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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    ALL RESIDENTS OF THE EAST | ooc activity update
    Hi all! Thank you SO MUCH for your participation in kingdom visits. It is seriously impressive that we were able to visit every land, and almost every member of The East was able to go! 

    I know a few of these threads are still ongoing, so we are just going to have a quick OOC activity check as Sid and I would like to update the ranks board soon. There are a few ponies who deserve promotions for sure Wink

    This is an activity check for all residents of The East. Please let us know which land your character considered home base, and which diplomatic visits they went on/ any recruiting they have done. 

    SILVER COVE residents should also include if you would like to be apart of the Guard or Diplomatic caste - or if you are just here seeking sanctuary. 

    Kag & Sol

    Anninux is in Silver Cove and would be delighted to join either one!
    Rouhi currently lives in Hyaline

    Quick edit, forgot to add the diplomatic things! 
    Anninux went to the Island Resort with Kagerus
    Rouhi has recruited one horse.
    Alvorr | Anninux | Aziz | Caelestra | Castaneis | Rouhi | Ruinam | Sidereum
    Dawn is in the Cove, she can be added to the diplomats. She visited Tephra with Solace and Yidhra, and is currently visiting Nerine. Smile
    clarissa | cirilla | dawn | frenzy
    bewitched | chalkydri | folklore | paradox | phobia | sunset

    Velk would like to stay in Silver Cove. He is interested in the diplomatic caste. He traveled with Kagerus and Litotes to Icicle Isle.
    Ilma is here in silver cove as diplomat Smile went to loess and pampas.

    Tähti is closeted right now. I haven’t been able to bring her out yet, so either you can put her inresidents (aka remove her rank) or not at all. Whatever the choice, if she gets back I’ll wing it ^.^
    Litotes here to be the ever annoying half of Hyaline's leaders. Went on diplomatic trips with Kag & Velk to the Isle, Ilma to Loess, and is currently in Nerine with Dawn. I didn't know if I should reply considering he can't get promoted much higher than a council member LoL.
    Kagerus is present as Queen Caretaker, of course <3
    [Image: kag]
    For consistency I'll put Will up here Wink

    She went to Taiga with Clayton and Raul, and she would like to remain in the military caste of Silver Cove

    Also if anyone would like to mock let me know on Discord
    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]
    Kensa is beautiful and of course always in Hyaline forever and ever.

    She went to Ischia with Clayton and met with Ivar, relations are to be 'friendly'.
    Also went to Sylva with Yidhra and that thread is not yet completed.
    Clayton is here! Diplomat please


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