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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Noteworthy {Amet/Kensa/Dawn}
    Every Story Has Two Sides

    There was a change once again, although this time it was the loss of there fantastic rulers. His heart feels sorrow for the loss, but in the time of need he and Dawn had stepped up for the kingdom with the guidance of Ilma. He was always loyal to the eastern sector and with it he was honored to be given a chance to lead the sanctuary.

    Ilma had tasked the two young ones to visit Hyaline and meet with the leaders. It was certainly odd for him to visit his original home, with Kensa on these terms. He would usually sneak in and out without being bothered, but now he would speak to her with a group. 

    He turned his head to view the heavily pregnant girl that would soon be his partner. He never imagined there position when they met all those years ago in the playground. Im glad we were chosen together, he says with a smile. 

    As they cross into Hyaline his childhood memories flood him in addition to those with Kensa and Adria. He quickly covers the face that may have appeared on his maw with one of no distinction. The pair drew to a halt and he raises his head to allow a whinny to echo through the territory. 

    He quickly glances to Dawn with a smile, but his true intentions was to see how she was holding up. His head shifts once more back to Hyaline, he hopes Kensa will be the one to appear first but his gut tells him it will be Amet.

    @[Kensa] @[Amet]
    @[Dawn] I didn't know if she was still pregnant, but I wrote her as it because I haven't seen a birthing post
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


    Amet's return to Hyaline from Silver Cove had been wrought with thoughts that ran over each other in their attempts to come to the forefront of his mind ─ thoughts about Kagerus and Solace's abdication, about the turmoil of the Cove choosing a new leader to guide them, about the crown of the east, about the future of Hyaline, about Pangea standing eerily silent between them... It had gone on and on, the dragonhide stallion so overrun with both melancholy and worry that the journey had ended much more swiftly than he had realized.

    Upon his return, he'd shared the news with both Kensa and Jah-Lilah. They would need more time to discuss potential possibilities for themselves and for their sanctuary home, but for now the solution that had been presented to the Cove by Ilma has brought the gilded stallion some ease. She had tasked Dawn and Clayton with the responsibility of traveling to Hyaline, a fact he had also shared with his Primarch counterpart, and then had taken to surveying the borders of his home to be alone with his thoughts.

    That had been a few days ago.

    Today, he has settled into the decision that the residents of the Cove had made and now awaits the arrival of Dawn and Clayton. They had both been pleasant at the abdication of Kagerus and Solace; they had shared their respect for the former queens and had confidently voiced their hopes for the future of the east. While Amet couldn't truthfully say that he wholeheartedly agreed with the decision made, he's willing to give them a chance ─ he, after all, had only been a young boy when he'd founded Hyaline. And with Ilma guiding them steadily, the gilded stallion could not foresee her allowing any rash decisions.

    The now-familiar scents of the emerald and palomino pair permeate the air as they enter into the sanctuary of Hyaline. Amet is swift to react to the scents, his dragonhide head jerked high and his nostrils fluttering in response to the visitors. His lanky legs immediately turn him in the direction from which the scents come and his desert-blooded frame streaks across the land with happy anticipation. The only way they could succeed as a quadrant would be to work together ─ it was best that they get to know each other now, to form a united front, before any potential threats befall them.

    He can only imagine who ─ or what ─ could try to take advantage of the changing of the guard. "Dawn," he says as they come into view, his head nodding to them both as a polite greeting, "Clayton." Molten amber eyes slide warmly between the two of them, a hint of a smile at the corners of his lips. "I'm pleased you both made it safely."

    Pivoting to take a place at their side as they continue further into Hyaline, Amet jerks his head towards the lake in the distance. "Let's continue to the lake, yes? I'm sure we will find Kensa there, and then we can chat."

    ─ don't get cut on my edges
    @[Kensa] @[Clayton] @[Dawn] ♥


    everything we are, it just went away
    with a slide of the tongue and a sour taste

    By the time negotiations in the Cove are finished, and things are settled – she might be a Queen! Her! – she is exhausted, but determined. Ilma has bid them go to Hyaline, to acquaint themselves with Amet and Kensa, and she knows that it will be an easy enough task, but the mere idea is daunting and she has to swallow back her discomfort as they set out together. She had not realized that her twins were so close to being born, but with all this pain, it must be soon. It has to be soon. She doesn’t think she could be more miserable if she tried.

    And trust me, she’s tried.

