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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Feel The Thunder- Modicum Mortem *MATURE*
    So you like beating up children? I'm here to show you what happens when you mess with my family.  You're gonna regret you ever even thought about harming them.  Let's see how you handle someone your own size...
    When I win, you will be my prisoner, on some barren island off the coast of Beqanna for 1 BQ year(2 RL months).  If I should lose, you can have your freedom.

    Role-play: standard length

    Challenger stats:
    10yrs old
    Hybrid/TB type build
    Wings, Natural Earth Armor

    You have one week to answer the call @[Modicum Mortem]
    (Also one week max between posts.  Let's keep this moving along).

    Freaks first(that's you);

    1) Morty attack 1; 
    2) Klaudius defense and attack 1; 
    3) Morty defense and attack 2; 
    4) Klaudius defense and attack 2; 
    5) Morty defense and attack 3; 
    6) Klaudius defense and attack 3; 
    7) Morty defense.
    Challenge accepted. Keep your wits about you, simpleton.

    Character Stats -
    Modicum Mortem
    Esperia Pony
    No traits

    Battle Stats -
    Strength: 3
    Speed: 7
    Agility: 5
    Intuition: 4
    Accuracy: 7

    He answers the call. Truthfully, the ebony stallion had been looking for a fight; he had been looking to cause some trouble. It seemed that his initial plan had worked, and he had successfully stirred the pot. The relationship between Ischia and Sylva was deteriorated, and he was the cause.

    His crooked teeth turn up into a wicked smile as he approaches Klaudius. “Children are more fun to torture,” He says with a shrug of the shoulder. “Their fear tastes better.” His serpent’s tongue slides along the edges of his mouth, and he lets out an deafening cackle. The implication that he had touched his daughter in an unsavory way was sure to strike a nerve.

    Time to get serious. His face falls as he sizes up his opponent. By all accounts, he was the underdog. Klaudius was larger in stature, more robust, and he had traits on his side. Mortem would just have to rely on the things that he did have - speed, agility, and precision.

    The clown looks over his challenger’s body. With what he knew of wings, they were a good place to attack first. Take out the appendages, and he wouldn’t be able to get out of Morty’s range (which wouldn’t be hard, considering his short stature). Klaudius would have to battle face to face, no fleeing. The joker eyes the humerus bone of the left wing. A powerful enough blow to this part of his anatomy would certainly keep him grounded for the rest of the battle.

    Modicum Mortem gauges how high he will have to kick to reach his wing. As long as he makes contact between the deltoid and radius, he should be in the clear. Swiftly, the clown shifts his body and lets out his most forceful buck, hoping accuracy would be on his side.

    When he is sure he had made contact, he gallops out of Klaudius’ way. The further he fled, the greater the chance of his opponent’s attack failing.

    God, this felt too good.

    |Proceed with Caution|


    It was early evening when his hooves landed upon the dried soil of the battlegrounds.  The baking summer sun was just beginning to lose strength as his wings folded at his sides.  Standing square, his lavender head turned to view the familiar terrain.  He has been here before.  The last time though had not gone in his favor.  His foe was a worthy competitor and as he makes his challenge known here, his eyes are ever vigilant to the slightest movement of his new opponent.  Having never laid eyes on the stallion that crushed his daughters ribs, he is expecting much more than what arrives.  It takes all he has to not burst out laughing.

    When this "Morty" character arrives, the lavender stallion has to crane his neck to view the strange creature.  Not only is he short, but harbors crooked teeth and a red bulbous growth on the bridge of his nose.  The only thing stopping him from laughing is the fact the creature starts talking.  Silver-hazel eyes narrow upon the dark figure that was taunting him.  A small voice is the back of his mind kept reminding him to keep cool.  So he waits...

    As anticipated, Morty comes at him.  Good.  Defense was his specialty.  Noting how his opponents eyes linger on his wings he scuffs, typical.  As the black form barrels straight for him, he holds his ground.  Until the very crucial moment when the stallions body shifts into position to aim a rear-ended kick at him.  As the much shorter stallion is swinging around(to present his rear hooves to buck), his wings unfurl as his front limbs push up and rear hunches launch him into the air.  Using one thrust of his wings to lift him faster but should also send him right over top of the dark stallion before him.  

