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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In Hell I'll be in good company // Reia
    I answer the snarl on Reia's face with a teeth-baring grin of my own. It's a far more threatening expression than I should feel confident in making. There has been no indication yet that the saliva coating my teeth is anything but harmless moisture, have not had the chance to test the toxin I now carry. Still, the look is as natural on my face as dew on grass. 

    My glass-sharp laugh cuts the air at her words. They're as biting as my own, and I like her for that. No kid skin gloves when we speak, no. This is not a relationship where feelings are spared. The honesty of hardship is the best kind of truth, one I think we both learned early, and it's one we speak fluently. "Couldn't prove it by what I see here." I snip, teeth flashing again in the half light. 

    "You're right, I have yet to find a stallion up to the job. I'm amazed you have. Is he worthy of the attention? Or did you just go in the other direction and go for someone utterly lacking spine?" I asked, wondering if that would be more her style. Marry for the land, as long as he was smart enough to look the other way when she wanted something a little more interesting. Not a terrible plan, all things considered. Maybe this gig wasn't as brain dead as it looked from the outside. Interestingly though, as quick as the winged woman is to defend her new situation, her hackles seemed to rise just as fast. Trouble in paradise? It's a brief moment, and I could very well be imagining things, but I tucked the idea away for later investigation. 

    I blink coolly instead, meeting the defiant weight of her reptilian gaze with my own placid look. She doesn't scare me. The sharp tongue and jagged expressions are nothing new, and I can match her look for look. My own smile grows at her return to the earlier accusation, finely scaled nose wrinkled in amusement. "You really are full of yourself, aren't you?" I jab, blue eyes glittering. 

    My smirk is full of satisfaction when I take another step closer, pushing close enough to feel the heat radiating from her flames, the light playing rainbows on my scales. "Anyway, what would you do if I were stalking you?" I can smell her now, the thick sharpness of pine beginning to mingle with her native cinder and smoke. My head quirks to one side like a curious bird's with the blue-glossed woman clearly in my sight. 


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    RE: In Hell I'll be in good company // Reia - by Rebelle - 01-14-2020, 04:41 PM

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