    Clayton meets her eye, and expresses the same thing she’d been thinking herself. “I am, too,” she says with an airy laugh, the corners of her lips quirking up in a smile. “It seems like just yesterday we were playing together in the Playground, Sunny and us. Well, Rhaegor. I didn’t know back then that he was a prince, and look at us now! We might be a King and Queen within the year.” She shakes her head in disbelief as they cross the border to Hyaline, and draws in a deep breath as she remembers the half a year she spent here before the contagion struck. She had not spent her entire life here, like some of them, but it still feels like home.

    They stop, and Clayton glances at her with a smile, but she sees the worry behind his eyes. “I’m alright,” she assures him. “I’m not the first mare to ever be pregnant, you know.”

    Amet appears moments afterwards and greets them, and Dawn smiles at the now-familiar face. “It’s good to be back in Hyaline,” she tells him, glancing around at the familiar territory. He suggests they go to the lake, and she brightens at that, eager to dip her toes in the icy waters that her bear enjoys so much. “Oh, I’ve missed that lake,” she sighs, and the foals inside her wriggle and squirm as if they, too, already want to experience the waters.

    “So,” she continues, eyes bright as she looks to Amet as they walk. “How do things fair in Hyaline? Was the changing of hands peaceful? Litotes seemed... agitated last I saw him, in Loess.”

    And she’ll leave it at that. They don’t need to know that he sired her children.


    oh, it's gonna be a long night


    for every tyrant, a tear for the vulnerable
    in every lost soul, the bones of a miracle

    Her second pregnancy had been much harder than the first. It may be that she has been sick too long, and perhaps the boy had simply stolen her vibrancy but as the time drew near for him to arrive Kensa was forced to withdraw and seclude herself in order to rest and prepare for what would be a difficult birth. In the meantime the east was disassembled and rebuilt with an efficiency few other places could have managed. She regretted her absence during this brief period of change and had returned noticeably weary but hopeful. Amet had attended to the changes in the cove, the Primarch was grateful to have him as a partner.

    Amet is right to expect to find her on the shore of the lake where she can gorge herself on rich greenery and keep an eye on Valek who likes nothing more than splashing in the pebbled shallows.

    The boy is a small bay creature marked similarly to his dam though decidedly less sabino and already displaying a great deal more gold. He could be anyone's son except perhaps Litotes. Kensa does not volunteer his lineage and there would be no point in asking because all of her children were hers more than they belonged to any man. He could be mistaken for Clayton’s child perhaps, they had been together often enough, but she never allowed Clayton to believe it was his child she carried. Not unkindly of course, just honestly.

    Kensa does not hear the discussion regarding Litotes that is carried on as they come to meet her, and this is good. She does not like to take offense but it certainly would have darkened the meeting. When Lie had disappeared into Loess she had been glad to have another to take the helm alongside her, wanting nothing more than to keep Hyaline strong. Perhaps it had looked like a betrayal to Litotes, to her friends, but it is Hyaline she puts first.

    Their voices carry through the spring air, pleasant, indistinct, and Kensa turns to look towards the sound. The unadulterated delight on her face is plain and she turns slowly toward the trio. Valek watches her, dripping, but attends to his play. “Oh, my friends. I could cry to see you both in Hyaline!” She gushes, calling out to them. When they come nearer she greets Dawn with a press of her muzzle to the side of the young mare’s. She has missed Clayton recently, and when she brushes her muzzle tenderly against his it is with an relieved exhale as she realizes how much she wants to sink into his embrace. She gives the bay and green stallion a small smile particularly for him before drawing back. Her laughter is music trailing after her words when she speaks again. “I want to congratulate you both, and of course tell you how much I’ve missed you.” These are her two best friends, she realizes, and she hopes that nothing changes that… perhaps knowing that this very meeting is the beginning of a great many changes.

    Valek for his part finally stops by to eye the adults, the very round Dawn in particular, because she is pretty. He looks at them all with gold ringed brown eyes. ”I’m Valek.” He says (once again to Dawn in particular) puffing himself up like a grown man before bobbing his head once and bounding back into the water. Kensa raises her eyes heavenward, she is cursed to only bring wild-children into the world.

    for every dreamer, a dream. we're unstoppable with something to believe in.

    @[Clayton] @[Amet] @[Dawn] Sorry, trying to get back into writing -_-
    Clayton was a gentle soul-ed stallion, he truly cared for the welfare of others. It seemed to be common sense to be concerned for Dawn, to make sure they were traveling at a comfortable distance. Dawn of course, the strong minded mare that she was showed no weakness, despite his worry.

    She brings up the memory of them in the playground, a much simpler time. A smile tugged at his lips as she speaks of it, his father had brought him there. He wasn't even in the care of his sister yet, Dawn was his first true friend.

