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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Always remember us this way; Aries

    It was a good time to start? Is that what he said? It seemed a tad more difficult to hear when she was laying on her back squishing her good ear to the ground. As she almost had his leg in her grasp he took her neck in his grasp. Panic shifted through her, she knew they were just playing but the one and only time she had hunted her sister had told her this was a technique she used to... to.. suffocate her prey.

    Felicitey's eyes shot open wide as a squeal escaped her mouth shortly before his jaws wrapped around her throat. She wriggled beneath him, her heart pounding.  She thrashed her legs around catching his underbelly probably a little harsher than she anticipated.

    It didn't take long by what ever means for her to break away from him her sides heaving slightly as she tried to regain her composure. I.. I.. I'm so sorry. she stammered. I haven't um... she trailed off watching him gauging him for a reaction. She didn't want him to think her weak or useless as a friend.

    She crinkled her face, Do you want to go on an adventure? she asked.


    who do you think you are? collecting your jar of hearts.

    Aries was rough around the edges, wrapping around the neck was often used to kill prey. Though he was gentle the lioness seemed suddenly alarmed as he grasped onto her neck.

    She squealed, and at first he just thought she was playing. He quickly realized the fear in her as she started thrashing, her claws digging into his underside which caused him to release.

    He steps back, grasping his breath as he finds clumps of his fur on the ground from her claws. His gaze was harsh as he looked at her annoyed, she apologizes followed by an attempt to explain herself.

    The wolf pup sits down licking the part of his chest he can reach that was scratched up. A few moments of silence passed and with a roll of his eyes he looks back up to her as she speaks again. She asks if he wants to go on an adventure and he cocks his eye, What kind of adventure?


    She grimaced as he backed away her eyes plastered to his chest for an awkward moment and then shifting to the tuffs on the ground. She got the feeling he wasn't to happy with her, and she didn't blame him!

    Great look what you did you loser, she scolded herself inwardly.

    He stopped tending to his "wounds" for a moment as he asked her what kind of adventure she was talking about. Her large mismatched eyes squinted as she sucked in her bottom lip, chewing on it as she thought. Well, you asked me why I don't just leave and travel. Let's do that, I've never been to the ocean or explored a deep, dark cave. You said your family sent you on your way. It'd be pretty foolish for a girl to set out on a journey with only her monkey to protect her, you've seen my ability first hand. she chuckled softly as she side eyed Dexter who was rolling his eyes in the nearby tree. Or are you to... scared? she said standing up I'll even make it fair. she added tucking her chin to her chest and grabbing a mouth full of fur yanking it into one rather large hairball. She spit it to the ground, once, twice, three times. It clung to her tongue like velcro.


    And with that she shifted into her equine form. The pale gold of her body shimmered in perspiration capped by chocolate brown markings, aside from the patch missing on her chest. The silver snowflakes that painted her muzzle had turned nearly crisp white as winter crept up on them. She stretched her brown and gold wings out. They had grown in size and had become more flattering against her body. She tucked them gently against her barrel and Dexter hopped across the ground grabbing her wing for leverage as she folded them. Teach me. she demanded sweetly as she cocked her head at the wolf boy.


    who do you think you are? collecting your jar of hearts.


    They shared an awkward moment and for a moment Aries was annoyed with her...but he wouldn't hold this incident against her. He wonders why exactly she freaked out, she was much larger and should have easily been able to overthrow him...but perhaps lions don't practice fighting as often as wolves do.

    He brushes it off and inquires more on her offer for an adventure. And when she unfolds the truth to him it was she who wanted to be brought on an adventure. He listens as she admits her lack of experience in life and he grins at her.

    He may have been forced into a nomad life, but he was free to do as he pleased and honestly he was a bit too bold for his own good. The girl questions his confidence and follows it up by ripping a clump of hair from his own chest. This time the wolf stands up with a grin from ear to ear. There's not much a wolf fears,   low growl lingered as he spoke.

    Come on then! He tosses his head and gently brushes against the lioness quickly moving through the river. He hadn't been a nomad for long but he did know of a cave that was close by, perhaps it'd be just the adventure she was wanting.

    Your Only Limit Is You


    She grinned with pleasure as the boy brushes against her, accepting her request. She watches as he takes off quickly across the river. It's a good thing she transforms into her equine form before following. Her bright eyes move to cat h those of Dexter as she moves to the tree letting him jump to his spot between her shoulders to hold on as they cross the river after the wolf boy.

    Her body holds steady against the current, coming out of the water only a small ways down from where they started. As she exited onto the opposite river bank water rivulets drop from her hide as Dexter shakes himself dry. She opens her brown and golden wings shaking them dry as well. Her coat was a dark golden color, making the silver snowflakes pop across her face in stark contrast.