    Landing forelimbs first, wings already tucked to his barrel, his rear hooves just hit the clay and he is gathering them underneath himself to buck out before Morty has the chance to slink away.  His aim, is the general direction behind him that Morty may still occupy(as he had just leaped over top of the short statured creature). If anything it would deter the stallion from attacking him from behind until he could move away.

    After the single, powerful buck, he is trotting forwards.  Recollecting himself and reassessing Morty's location.  Finding that the stallion had galloped forwards from his last position, when he begins to turn right.  Not knowing if he had made contact with his buck, his eyes focus on the stallion for any noteable changes in gait that would signify an injury.  

    Not seeing anything significant (if it had possibly been a solid hit, surely he would have felt it too), he continues at a trot. In having turned right, his direction of travel is clockwise, and heading back towards the dark creature in a sizeable circle.  His right eye follows the stallions movements and with little warning, he turns sharply and charges straight for his opponent at a full gallop.  He was done playing a cat and mouse game.

    Hooves land with a deafening thud against the hard earth below.  Sweat begins to dampen his coat, even as the sun dips lower with each minute.  The speed and stamina of his forefathers bring him quickly to the smaller stallion.  Whether Morty was standing his ground or leading him into a chase, he was sure to catch the monster.  

    When he does finally reach striking distance, his lavender lips pull back to reveal sharp incisors.  Aiming to grab the tender muscles of the males neck, he snakes his head towards Morty.  Hoping to come out with a mouth full of flesh and possibly draw blood.   If he had been able to grip Morty's crest, he may have attempted to pull the stallion down to the ground as the monster had done to his daughter. 

    His position would be relevant to Morty's stance at his charge.  If Morty had turned to run away, he would be coming up his side to strike.  If Morty had stood his ground, they would have met head to head and they would be facing different directions.  Either would work for his attack. 


    I was lightning, before the thunder

    Defense- using his wings to launch him over Morty's buck
    Counter attack- buck upon landing
    Attack- charging and biting at neck
    I'm every nightmare you've ever had,

     I'm your worst dream come true.
    Modicum Mortem is no stranger to battle, but if he ever stood a chance at protecting his kingdom, he needed as much experience as possible. He did not intend to go down without a fight, not when everything he'd worked for was on the line. 

    His initial attack had left little damage on the larger stallion. It was a letdown, but the clown had to move forward and plan on his defense. When he sees the lavender male hurl himself into the air, he knows he will have to keep his eye on him. If he was sky bound, then he could quickly launch an attack from there (Mortem's short legs could only move so fast, after all). His left eye is trained on Klaudius, who is now descending near him. When his hooves touch the ground, the joker notices how they gather under themselves to prepare for a forceful buck. A kick from a horse of his stature was sure to keep him from continuing on.

    Just as Klaudius' back legs strike out in his direction, the clown lurches to the right. His opponents' hooves manage to make a slight contact with the top of Mortem's rump, and while Klaudius collects himself from the attack, the clown backs away a couple of yards to prepare for whatever came next. Klaudius circles him clockwise at a trot, and the clown watches carefully. He has an idea of what would be coming next. If his intuition was correct, the other male would be making a direct charge at him. 

    Sure enough, just as he had suspected, the larger of the two begins barreling towards him at a full gallop. Mortem stands his ground, watching the speed at which Klaudius thunders through the plains. He would have to move at just the right second to avoid the assault. He stands a good three hands shorter than Klaudius, and if he is able to get beneath his assailants neck, he may stand a chance at avoiding the attack and Klaudius losing his balance.  Just as the lavender male reveals his sharp incisors, Modicum ducks beneath his nape. The opposing stallion's teeth are only able to grab at Mortem's withers, leaving him with a large (but not completely disabling) wound. 