    She assures Clay she is okay, but before he could respond the scaley golden stag, Amet, appears before them. He gives a greeting to them both, this time he seemed to be in a much bettee mood than in the Cove. Clayton simply dips his head in greeting, Amet, so nice to see you. Clayton speaks with a smile on his face.

    Amet mentions heading towards the water, surely Kensa would be there. The mention of her pulls at his heart strings, but he is drawn back to earth when Dawn speaks. She reminisces on the memories in Hyaline, excited to see the lake once more.

    The trio walk towards the lake, and Dawn asks how Hyaline is. She was a good diplomat already and with a years training she will surpace any expectations.

    They finally make it to the shore and the chestnut and gold mare he knows so well is there. A smile tugged at his lips, he wantes to break away to run up to her, but instead he nonchalantly sticks with the trio. She calls out to them, and it seems she already knows Dawn very well. That doesn't come as a shock though, Kensa is very outgoing.

    He watches as she presses her muzzle to Dawn, and one for Clayton. He pushes his maw into hers as she touches him, he watches as she slips in a quick smile in which he gives one back. She leaves him confused with emotions all the time, she acts like her heart is with him, yet she finds comfort with others. He does not take much pain in the thought anymore. Instead he has accepted the sitatuation for what it is.

    She congratulates them both, and notes that she missed them both. It was true that he had not seen much of Kensa when she reached the later stage of her pregnancy. Perhap because Adria, or perhaps because everything with the Cove. Thank you Kensa, I have missed you as well.

    A young foal appeared, one that he barely noticed (and perhaps it was by choice), a colt who introduced himself as Valek. He was looking at Dawn when he spoke so Clayton remains silent, instead he glances to Kensa with a smile. His gaze shifting back to Amet so Amet, as you were saying, how are things in Hyaline? He offers an opportunity to bring the gold stallion back into the group.

    @[Dawn] @[Amet] @[Kensa]
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


    Both Dawn and Clayton greet him kindly. Truthfully, the Primarch of Hyaline had been curious to see how the pair would receive him after his disagreement during their meeting in Silver Cove, though as long as it was understood that they all had the best for the Eastern quadrant at the forefront of their minds, there should be no further trouble.

    Amet's smile widens as Dawn remarks at her return to Hyaline ─ it's still so surreal to consider all of the lives that have come and gone in the sanctuary territory since his departure and return. Nearly a year back at the helm now, he's still surprised everyday to hear about the countless equine who have grown to love the crystalline lake and all it stands for, just as he had fallen for it all those years ago.

    The trio begins their descent further into his home, their walking pace quite swift with their excitement to see Kensa. Amet cannot blame the pair; she is an easy soul to grow comfortable with, an amiable face with a large heart attached. He has grown appreciative of her presence and her strengths in this past year. She has led nobly despite the turmoil, and it's unsurprising that it is easy for her to maintain long-term friendships.

    Amet's molten amber eyes turn to Dawn's as she breaches the silence
    in their walk, her curiosity turning to the transfer of power in Hyaline. He answers her truthfully ─ if this should be the Queen of the East in a years time, she deserves to know able the subkingdoms and their affairs. "Hyaline fairs well, as always. It's quieter than I would like it, but it's to be expected at a time like this." He thinks of the plague, of all those it has affected. In time, their numbers will grow again. Patience is key when the antagonist is mother nature. "The changing of the crown was quite peaceful, yes. I'm thankful that Kensa was so receptive to the idea. I suppose it helps that I was the one to found Hyaline as a two-year-old, and maintained it for five years after." He falls silent for a moment then, memories of Nayl and Brennen, Iset and Sakir, awash in his mind.

    "I've yet to meet Litotes," he treads lightly here, "though I would like to, should I have the chance." It's now that they break into the lake's clearing, Kensa's gold and palomino frame gleaming at the shoreline as her new youngling splashes in the shallows. He grins at the scene, at the perpetual fond exasperation that paints itself across the woman's countenance each time she regards her new son.

    The dragonhide stallion remains quiet as the trio of friends reunite; he watches them kindly before his gaze shifts to the newborn colt and his gangly legs. It reminds him of Takhar and for a brief moment, a pang of melancholy rings in his heart before Clayton's inquiry draws his thoughts back to their meeting. "Ah, well, I suspect that it will be livelier here soon enough, what with the newborns and with Kensa's determination to visit the Field nearly everyday." He grins at his Primarch counterpart, the appreciation in his gruff voice blatant.

    ─ don't get cut on my edges
    @[Kensa] @[Clayton] @[Dawn] ♥

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