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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    mocks anyone? & a few other things
    i have two characters that would like to mock! if anyone is interested. i'm not opposed to mocking more than one. i also would like to get better at writing battle posts.

    i have litotes, soon to be a leader of subkingdom hyaline that just needs war practice.

    i also have naia (my lovely lil leilan bb), who i want to be a serious warrior. it's just kinda in her nature. she's very nice but mostly very fierce.

    a few other things for naia: eventually she will meet her family, though that doesn't really need to be plotted out. she's also....very gay. but does not know it yet. and i would like for her to discover it with someone :-p also, friends and enemies! she has an open thread in the meadow but i don't mind starting other stuff!!
    margot / daedalus / hysperia / frey
    chemdog would love to wrastle litotes <3
    buy the ticket, take the ride.
    —  Hunter S. Thompson


    snowphish, city, oleandar, wrena, kota, let, seasick
    chemdog, klaus, padmé, fenwe, claudia, mourna
    @[Prism] i would love for them to mock especially since i dont think they'll like each other at all >B)
    margot / daedalus / hysperia / frey
    Since Lie was pretty helpful during the quest (aka didn't let him drown), I'm sure Leilan would like to talk to him again. Or mock with him if he wants to? xD
    Probably wouldn't mind teaching Naia a few things too, but that'll probably need to wait until after the fact of her actually existing, lol

    If I bring Tähti back out she'll also be available, but that's probably only after the new year.
    @[phaetra] i think you might be totally right on that one! if you wanna do a starting post that would be awesome, but i dont mind doing one either. Feel free to take some creative liberties as to why they're wrastlin' c;
    buy the ticket, take the ride.
    —  Hunter S. Thompson


    snowphish, city, oleandar, wrena, kota, let, seasick
    chemdog, klaus, padmé, fenwe, claudia, mourna
    @[Vanilla Custard] hi wow yes, i was hoping they would get a chance to hang out ever since the quest. maybe they can thread to discuss the relationship between hyaline/the east and icicle isle? and then mock if they like each other : )

    @[Prism] okay! i will throw something up for them soonish <3
    margot / daedalus / hysperia / frey
    sounds good! <3
    buy the ticket, take the ride.
    —  Hunter S. Thompson


    snowphish, city, oleandar, wrena, kota, let, seasick
    chemdog, klaus, padmé, fenwe, claudia, mourna
    @[phaetra] sounds good! <3 I don’t know yet if he’ll ever get to lead the Isle at this rate but, at least they can meet and discuss their ideas! Plus he’s close to Breckin so maybe Nerine wants in on it too - he’ll relay that message to her at any rate (:.

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