    The black stallion is able to see the exposed tender part of Klaudius' abdomen as he passes beneath his uncurled right wing, and with near perfect accuracy, he grabs and pulls at it with all his strength. Before he gallops away, Modicum lets out one more powerful buck at Klaudius' ribs, hoping this might debilitate him for the duration of the fight. 
    Modicum Mortem

    Defense 1: Avoiding a full on kick by jumping out of the way. 
    Defense 2: Ducking beneath Klaudius' neck so that only his withers are exposed to the bite. Klaudius does make contact. 
    Counter Attack: As he's under Klaudius, biting the tender part of the abdomen (near the middle of the barrel).
    Attack: Another buck to the ribs, which will be more accurate considering how close he is to Klaudius.


    |Proceed with Caution|


    The sweltering heat if the day has faded into the pre-twilight of late evening.  Relieving both stallions from the sun's rays.  It was probably considerately more beneficial to the black than him.  

    The mask of dusk does little to hinder the lavender pegasus's view of the clowns position.  He anticipates a dodge of some sort(cause what kind of fool would just stand there and take a hit).  When he feels the brush of the stallions dark mane along the base his neck and the forceful bite of wither between his jaws, he is quite satisfied.  Having such a hold wasn't something he wanted to give up quite so easily, so he uses all his strength to maintain his grip with a slight pressing downward on the tender muscles and bone there.  Nothing good lasts forever and when teeth are felt along his barrel, his hold loosens as a hind limb kicks upward underneath him.  In attempts to rid himself of the black beasts jaws.

    It must work as he feels the ripping force subside, leaving only a sting along his side, just below the rib bones.  In his line of sight he sees the raven-colored beast moving off at a quick gallop but not before rear limbs are kicking out at him again, striking him in the wing more than the barrel.  The force of the kick to his flying appendage may render it useless, but he had no plans to fly off.

    Even though he is in pain from the wound, he pushes onward.  Following right behind the stag and collecting the earth around him with each stride.  He wasn't playing grab and run anymore... He mutters through clenched teeth, "Quit running away you little bitch!"

    Heavy steel collects on his face in a shield of armor.  Plates along his neck hinge together as a breast plate covers his chest.  Woven steel cloaks his back, and though heavy, his stature makes up for it. Still following behind his opponent, he prepares for another strike outward of a rear hoof or two.  His armor would take the blunt of the hit.  His intentions were jab one of his three protruding spikes from his head gear into the stallions right hip, if he should come close enough.  In hopes to end this chasing game and force the clown to turn and fight. "Come on you freak! Fight me!" He taunts... 

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    Defense: Kicks rear limb up underneath him at Morty(much like to a fly on the belly).  His wings takes the force of the retreating buck

    Attack: Spikes on head armor to rear.  Aimed at right hip
    Ref photo: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v324/d...est_23.jpg
    There was not a moment of hesitation, a moment of recovery between them. Mortem is growing tired, he can feel it as his lungs burn and his heart races. Making up for his stature and lack of powers was draining him, he knew he’d have to slow down and save his remaining energy for a final attack.

    Klaudius’ defense had forced the clown to move to avoid a hefty kick in the jaw. He is able to get away just before any damage is done. The power of his final buck had taken much of his energy, but had rendered Klaudius’ flight useless. As he proposed, the lavender male would have to fight him without the use of his appendages.

    Mortem is still moving further away, contemplating what to do. If he turns and fights, there’s always the chance that he will be injured beyond repair. If he continues to flee, his opponent would have to make up for the distance between them, drastically compromising his stamina.

    He is unable to think long however, as he hears the thunder of hooves behind him. A quick glance reveals the heavy armor that Klaudius bares along the base of his back and bulk of his chest and neck. Protruding spikes line the larger stallion’s forehead; a hit with those would surely would cause some damage.

    Just as the lavender stallion approaches Mortem’s right hip, the clown jumps, thrusting his hooves beneath the other stallion’s exposed jaw. A miscalculation allows Klaudius’ longest head spike is able to jab Modicum in the thigh, causing a great amount of pain and forcing the clown to cease running. Blood trickles down his leg, pooling onto the dusty ground beneath him.

    There is no more running, he must confront him.

