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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    he who is brave, is free; sabra, any, wolves?

    The golden toned male picked his way through the Meadow, bypassed the Field, skirted the damaged territory of Taiga and ended up in Sylva. A light sheen of sweat coated his heavy body despite the chill of autumn that had begun to creep across the land. His heavy wings ruffled at his sides before tucking them tighter against his large form. He had left at first light from the Meadow and managed to get across Beqanna before the sun had quite reached its zenith. He hoped that he could conclude his business here quickly and return before nightfall but he knew that may not be the case. A huff passed his lips as he passed the borders and ventured further into the territory. 

    His dark chocolate gaze swept the woods. The trees would provide a good wind break against the coming winter and that was half his reason for coming. In search of somewhere safe. His nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed slightly. A scent on the wind, faint at first but he was certain it was predatory. Wolves. More than one. That was unfortunate. One would be little trouble. He was a large male, almost 17 hands and heavily muscled thanks to his heritage. The wings offered further protection, but against more than one, against a pack, even he would need help. 

    A low whicker passed his lips as he moved further along. He didn’t want to attract the attention of the wolves but he did need to find whoever was in charge of the kingdom. Hopefully they would find him before trouble did.



    "Who are you?" They are the first words that leave her mouth since the wolves arrived. The stallion that enters the Sylvan woods is strange. New. Lamb approaches him quietly, milk colored tendrils gleaming in the pale light of the morning.The words come off cross, but the girl is anything but. More over she is confused. It wasnt quite often that equines came into Sylva unanounced. 

    She stares at the golden stud with wary eyes, her ears turned forward as she listens for the tell tale snarling of the beasts that had overcome her home. She had never liked wolves, but since that fateful day in her past they seemed to follow her. Stalk her. She was on high alert these days, never skipping a beat in the fast hours of her life. "I am Lavendel, and I assume you know where you are?" Her eyes are kinder, for perhaps he was lost? Or perhaps he wished to see Sabra... He would have to answer for himself she supposed.

    Little Lamb

    [Image: lav_by_heyyou80-dc01t5i.png]
    L a v e n d e l

    The tawny stallion had been straining for any sound among the legion of foliage that surrounded him. Therefore, the small steps of the filly did not go unnoticed as she made her way towards him. His long legs paused in motion to wait for her to approach. The bluntness of her words did not phase him and he merely inclined his head politely. “Lucent.” He tempered his voice lower than usual as he was still wary of what might be nearby. Before he had been merely concerned, that sensation became heightened with the presence of the young girl before him. Fatherly instinct kicked in strong and his ears and nose worked more than ever to ensure no danger around them.

    His heavy wings ruffled with some agitation but he was still not picking up anything too close so he focused back in on the young equine. Her name and another question. “Lavendel, very pretty. I will admit I don't know much about this territory other than where it begins. Perhaps you can enlighten me?” He could easily pick up on the borders but he had never before been interested in learning more about the territories, or kingdoms, whatever they fashioned themselves these days. At least not until now.

    I’m also hoping to find the leader here, I’m looking for somewhere to stay. For myself and my daughter.” The male did not yet mention that it may be just until winter passed and spring reappeared. He wasn’t sure he, or Noirmay, were really cut out for herd life, but it would be safer for his young child to be within a territory for now. Not to mention she could probably use some stability since her mother had cut and run.

    The sky and flame tinted woman made her way to the edge of her forest on her typical patrol. Her half-grown son was tucked protectively beneath her wing, much to his grumbling protests. "Mother, if a wolf charges out, I can just take off and escape! I'm not any safer here than out there." The purple-gold mottled colt complained as the sound of other voices reached them. Sabra didn't bother explaining herself to him again. She was his mother, it was her prerogative to be unreasonably protective. Her worries were compounded by her son's handicap. It would be nothing for a wolf to stealthily approach the boy on his left side, where his eye stared out blind and china-white. Shaking her mane out, she hushed him, tucking her wing against his flank a little more snugly. As they neared the conversing pair, she recognized the voice of her ward, Lavendel. Almost like a daughter, she had been worried about the girl's safety as well. Lamb was mild and gentle as her name implied, and likely just as easy a target. If only her wings were broad enough to shelter every resident from the ravenous pack. As it was, it was only a matter of time before someone was attacked. 

