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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    you flee my dream come morning [Jah Lilah]
    There is nothing so pleasant as the lake in spring time. Even as her strength returns, she is loathe to leave the side of the pool that had spit her out, brought her here. It had been such a whirlwind of events and never did she think she would end up someplace like Hyaline. To have friends like Amet or have the healer show up at the right moment like she did.

    There is talk that the red mare and her family were coming to the lake and planning on staying. She had not seen the mare since the night when her fever had threatened to consume her. She knows that she owes Jah-Lilah her life. More so, she has yet to truly discuss what had happened in the Underneath. The red mare knew, she had been there too. It’s a dark cloud that stirs within her heart, the lingering fear and trauma of what she had seen, done, experienced.

    Every day she feels stronger. The magical paste hasn’t been applied for a long time, the physical wounds healed into bright pink and white scars. An ugly reminder of her time below. It’s the internal sickness that still saps at her spirit, makes her tire quickly. Today she feels better than most, finding that she does not lose her breath so quickly or feels the need to take a break. When she finds the one she seeks, a genuine grin splits across her lips. Pleasure in the swirling silver strands of her iris’s. ”Healer of the Earth.” She sighs softly. ”I’ve found you.”


    So I begin not to love you.

    The red mare has been observing for many nights now. It is not in her to become tied to another and just leave well enough alone. She wants to know the story, needs to know what happens next. She has seen the pair of friends, a Dragon and a Star, grow closer over the last few weeks, He did exactly as Jah-Lilah instructed, all the way down to finding her dear Wolf-of-the-Water. These are all good things, she's decided. The girl is healed now, Daughter-of-the-Stars. She's beautiful, mesmerizing, even. He calls her @[Ciri], and instantly my boho chick likes it. The girl is on a mission tonight though, it seems, and Jah-Lilah knows what she seeks. Answers. Comradery. Solace. She is here, the red wytch, she is here, Ciri.

    The girl is tracking her, seemingly with ease. This is fine with my mare, she's not much for hiding these days. She is buried deep within a thicket, cocking a hind leg casually and chewing fresh shoots of grass. The girl is humorously loud in her approach, and Jah-Lilah can't help but smile. They are kindred spirits, the pair of them. Their fates woven into the same fabric by their episode in The Underneath. The Anti-Beqanna. It would be an eternal fight for them to escape the memories. But they had escaped The Underneath. Each traveler had their own path to walk, but they had made it out, taking new gifts with them. The mare's sweet breath comes out as fog in the cool spring evening, and the foliage finally parts to reveal the moonlit maiden. Ciri's silvery eyes light up with relief and recognition once she sees my mare, and Jah-Lilah welcomes her in with a pleasant half-smile of her own. 

    "So you have, Daughter-of-the-Stars. Am I all that you'd hoped I'd be?" She asks impishly, rather liking the name Ciri has bestowed upon her. "You have healed wonderfully on the outside, my girl, how is the rest of you?" Her voice is warm, inviting, genuine. She steps back, bobbing her head in greeting and taking a good look at the filly. 

    Turn around, see me running.

    stronger than you know



    She had expected to travel far and wide to find the red wytch. Fate played a different hand, bringing the healer’s family to Hyaline. It was an unexpected but pleasant surprise to have the woman who had saved her life so close. Part of it had seemed like a dream, so much of it had been in her hot fever state of mind, but she knew the connection between them was real. That she had also traveled that upside down mockery of the land they now call home.

    The moonlight frames the glowing crimson of her feminine frame as the foliage parts and reveals her. Ciri takes a step back, still in awe of the invisible electric aura she seems to give off. Feathers dangle lightly from her tresses, bouncing gently off her neck as the gold dust woman sashays in her elegant way towards her. She seems pleased with the name Ciri has come up with, but never as clever as the one given to her, and greets her warmly. ”All that and more.” She laughs lightly, her features softening slightly. She had been worried, nervous even, to see her again. Now that they were so close, the anxiety begins to unravel from the knots they had created.

