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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    to watch you lose control, morgayne
    The day had stretched on for long enough, he thinks as he nears the border to Loess once more. The sun burns orange in the west as the day begins to die and make room for the violets and blues of night back in the east. The first stars peek through between the orange and blue clouds whole Malone’s seem to shine brighter at the sight of their brethren. His muscles are sore from flying too much and pushing himself too hard, and so each step drags a little while his wings droop a bit from their normal position across his back.

    He blinks away the sleep from his eyes and presses forward sluggishly as he keeps an eye out for his brother or perhaps Morgayne. Ciara is already asleep in her normal little patch of thorn bushes that she retreats to when he is not home in time for her to snuggle against. The sight of her as he passes draws a relaxed sigh from his lips at a job well done. A tired smirk even manages to find room on his sweet face for the time being. Ophanim may not return tomorrow or even the day after, but at least he knows that his father can come home to all his children safe and sound.

    The golden star boy pauses near the desert flowers and stretches his wings one last time as he prepares to settle in for the night. He prefers to sleep here because the first morning’s light wakes him up before anyone else has risen from their beds. Soaking up the morning while it is still quiet and empty is his favorite way to begin the day. Malone paws at the ground to test the softness of the dirt here when he hears the dry grasses rustling wildly somewhere behind him. Curious, he lifts his head and his ears – one ink black and the other fiery gold – turn forward to catch the sound.

    The boy hesitates before turning and walking in the direction of the commotion. The noise is too small to be a horse and yet its panic is enough to cause him some degree of alarm that will not allow him to rest. His wings curl forward and part the grasses as he waits for the mysterious creature to come closer.

    Out of the frying pan and into the fire. She ended her little visit with the two youngsters who discovered her trying not to die on the bank of the river south of Hyaline. She dove into the forest and stuffed herself into a fallen log to sleep off her pain and mend herself from her exciting trip back into the real world. She slept until the next day, waiting before the sun was at its Zenith. Creeping carefully through the forest she feasted on raspberries and nipped the ends off tender green grasses and before sunset she’s reached the edge of Loess and finally allows herself to step out of the undergrowth and breathe a sigh of relief.

    She could have gone home, to her brothers and Pangea but ever since waking up on the riverside with those two other youngsters looking down at her she had wanted only to be in Loess with Malone. Her brothers might have comforted her in some way but Malone is always better at knowing how to help her feel better when she could only stubbornly try to bulldoze through her hurts. There is no pushing past being smaller that a fox.

    Like the one she smells in the forest behind her, and though Morgayne’s eyes roll and she sees nothing at all she hurtles herself into the clearing along the border of Loess and struggles frantically through the long grass. It’s hard to move through the tight thatch of summer-yellow grass but she Morgayne pushes forward, stumbling and getting caught on the reedy stalks. She pulls free and bursts with a tumble into the long blue shadow of something with huge wings, looming over her.

    With a strangled yip Morgayne  drops back on her rear and flails to her feet again before realizing that the blue eyes looking down at her belong to Malone and her heart is pounding when she sobs his name, in her small voice it sounds only like a gasp. She does not like to be so frantic. “Malone! Its you!” She is so very small, not even tall enough for the tips of her black ears to reach his knees. Backing away a little, steadying herself as she tucks her tiny self back amongst some of the grass Morgayne holds her head high, tipped back to look steadily up at her friend. “Don’t laugh.” Though she will forgive him if he does, it would be funny if it hadn’t heretofore been so terrifying.

    sometimes i wish
    we could be strangers

    [Malone] oops sorry, posted from the wrong account the first time lol
    The last time he saw Morgayne, she had gotten herself stuck with cactus barbs and kissed the blood from his lips when he helped her pluck them. If that did not bind their fates for the rest of eternity, perhaps her rabbit form colliding with his soft feathered wings would do the trick. He stumbles back in shock, lifting his knees high as he’s careful not to tread on her while she cries his name in shaking sobs. Malone blinks his bright blue eyes as he lowers his head, touching the velvet of his nose to her soft rabbit fur curiously.

    He might have laughed, if she did not seem so scared only seconds ago. His gold and depthless black wings curl forward so the foremost flight feathers rest on her tiny shoulders. She doesn’t seem to be hurt too badly, which is a relief, and so he kisses her forehead as gently as he can manage. It was something his mother always did when he felt frightened but otherwise unharmed and so he imitates her now.

    Rabbits have always fled when he passed near them and so he’s almost delighted to examine her in this form – the long ears, the tiny tail, the twitching nose. He thinks he might like the little animals after hearing her voice coming from one. “Morgayne… did that genie do this to you?” he asks as he lowers himself to the ground so they’re more eye to eye. Malone is careful to keep his wings spread around her so no hawks or foxes get the wrong idea and think she’s their next meal. “She took my brother’s eye so I had to go and get it back. Will you be a rabbit forever, you think?

    His black and blue eyes watch her curiously and he begins to wonder what he could trade the rose gold woman in exchange for Morgayne’s body back. He certainly doesn’t have another heart to just give away but perhaps she’d like something else? It doesn’t occur to him that someone else could bargain for his friend’s freedom, of course, and so he naturally assumes the responsibility.

    Malone’s feathers brush her shoulders and within that shelter he presses his lips to her small dark forehead. It is a magic that Morgayne has never experienced. Her own mother has probably never kissed anyone’s forehead, and the brothers who are raising her are much more likely to give her a fond kick. A fretful hiccup shakes the girls frame just once but that kiss impresses a safety on her frantic little heart. “I was so scared.” Her shame is heavy but the words are very soft and she will bite him so hard if he ever mentions it...but by now she knows better than to worry that he will.