    Ebony legs turn, ice eyes gazing at Klaudius. He circles his opponent, sizing him up. If his armor was still intact, there would be no way for him to cause much damage with a direct melee attack. If it wasn’t, he could possible do some harm with a running start.

    Mortem charges at him (as fast as he is able to with an injured leg), neck extending to grab at the tender, exposed muscle beneath Klaudius’ right forearm. The clown’s size makes this part of the larger stallion easily accessible, and there would be plenty of tendons to harm.

    Sharp incisors grasp at his skin. Ripping a deep chunk of flesh and tissue from this spot would severely impair Klaudius’ movement. When he’s sure he’s caused enough damage, he turns to his left, trotting away from the larger stallion. He does not go far though, facing him again, preparing himself for his next attack.

    Defense: Kicking upwards, beneath Klaudius’ exposed jaw. Klaudius’ spikes are able to strike him in the back right thigh.

    Attack: charging Klaudius at a quick canter (he is unable to gallop), biting the tendons and muscle above his right knee. Moves away to avoid further damage.
    There was not a moment of hesitation, a moment of recovery between them. Mortem is growing tired, he can feel it as his lungs burn and his heart races. Making up for his stature and lack of powers was draining him, he knew he’d have to slow down and save his remaining energy for a final attack.

    Klaudius’ defense had forced the clown to move to avoid a hefty kick in the jaw. He is able to get away just before any damage is done. The power of his final buck had taken much of his energy, but had rendered Klaudius’ flight useless. As he proposed, the lavender male would have to fight him without the use of his appendages.

    Mortem is still moving further away, contemplating what to do. If he turns and fights, there’s always the chance that he will be injured beyond repair. If he continues to flee, his opponent would have to make up for the distance between them, drastically compromising his stamina.

    He is unable to think long however, as he hears the thunder of hooves behind him. A quick glance reveals the heavy armor that Klaudius bares along the base of his back and bulk of his chest and neck. Protruding spikes line the larger stallion’s forehead; a hit with those would surely would cause some damage.

    Just as the lavender stallion approaches Mortem’s right hip, the clown jumps, thrusting his hooves beneath the other stallion’s exposed jaw. A miscalculation allows Klaudius’ longest head spike is able to jab Modicum in the thigh, causing a great amount of pain and forcing the clown to cease running. Blood trickles down his leg, pooling onto the dusty ground beneath him.

    There is no more running, he must confront him.

    Ebony legs turn, ice eyes gazing at Klaudius. He circles his opponent, sizing him up. If his armor was still intact, there would be no way for him to cause much damage with a direct melee attack. If it wasn’t, he could possible do some harm with a running start.

    Mortem charges at him (as fast as he is able to with an injured leg), neck extending to grab at the tender, exposed muscle beneath Klaudius’ right forearm. The clown’s size makes this part of the larger stallion easily accessible, and there would be plenty of tendons to harm.

    Sharp incisors grasp at his skin. Ripping a deep chunk of flesh and tissue from this spot would severely impair Klaudius’ movement. When he’s sure he’s caused enough damage, he turns to his left, trotting away from the larger stallion. He does not go far though, facing him again, preparing himself for his next attack.

    Defense: Kicking upwards, beneath Klaudius’ exposed jaw. Klaudius’ spikes are able to strike him in the back right thigh.

    Attack: charging Klaudius at a quick canter (he is unable to gallop), biting the tendons and muscle above his right knee. Moves away to avoid further damage.

    My bad! My account didn’t switch over to Morty. xD

    |Proceed with Caution|


    Battle was wearing on him.  The injury of his external abdominal oblique muscles was hindering his range of motion.  All the exertion of constant movement was causing sweat to soak his lavender hide nearly the deep purple of his birth color.  His mangled wing hung lower at his right side.  The very tips of his feathers dragging amongst the dirt below him.  It was a sad sight to behold of the stallion who held himself so regally.  He had a point to prove though.  No one messes with his family, especially his princess...