    The laughter soon dies on her lips, replaced with a strained smile. Yes, she had healed well physically. The scars would never fade but they no longer cased her pain. The hurt she held on the inside though…. The uncertainty of her path… These things tore her apart as viciously as wolves settling on their prey. ”I don’t know how I feel.” She responds honestly, the swirling silver of her eyes picking up speed as she searches for answers in the red mare’s face. ”Where do we go from here?” She whispers softly, partly to herself. Looking back towards the dark black waters of a silent lake. ”And how do I repay such kindness?” To her. And most of all… To him.

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was



    I say I loved you years ago.

    There is genuine excitement and relief in the dark girl's body language as she takes in the sight of my mare. Jah-Lilah warms the space around them with a soft glow, smiles, and steps into the young female. She sniffs and wuffles down Ciri's neck, then meets her in a warm embrace. Jah-Lilah takes in as much as she can, seeking to offer some semblance of normalcy to the girl. They are so different, but so the same. Her mouth alights on @[Ciri]'s crest, picking and grooming. With every jump of the inky mare's skin, my firefly feels her pain, knows her sorrow. 

    The youth questions her, desperate for guidance and answers Jah-Lilah cannot provide. She says nothing yet, just calmly neatens up the girls coat. When she's satisfied with her work, she turns and smiles warmly. A nuzzle on the cheek and she's off, meandering carelessly back towards the lake that had tried to drown the both of them. "Come, little Star." Is the only words she offers thus far, and leads the way. Easily they push back through the blooming foliage and into the open, heading to the water's edge. Upon arrival, Jah-Lilah bends down and takes a long drink. She finishes, then addresses Daughter-of-the-Stars finally.

    "It will take time, child. You will not know how to feel for a very long time. Sleep will not come easy, but eventually, it comes. You just have to know that the Earth-Mother has a plan for us all, it's finding your place that is a struggle. You'll find it, though." She smirks and casts a knowing glance at Ciri. "You seem to be getting along splendidly with your Dragon-King, how's that going for you? Perhaps your place is...alongside him, hm?" The words drift lazily, absently off her tongue as she touches shoulders softly with the darker female. She sighs contentedly and continues on. "As for repaying me, you owe me nothing. I haven't done anything to warrant anyone being in debt to me. You're sweet to ask though." Their shoulders and their hips touch, but as my flower child speaks, she stares into the distance, focused on the center of the lake.

    I tell myself you never loved me, no.

    stronger than you know



    She folds easily into the affection of the older mare, closing her eyes and leaning against the red wytch as she wuffs against her neck. It had been years since she had felt such maternal care. She can still remember her pure white dam but the memory of her face is blurred and blotched. They had been separated when she had been so young. She wonders if she is still alive, if she’s ok. The stars keep the secret location of Soliel hidden from her. She hopes that her mother is happy, wherever she is.

    She has only begun to relax into Jah’s care before she has pulled away and invites her to follow.  There are no words, she simply falls in line behind her down the familiar path back to the water’s edge. Her silver eyes scan the still surface of the lake. Unable to keep the shudder that runs down her spine. The fight with the siren had been difficult but the Leshen was the one that still hunted her in her darkest dreams. She feels that it has followed her from the Underneath, that it lurks within the shadowed trees of the forest.

    She never feels completely safe.

    As if she can read her mind, Jah’s words float through the silence. The smokey mare nods slightly, knowing in her heart that the red woman’s words were true. When the question of Amet arises though, she finds herself looking to her and searching her face. There’s a smirk on her lips and Ciri can’t help the nervous grin that spreads across her own muzzle. Flushing slightly at the feelings that stir when his name is mentioned. ”I have become very fond of him.” She admits slowly, not sure just how much she wants to spill. @[Jah-Lilah] has a knack for coaxing things out into the open though and before she knows it, it all comes tumbling out.

    ”I don’t know. I’m…. Conflicted. There might be someone else for him. Perhaps there's someone else for me. I care for him. A lot. But…” Pausing for a moment as she recalls the ease in which Tang and Amet had been together. ”Perhaps I belong back on the road.” She sighs softly, chewing on her bottom lip in thought. She says nothing regarding repayment but she makes a mental note that if the time ever arrives, she would do what she could to pay it forward.

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was

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