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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    ~*~*~KINGDOM MEETING~*~*~
    Prague can go into army for the time being please. Big Grin


    Lagertha comments intelligently on the protection of the cub, to which Scorch nods thoughtfully and glances curiously towards said cub. As the meeting continues flowing however, she decides to let the Jakka deal with the situation. No foreign horses pass their borders without their noting it, after all. An attack upon a spirit going unnoticed seems impossible in comparison.

    Lagertha rattles on about army details, to which Scorch pays full attention, though adds no more additional information. The Jakka knows her shit, and with an awareness of the continued tension between them, Scorch has no will to go into even deeper waters just yet. She does, however, murmur approvingly of the suggested names.

    The quiet background noise of Tytos and Nayl fades when the latter steps towards the apparition, voicing her opinions as impressively as ever. Scorch listens approvingly, though her expressions remains neutral. “Yes, the magical balance has been levelled. And yes, in years long past we have had need of healing powers – Kagerou lost her life to a slow-moving wound in the Valley War, as did Quantum. But since then, hostility and need of healing has been minimal.” Her gaze rests for a moment upon her niece before moving almost imperceptibly to the next speaker.

    Rhy agrees then with Nayl, and encourages diplomatic activity, to which the Khaleesi is silent. Scorch almost smiles, appreciation glinting in her gaze. Without Rhy, this kingdom would certainly not be what it now is. She owes plenty to the electric woman, and perhaps in time she will be able to pay her back for all that she has done.
    Jaide, a new, young girl Scorch has glimpsed frequenting the Jungle, introduces herself and immediately takes the pledge. A small part of the woman fears for the red X traitors’ bear, her mind slipping to Kaida and Noori. Alas, the words are said and Scorch refuses to stand in the way of what could be the child’s destiny. “The Jungle would be glad of your service,” She says hoarsely, and with an inclination of her ugly, broad head.

    Pomona appears, the essence of a cautious mother among women who are impulsive and brash. And yet what she says is utterly contradictory to who she is, and Scorch mulls over her offer with an intensifying gaze. Pomona may not be the most regular, nor the most gifted, but even without her chevron tattoos, she has proved to be an irreplaceable sister. In fact, Scorch thinks quite highly of the ruddy woman, and finds herself uneager to release her from the Amazons. “You are brave and selfless, Pomona. I will consider your offer.”

    With the shadow of such a decision darkening her thoughts, Scorch perks her large ears towards Lyris, though they flick momentarily towards her youngest daughter, Sarkis. The girl remains silent throughout the meeting, which Scorch appreciates. The sunny girl’s mouth stretched wide at almost all times, but when she knew what was expected of her, she delivered well. As the weather manipulating woman speaks, Scorch swishes her terribly short tail gently across Sarkis’s rump affectionately.

    “Always looking out for us, Lyris,” Scorch chuckles dryly, the sound deep and slow. “If you want to ask of Her name, be my guest.” (ooc: at this point I think it’s cool if everyone ‘does this’ and has their own interpretation of her name if yall want (Smile Some moments later, Lyris temporarily accepts the gift of wings, though they do not appear immediately. Scorch wonders when they will, but says nothing more on the matter.

    A sadly young woman introduces herself in a muted tones to Scorch, requesting a place in the castes. Nostrils flaring, Scorch scents the jungle and Shahrizai upon the girl’s skin, and decides that all is well in her first public appearance. “Another kingdom meeting will be held before too long, if you feel called by then. Otherwise, welcome to the Jungle Valkerine.” The ghost of a smile trembles on her lips, and then slips into the same hard line with barely a movement.

    Following the tomboy, Malka speaks. With her very first word, Scorch’s bleeding heart sinks to her stomach. To look at her, one could not tell of the change save within her eyes: for now they shifted to a darkly indigo, as of a moonlit lake. Listening with encroaching dread, Scorch slowly realizes how perfectly Malka fits this exact position. “…I have to agree with you, Malka. While I loath to part from you from the Jungle, your willingness trumps Pomona’s.” She glances reassuringly towards the light-winged mare, as though to say I do not think less of you. “If this is truly something you wish to do, then I will not impede you. I have a feeling that not many other kingdoms will have members as willing to leave to the Falls as you, Malka… And if we happen to be the only kingdom with access to the waters, I would call that an advantage. But you would be stripped of your ranks, save Erinak, should you go… But if you do choose to establish an alliance, the good will of the sisterhood shall go with you.”

    Drawing up her strength and courage, Scorch gazes at the gathered women approvingly. Some are absent, which is to be expected, but the turnout definitely pleases her. “That is all for now, sisters.” When/if no other words are spoken, the woman turns and departs, threads of smoky shadow trailing behind her.


    Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    Hi friends! So I know my activity has sucked in the summer and that's probably irritating... But I love you all and I apologize! And just as a little hint, I have some plans concerning the crown which are not far from leaving my head and hitting the board. Like max two months. <3


    [Image: scorch2.png]
    Sorry I replied in the scorch/liz post but figured you didn't see it. Can you add her to both castes please? Thanks!

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