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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    about my posts
    Since I'm flowing back into posting more regularly now, I wanted to get some things sorted out and to keep them on the timeline.

    Here is the new to do list (click here)

    I've updated my to do list and removed some threads I owed posts to, so if you are wanting to get things going again with some of the ponies. Let me know!

    @[Aeris] I took of the Dracarys x Erio thread since Dracarys has now changed and has dragon mimicry. I can have Dracarys meet Erio in Pangea for a visit if you wanted them to continue talking.

    @[Bruja] With the changes happening in Ischia, I think we should move forward with Aquaria x Eva thread to keep it on timeline. I'd love for them to still get to know each other <3 We can wait and see how things play out in Ischia if you want to wait for the thread or if you want I can just continue replying to our current thread just pretend its present time haha.

    @[Vanilla Custard] I am so way behind on my posts with Aodhan x Eva! EEK! She is already due for another birthing for their baby girl <3 Is he in Pampas still or Ischia? Would you want Aodhan to come to her birthing or do a separate thread? I'm not sure if that's his thing haha
    currently playing
    Astrophel | Divest | Falter

    @[Shelbi] I’m sure he could be drawn to Ischia some more, and this time be present Smile I’d also love for him to thread with Aeolus maybe if you can manage the threads. We can drop the current one for timeline sake if you want to? Let me know what is easier for you!

    @[Shelbi] Yes, I'd certainly like for them to know each other. We can call their current thread done if you like, and wait to see how things go with the new stuff before we post them again. I think the current timeline of them meeting before hand is best
    @[Vanilla Custard] I'd love for Aeolus and his dad to hang out! Once I get caught up on my current threads I'll get a post up <3

    @[Bruja] Yay. Sounds like a plan <3
    currently playing
    Astrophel | Divest | Falter


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