    I am not scared either, only inexperienced. I'm hoping you can change that. she said with a girlish giggle, batting her long lashes teasingly at him. She had enough personalities to keep anyone entertained. She moved to follow after him towards the unknown adventure she requested. Where will you be going next when you leave here? Do you have brothers or sisters that you may visit? she asks curiously looking down at Aries, still in his wolf form. She would change back into a lioness soon but she had found this coat was easier to dry than her other. She knew it was not her business questioning the boy, but she liked him and wanted to learn more.


    who do you think you are? collecting your jar of hearts.


    He runs without looking to see if she could catch up, she was a lion after all. But when he catches a glimpse of her in the corner of his eye he turns his head to see her in her equine form with Dexter in tow. He smiles gently and slows his pace until they are beside one another.

    When they meet again she tells Aries that she isn't scared, only inexperienced. In truth he was too, sure he was a nomad but he had a home once...he probably has more experience than her, true, but none the less had a world to experience still.

    She giggles and a small smile tugs at her lips, he knew he didn't know it all...but he couldn't just admit that to her. Of course I can! he says with a grin. She inquires about where he will go next, even if he had any siblings which nearly caused him to stop in his tracks.

    Though he continues moving, the entrance of the cave was in sight now. I'm going to go to Taiga....there's someone I need to find there. He gives little detail, but when mother departed she told him to find Wolfbane, and that was exactly what he was going to do. As they reach the entrance of the cave he sits before it.

    I have brothers and sisters, though they were all out on there own adventures. Mother probably gave birth to his sibling and he wonders what they are like. Sabrina is the only other canine in the family (from Mary at least) but she hasn't been home in a while. He shrugs, he was alone in the world but in this moment he had her. Come on, he tosses his head as he gets up to move into the entrance of the dark cave.

    Your Only Limit Is You


    They stopped at the opening of a large, dark cave. Her large eyes moved back and forth between Aries and the cave, a sense of excitement raced through her blood. She listened to Aries as he talked of Taiga. What was Taiga? There were so many places she hadn't been yet, but something told her this cave would be her only adventure today. Maybe one day soon she would venture to Taiga to see Aries.

    His words changed to those of his siblings, only one was a canine like him. Though the way he said it there must be many other siblings. Before she could respond he was headed into the cave telling her to follow.

    She cocked her head to peer at Dexter and with out question he jumped from her back so that she could shift into her lioness form and then he made his way back. Her slender shoulders rolled delicately as she padded after Aries. When she entered the cave far enough her the light that was outside had filtered away. It did not take long for her eyes to adjust, in this form her sight was far superior to that in the light. Everything sifted to a blue and green contrast. Aries was not difficult to pick out infront of her, his wolf form emitting a soft blue.

    Her feet padded across the smooth cave floor, slapping softly against the wetness of it all. I have one sister that I know of, on my dads side. I've only met her once. She tried to teach me to hunt. the image of the rabbit beneath her paws, squealing, and shaking until she suffocated it sent a shiver through her body, It was more intense than I expected. was all she said. Have you hunted before? Was it hard for you to take the life of another? she wondered outloud as she sidled up next to him in the cramped space of the cave.


    who do you think you are? collecting your jar of hearts.


    He wasted no time entering the cave, leaving her behind for a moment. The ground was cool compared to the outside that is met by the sun. It's even a tad bit moist, but honestly Aries could live without the moist ground.

    His eyes adjusted to the darkness, a perk that only his canine form has. His head turns back to the now feline Felicitey who had caught up.

    The light was dimmed to nothing, and she breaks the silence mentioning her own family. She discusses a sister, she tried to teach her to hunt? He wonders what its like to not have your predator instincts itching to take over at all hours of the day.

    When she asks if he has hunted before he finds a seat on the cool cavern floor. Yes, of course. It's only nature to kill, so I don't feel bad. Of course, the line is crossed should you kill for no reason, he only does when he eats. The taste of grass never settled well with him, the taste of blood was much more intricate.

    Does this satisfy your desire for an adventure? He asks as they sit in the dark, something that would probably be terrifying to someone who can't see well in the dark.

    Your Only Limit Is You


    She mimicked Aries as he sat on his haunches talking of how it was natural to kill, at least for a purpose. Maybe she wasn't normal? The uneasy feelings she got when taking the life of another even to fulfill such a natural aspect of her own life. Her brow furrowed momentarily as she contemplated it.

    Her thoughts where interrupted by Arie's voice not long after asking if this had satisfied her desire for an adventure and her face uncrinkled from her confusion as she doubled over in giggles, I thought exciting things were suppose to happen during adventures. she couldn't stop the giggles, nothing was particularly funny but the idea had pulled her from deep thoughts so suddenly that she had appreciated his statement a little to much.

    She rose from her haunches as she squeezed by Aries in the cave. Her tail wrapped around his face, teasingly tickling his nose and chin. She glanced farther into the cave it seemed to open up farther down and she could see the outline of forming stalagmites from the cool caves floor and stalactites dropping from the ceiling, a hidden treasure. Let's just go a little further, please. she said with a small purr, before she sauntered deeper into the cave.


    who do you think you are? collecting your jar of hearts.


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