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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Though Our Lands Are Apart, Our Hearts Are One [Kingdom Residents]
    Aten had an idea of what Eurwen was going to say before the mare even did so. No doubt she had the same train of thought he did; that sometimes, letting a loved one go was the best for most if not all those involved, to let them grow and find their own way in life. And, in truth, that was the bravest display of love in existence.

    Eurwen briefly described how she'd ended up back here, but she didn't seem proud of it. That she should've done what Aten himself had done for Taiga, but that, even being named heir, she'd bolted and stayed away until apparently Ori, in a unique way, motivated her to return home. But Aten didn't really dismiss what she had to say; the important part was she'd found a place to return to and call home, rather than do what he'd done. Aten would sooner call himself a coward than Eurwen should think of herself as one. She was also younger; Aten had stayed away for years, out of guilt, rather than fear.

    Hearing of Heartfire's relation to the spotted mare as well caused sorrow to grow in Aten's heart, for the other residents, as well as Eurwen, for another member of her family was now gone. He sincerely hoped that she would receive some sort of news one day, Epona forbid it was news she didn't want to hear, even if only to provide her closure as to why the silver dappled mare had left. Eurwen suggested they go to find Neverwhere now, and Aten wholeheartedly agreed.

    "Excellent idea. I appreciate your company on this search as well," he stated as they began to walk. They spent some time in silence before Aten brought the conversation back.

    "What are your plans for here in Nerine now? Does Neverwhere have a plan for where she would like to take it? Alliances she would like to forge? I myself told Heartfire the last time I saw her that even with what happened with Taiga, I would help Nerine in whatever way that I could."

    @[Eurwen] went ahead and tagged her here @[Neverwhere]

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    RE: Though Our Lands Are Apart, Our Hearts Are One [Kingdom Residents] - by Aten - 01-13-2020, 04:13 AM

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