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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    winter wonderland

    Ruinam had hoped that his misfortune has not been in vain, his neck straining to look back at Maleficar as he also falls, hoping in a way that he had not injured himself heavily.

    The fall had initially come as a surprise and an immense blow to his confidence, making him a lot more aware of his current situation and the shape his body was in.
    Ruinam's legs tremble as he tries to gather himself and raise his body, but before he can gather himself, a moment of disregard to his opponent sends a blow straight to his ribs, the air from his lungs escaping in a ridged wheeze as he moves away instinctively, his muscles still trembling as he tries his best to keep steady.

    The white male coughs loudly as he sidesteps away, his breath raspy for a moment as he stares back toward his opponent, watching as his opponent gestures toward him, almost instantly giving his muscles moment of relief.
    "Thank you," he says, his voice sincere this time, thankful that Maleficar had removed whatever he had previously done to make him weak and his muscles tense.

    "You know, you say the people of Tephra are kind and good, which I used to think also," he takes a moment, his breath still recovering, a sharp needle-like pain pulsating in the lower half of his ribs "but why would Vulgaris deny the resort freedom, the chance to unite the three islands and create a safe haven." he pauses again, this time trying to focus on Maleficar rather than the pain "All I wanted was peace, and the chance to create a place where those who were uninterested in the troubles on the mainland could flee and stay there, someplace quiet and calm" he finishes, his tone perhaps becoming a little too emotional for such a situation as he closes.

    With everything said, Ruinam begins to move again, trotting a few paces away from Maleficar, taking a moment to himself, steadying his breath and trying to ignore the stinging pain in his ribs as he turns back toward Maleficar.

    "I didn't want this Maleficar, I didn't want to hurt you or get hurt by you. But I will fight for what I believe is right" he says as he rushes forward, his teeth clenched tightly as the pain in his ribs strikes with every forward movement.
    Though as he moves he suddenly notices his companion moving in the foliage, a quick moment of relief overcoming him having initially thought that the fox fled the scene after the distraction.
    Now, however, the stallion sees a new opportunity quickly blooming as his companion fox rushes toward the pair, his muscles still quite tense as he moves, the closing distance between Maleficar and Ruinam giving him very little time to think.

    As the distance closes, the white male suddenly plants his legs into the moist ground, trying to come to a stop, hoping that his companion would take care of the rest and use the moment to his advantage.
    As Ruinam slides his companion launches at Maleficar from behind, his small jaws open and growling as he moves through the air, trying to target his leg, hopefully somewhere tender just where the leg begins.

    Ruinam grins as he changes direction, straining his injury as he uses his body weight to come to a grinding halt, though even now if his companion was successful, Ruinam has put himself dangerously close to his opponent. 

    default win to Ruinam.
    I DM’d nyx about putting this on hold. Once I’m back from away, we’re resuming this challenge.
    Ignore my previous message. Nyx/Ruinam can have the default win, as I don't intend to return until my migraines calm down. Smile

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