    The lady of Sylva emerged from the woods like a shimmering phantom, her discontented son in tow. There was a stranger with Lamb, far taller then either of the present females. Counting the three of them, she reluctantly unlocked her wing from around her son, shaking out the tenseness from it. "Stay close. And come back to my side if anything seems amiss." She admonished him quietly, before turning her attention to the conversing pair. "Lamb, what have we got here?" She asked amiably, her eyes on the big, golden stallion. He gave her the impression that he could be quite intimidating if he chose to be. That wasn't a bad thing. She looked back to the petite girl, a curious smile aimed at her. Lamb had the makings of a fine ambassador some day. She was sweet and likable, and had a good head on her. Yes, she was looking forward to seeing the girl learn to take on greater challenges.

    @[Lavendel] @[Lucent]

    OOC: Lucent, if you're wanting to fight wolves, I need you to fill out the info requested in the sticky thread. Thank you!


    She smiles, so he had been lost in a way. Her pale eyes wander over him, assesing the man before she speaks again. "You have entered Sylva. I extend a warm welcome to you and your daughter." Lamb swallowed then, she had not seen a child yet. She is almost worried that he is lying. Her mind stomps on the thought, how could a father bring a child into these woods without first meeting the lands wards? SO she smile ssoftly once more and raises her head. While she is still no where near the golden stallion's height she tries. After all she had to look proud as she talked of her home! Before she may say more her opalescent queen appears, her lavender boy tucked neatly beneath her colorful wings. Lamb bows her head then, moving to make room for the duo as they approach. She chuckles softly as the painted prince removes himself from his mothers side as she greets them quietly. "This is Lucent."She turns her gaze to him then and perks her ears with a gentle flick of her tail. "And this Lucent is the woman you seek." 

    She allows a silence then , sapphire eyes darting between the winged pair, her heart heavy. Sabra was the one to know a persons intentions. Queens simply had that sense it seemed. When some time passed Lamb rolls her shoulders. "He seeks a place for he and his daughter to stay." She offers, turning her gaze to Lucent for further information.

    A little light

    [Image: lav_by_heyyou80-dc01t5i.png]
    L a v e n d e l

    Slyva. He tucked the name away, happy to be able to name at least one of the kingdoms now. Whether he stayed or went it would only benefit him to better learn of his surroundings. When he had first come he had sequestered a small herdland, he didn’t even remember the name now. And that was where he had brought Paper and she had their daughter. It wasn’t long after the upheaval happened and then the mare decided motherhood wasn’t for her and abandoned them both.

    His thoughts were interrupted by the soft sound of voices filtering through the trees. At first, startled, he had begun to step towards the smaller female but the scent was only another horse and so he remained where he was. A mare and foal approached. His eyes swept over the pair in somewhat surprise. He had seen many different colors on the horses in Beqanna but this was a first. Still ever polite he dropped his head to the mare as she spoke to Lavendel.

    At the younger female’s introduction, he found himself standing a little taller, hoping to make the best impression. At first glance she seemed friendly enough, and Lavendel herself very welcoming so he didn’t think he would be turned away but one never knew. “Then I am very glad to meet you.” He nodded towards the dunskin girl, “like Lavendel said, I am looking for a home for my daughter and I. She’s just over a year, in the meadow at the moment.” The big stallion paused for a moment in thought before continuing, “though I must ask, have the wolves always been so close to your herd?

    A large herd, or one with enough warriors, would eventually drive the wolves off and for all he knew this was not a common occurrence. Still, he was a concerned parent, as it seemed was Slyva’s Queen so he was sure she would understand. “From what I remember most kingdoms have some kind of warrior class, I believe that is where I’d be most useful to you.

    OOC: done! thank you Smile

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