    The boy lies down on the ground beside her and she paces right up to his face. Malone’s beautiful wings shelter them and in spite of herself she smiles (little fangs flashing) at the way the light filters through feathers and dust around the two of them. The smile melts away into confused alarm. “A genie took Meraxes’ eye!? What do you mean you got it back? How did you carry it?” Ever concerned with the practicalities despite the fact that she is the size of a god-damned cottontail. “No it was one of those fairies. Then a bird tried to eat me.” She hasn’t given much thought to how long she might continue to be at risk of being lunch or getting stepped on my some idiot. Turning in a circle Morgayne looks at her pink sides and inspects her small self. “Not for very long I think, they didn’t say it would be forever and fairies probably have to tell you if they are shrinking you forever.” There is a touch of alarm in her features though, because she does not know this for sure.

    Morgayne inches closer to the boys face so that she can press her fanged muzzle to the side of it.  “I never noticed what a big head you have.” She says primly, and then remembering that might come across as rude even if she meant only to be observant she adds.“I like it.”

    sometimes i wish
    we could be strangers

    @[Malone] ily bighead
    He nods slowly when she tells him how terrified she was, and he can only imagine. Sometimes he’s frightened of being alone even at his nearly fully grown height. He doesn’t admit this to her or anyone, obviously, but the thought is there in the forefront of his mind. Malone carefully skims across her thoughts as she remembers the children who teased and toyed with her, the fairies who changed her, and running to find him. She is so much more fragile than she lets on but he has the good sense not to comment on it for the time being.

    I challenged her for it,” he says with a grin that is all too pleased with itself. He doesn’t mention the trade they ended up making. She might chastise him or even bite him with her tiny little fangs if she only knew how far he had gone for his brother. “She didn’t make me carry it though. A new eye just.. happened, I guess?

    He watches as she turns in a little circle, her pink patches shining bright in the light that bleeds between his feathers. What if she is tiny for forever? Malone supposes she would have to ride on his back whenever they wanted to travel. While he doesn’t mind the idea of helping a friend in any way he can, he doubts that she would be thrilled to ask for assistance so often. And imagine how cold she will get in the winter?

    The golden star boy remains still with only his eyes moving as she inches up to his face. He almost can’t feel how soft her lips are against his cheek but he laughs gently at her insult. Was his head really so unusual? Starsin certainly wouldn’t ever mention if he had a flaw and his father isn’t observant enough to catch these kinds of details. But then she adds that she likes his imperfection, making him laugh again, but the sound is fuller this time.

    My head is bigger than you are,” he says, smiling around the words as he lifts his head to gently rest it over her without leaning any of his weight across her back. “I would offer to let you ride on my back to somewhere safer but I’m scared you’ll go back to normal size right when you climb on.

    He chuckles at the idea of Morgayne, pink freckled and legs splayed over him all clumsy. Somewhere, where his heart beats alongside Djinni’s, it flinches and yearns to come home. If Malone only knew that it aches to fall for her.

    Thinking of Malone challenging a genie that steals eyes from babies puts a concerned dip in her brows and the boy can no doubt hear her alarmed thoughts. She looks him over (what she can see) with flashing pink and blue eyes but finds nothing amiss, not outwardly. Though neither of them can know it Malone will not be able to hide his missing heart from her forever. She would feel its absence if she looked... but he is whole, perfect and beautiful and so there is no reason for the healer to feel for what is amiss.

    “You fought a genie.” Bluntly, though she purses her lips and looks at him in silence not quite sure she believes it. Maybe he means something else by “challenged”, so she doesn’t argue but still narrows her eyes suspiciously at his bright smile. “It’s good you didn’t have to carry an eye.” A sigh, amused acceptance, a flick of her black tail against the pink of her flanks. “Maybe you could have put it someplace though, instead of in Meraxes’ head.” Thoughtful, if a little morbid.“He could have spied on people. If I got one of Hatchet’s I would put it in a tree.” Probably a Sylvan tree to spy on Jackel for them, that way Starsin wouldn’t catch her creeping around in Sylva and ask her any weird mom questions. Morgayne doesn’t know what weird mom questions would be but she doesn’t want Malone’s mom asking any all the same.

    Poor sweet Malone’s head is no bigger than it should be but Morgayne’s perspective is quite altered by her greatly diminished stature. Wiggling obnoxiously beneath the boy’s jaw Morgayne turns her head to nibble at his face just beyond the corner of his mouth. “I’m fine here on the ground with you.” She chirps this stubbornly, even though the words themselves are strung together like something sweet. She may bristle a bit but the tiny filly is very content to be safe here we him. Malone may still a boy he feels strong and safe to his vicious little friend.
    “...but” Curving her neck around the side of his face and looking up at the feathered shelter of his wings. “Where would we go if you could fly me someplace?” Where would he choose, she wonders? Why? What kind of places did a winged boy go without his four feet to limit him?

    The sunlight is aging from orange to red, and Morgayne will not go home to Pangea until she is big again. Another might be homesick, afraid not to return to their own bed and the keeping of their own guardian's but Morgayne knows no such concerns. Each day sees the black and pink girl writing her own rule book. Right down to how one should ask to stay over. Tipping her face up she gives Malone’s cheek a poke with her fangs. “I’m staying with you. Where do you sleep?”

    sometimes i wish
    we could be strangers


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