blackness. It is dark. The butterflies are gone, the sunbeams are no more and all chorus fades into obscurity.

    That was until a rather sudden crash in the tree canopy above. Her eyes snapped open and her body thrust up from the ground and stumbled away from the sound. With a swift jerk of the head she attempted to visualise the fumbling creature amongst the conifer as the evergreen leaves fell around her in a snowflake-like fashion. The mare's mouth pursed tightly and her brow was now slightly furrowed, and she snorted for the conifer fronds were now tickling her unneccesarily. There didn't appear to be anyone in the tree, well, whatever it was had ceased all movement, and it caused her to pause, to wait for a response. Nothing. A great sigh exited the mare's now flared nostrils as she turned and withdrew from the dark shade of the firs, plodding anxiously into the openness of the vast meadow. It stretched as far as the eye could see. This was an unfamiliar land to her. Sudden decisions were sometimes good for the heart, but was this too sudden? A wave filled with nerves, guilt and self doubt washed through her repeatedly as her vision bounced from left to right until it hit a great wall of conifers and then the stoic mountains in the distant vision. In the subconscious, but always there. That's the feeling.

    "You can't hide forever, Glory." Her voice was at its lowest ebb, just breaking a whisper, much like her body traversing from the cold conifer shadows to the sun hugged meadow. Immediately the warmth radiated along her broad back and she felt a comfort much like that of home as she stood for a moment to absorb the rays of consolation and encouragement. Gradually, the courage started to build inside of her deep chest. The fear of the unknown lay beyond those rolling hills. It was the unfamiliarity of being around strangers that bothered her, whether dangerous or not, it did worry her, having come from a place of safety and security. "It can't be that bad. You've made it this far, where did that determination go?" The mare walked slowly and kept close to the treeline in order to take the longest route to a nearby tall patch of grass. As one was not the tallest of equines, she hoped for some coverage in the swaying verdure, and sure enough relief hit her as soon as the sunwarmed blades stroked softly against her barrel and body as naturally as her head lowered to graze, serenaded reassuringly by a choir of grasshoppers and birdsong once more. With her head down and grass surrounding her almost completely, the mare felt safe.


    i'm like falling water


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    ♫ oh i'm a master pretender [anyone] - by Gloariana - 01-15-2020, 06:53 PM

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