    In a feeble attempt to dodge his attack, the clown kicks up at him.  Hooves aim at his jaw, but he stands too tall.  There is a tinge sound as hooves clip the metal plates along his breast.  Still, he had been too close and the strength behind the kick is minimal at best at such a pace. As he chases down the black stag, his aim is true.  Blood stains the iron spear on his headset. A victory, however small.  He is pleased to see it causes Morty to slow. Finally.  The armor along him was growing heavier by the second.  His wing hurt and sides ached, so with his pride intact, he slows.  Waiting for his opponent to do the same and turn to face him.  Much to his surprise, Morty turns but begins circling around his now still body.  His eyes focus of the clowns movements and waits...

    Its not long before he is being charged.  A foolish move at a horse with body armor and spikes protruding from his skull.  From a stand still, his rear swings to the opposite side that Morty approaches from.  Allowing him to face Morty head on.  It is a quick and easy movement for him to make and in plenty of time as the other is slowed by a hind leg injury.  Morty leans towards one direction slightly more than the other.  He assumes that this is where his next attack will take place.  

    Readied, he stands his ground firmly and lowers his head.  Letting his opponent come at him and weighing his options.  He could rear up at the black stallion, to deter the oncoming attack with striking fore hooves or sidestep out of the way for a dodge.  Neither of these options would deliver the message he wants to send.  No, these would not do. Between clenched teeth, he emits a low rumbled growl. Silver eyes watch as Morty barrels towards him at a canter, head lowered.  As Morty nears and snakes his jaws at his front legs, he begins his defense and final assault by leaning forwards(making Morty's teeth land higher up and rip a tear in his biachialis muscle).  At the same time stepping into where Morty is crossing along side of him, and pushing all of his weight towards the dark stags right side.  His intent is to thrust his spiked head and weight into Morty but his chest may collide with him instead.  Whether it's his chest or head that makes contact with the stallion, he doesn't know.  Piercing the clowns heart with his iron spears would be ideal, but he'd settle for knocking him to the filth below their hooves.  This was his one last attempt to show the freak he meant business and that messing with his family would not end well, for him.

    He limps forward another step as momentum brings him across Morty's path and into the dust left behind by the clown. Continuing to turn towards the right, he sees where the clown had retreated to.  His lungs expand and contract against bruised sides.  The pain beginning to surface as he stands facing his childrens' assailant.  The blood of the red-nosed clown staining the dirt, satisfies him greatly(though his own is within the mix).  In an exhausted breath, he calls out to his competitor, "Mess with my family again and i'll do more than kick your ass!" It wasn't the kidnappers head on a stake, but it would do for now...

    I was lightning, before the thunder

    Defense: Metal armor along chest deflects kick at his jaw(due to speed and K's height Morty's hooves land low).  Also leaning into Morty's charge and stepping forwards so lower limbs are harder to reach(bite lands higher up on his leg)

    Attack: thrusting head and body into Mortys side as he passes by on his attack.

    Challenge note: This is K's final post and @[Modicum Mortem] has final defense post.  Since posting for this challenge Morty has become King of Sylva so I retract my original terms of the challenge and as agreed upon by Liv and I, it will change to the following:
    Winners residing kingdom will be immune to steals and challenges from losers residing kingdom for one BQ year.  To ensure cooperation one member of the losers kingdom must reside in the winners kingdom for one BQ year as captive(same rules apply as if it were a steal). 
    *I offer any of my ponies in Tephra as tributes for capivity if Morty wins the challenge.

    Thanks for participating and may the best stud win! Smile
    Hey guys,

    So a couple issues. First is that technically Kladius’ post on the 22nd was about a half-hour late, so default win goes to Mortem if Liv chooses to claim it.

    Second issue is that Klaudius doesn’t have the ability to offer those terms. If you guys would like to finish this and have it judged as a real battle, the two of you can agree to new terms but in order to use the terms Kladius outlined you would need to have Warrick’s permission to commit Tephra to those terms.

    @[Klaudius] @[Modicum Mortem]
    Sorry @[Devin] I should have mentioned I did talk to @[Radar] about the terms and she was good with it as long as the horse taken captive was mine, if K lost.  As far as the default win do to time I completely understand why but if @[swxrdsandpxns] is cool with it, I'd like to have it actually judged(for knowledge and practice purposes)?
    -Semi Active-

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