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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    summer beach party ♥ all young horses WITH PRIZES

    I kept my hope just like i'd hoped to
    then sang to the sea for feelings deep blue

    And in the matter of minutes, the whole ordeal settles into a chaos so pretentious that it play acts as peacefulness.

    Rhaegor knows better.

    The first order of the evening is being introduced to Will's boyfriend, or at least, the only one that Rhae is currently aware of. He offers a curt nod to Clayton, a tight smile briefly showing across his ashen lips. It changes to a nip when Will bumps his hip with hers, but the change in vantage points distracts the colt -- who's that, over there? With half a lock of mane still tangled in his mouth, the eldest prince shakes himself loose of his older sister before going to investigate.


    How the beautiful creature had known to find him here, Rhae can't begin to guess - all he can think as he is stuck mid-step is how her radiance is the furthest thing from diminished in the fading daylight. As the pinks and oranges hit the high planes of her cheeks and shoulders, the dusky colt wants to say something, to remind her of their run through the meadow when the whole world was their stage but they only had each other as an audience. He wants to remind her that his heart still belongs to her - that, if she asked, he would give her anything.

    But for his hesitation to admire her beauty, he is punished - or at least, he has punished himself by falling for one too many. Or like, six, is probably more accurate. With a tangible burst of energy, Chryseis sweeps into the group and rejoins Rhae with it, her blue skin pressed comfortably against his wing. Hi Rhaegor. He can't help himself when he cranes his neck to look back at Ivy, still caught up in her mystery and grace; but then a muzzle is brushing against his shoulder, and his attention shifts.

    Hi, Chryseis.

    The words are not spoken (no surprise there), but he presses the shape of them intimately into her neck, knowing that even if she doesn't understand his exact meaning, she'll appreciate the gesture. His lips linger against the warmth of her skin for a moment too long, the scent of her reminding him of their mountain hide away, the place he will never speak of to anyone else (except perhaps his siblings, though he won't disclose the exact location of course). In her scent, he finds himself remembering adventure and chaos, thrills and heat and even still, a kind of calm that makes itself special because of how wild a girl the blue roan is.

    When she begins introducing herself to the others, Rhae pulls his lips away easily, blinking a bit distractedly now as his psyche is pulled in two directions. She then gestures towards the moondancer and his brother, Sviko, and he can only give Will a grateful look as she ushers Clayton in those character's directions.

    From the outskirts, a beautifully marked pegasus approaches, flapping her wings to make an emphatic entrance. Rhae nods towards her with a smile, looking at Chryseis and then the girl as if to say that she ought to go greet the newcomer. Whether she does or not slips Rhae's attention as, in less time than he needs to adjust to the batshit craziness going on around him, another feminine figure approaches.


    Even the sight of her is enough to make Rhae's stomach flip, and more than that, his shoulders ache. Although he'd reassured her that day in the forest after their encounter with the lionpards that Mother could mostly heal his wounds, the memory of that pain still sometimes came back to him. Not so much as a negative than as something that he associated with the beautiful liver mare - adventure and comfort and thrill. He remembers also telling her of his precognition, perhaps the first who knew of it besides his siblings and mothers. Remembers the way she had held him to her, lending him solace until the bleeding stopped, speaking softly to him of times in her past.

    But of course, she does not walk up to him like Chryseis, far less bold in their connection (for reasons he is about to find out). Instead, she goes to Ivy, murmuring words that he can't quite hear but that he knows for a fact are kind. When they both start towards him, he wants to smile - and he even does a little bit, but it warbles as his eyes flash from girl to girl to girl, and then he just feels like dying. Dying would be better than being surrounded by all your girlfriends.

    Kensa introduces herself, and mentions her connection to Rhae. Rhae smiles and swallows at this, ears flicking forward in an attempt to convey his feelings for her, but then back again as confusion threatens to kill him.

    It would seem, however, that his girlfriends are not the only sources of his death wish tonight.

    Coming in stutteringly, a familiar-looking stallion settles himself next to Kensa. Rhae doesn't notice this fact at first, too caught up in trying to remember where this stranger is from; but when he places him as the young, handsome man he'd once shared a sunset with, he notices how closely he stations himself next to Kensa. How he greets her. And how his tail, ever in his control, continuously brushes against her hocks.

    Feeling as though he might explode if he doesn't do something, the idiotic little prince bursts into a gallop, buffeting Litotes with his wing as he catapults past, towards God knows what. He turns on himself sharply at the edge of the beach, now running for the adrenaline of it; he passes the group which holds all his girlfriends, kicking up sand as he passes, before pulling up next to Sviko and using the rush of energy to muster some words into the space between him, loud enough that only his little brother and confidente might hear.

    "I've fucked myself over so hard Sviko, you GOTTA help me!"

    [Image: rhae]
    She stayed away from most of the populace, lurking amongst the shadows and the trees, hiding amongst the flowers and the bushes. And when she absolutely had to wander past someone she kept her eyes down, away from whoever might meet them in a friendly smile. This way...this way, she couldn’t hurt anyone else like she had so long ago to please her father. She hadn’t practiced it since that day, hadn’t allowed herself to see what it would feel like without the fear of him hovering over her.

    Tonight she found herself along the beach, she no longer knew what boundaries were where. She wandered, a wraith amongst the living. The sun dipping below the sea caught her attention, and she smiled a small soft smile as she watched it dip lower and lower, turning the sky brilliant shades of neon colors. Orange and pinks, some reds and some dark blues and purples as the sun dipped ever farther, until, there was nothing but the faint rays of it left, shimmering across the ink black water.

    The sounds of others finally caught her attention and she was horrified to realize she had to go through them to get around them. Panic send adrenaline racing through her blood, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. They were young, like her, she notices as she tries to slow her wild heart.

    “You can do this….” She mumbles to herself. Just don’t make eye contact, that would be easy. Maybe if she was quiet enough she could just slip right past them along the edges of the water, that would be good yeah? Yeah, she can try that. And so she starts, only taking small quick looks as she steps through the water, trying to be as quiet as she can. Her looks dart from horse to horse as more and more of them appear, but she can’t hear them over the thundering of her heart in her ears. She keeps her head down, firmly not paying attention until she accidently bumps into one.

    “Oh goodness.” She gasps, her eyes darting up instinctively and then immediately going back to looking at the sand. She had done a quick look, taking in the palomino coloring and eyes that were so blue that they had ingrained themselves in her memories. “I am really sorry.” Her hooves already scuffing backwards away from the male. Memories of the past roar through her mind, thoughts of her father ruining a moment that might have been perfect. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.” The moon catches the silver black roan coloring across her body as she moves.

    She had noticed one odd thing along his neck, something that made her take a very quick glance up again to see if she could figure it out. But he still hadn’t struck her for running into him. Maybe she could get away with it this once if she could just...get away.

    Before she could do that or escape, there were more surrounding him. And she edges back into the water until it touches her knees, just quietly waiting, and hoping they would forget about her. Even as she knew deep down that she wasn’t going to get out of this without at least introducing herself.

    She feared accidentally using her powers and hurting them, even as she wished she could be normal and join them. Occasional very quick darting of her eyes as she watched them and listened.

    (Just to clarify since we are ignoring posting order ;-) she ran into sviko and then everyone came over)
    She looked around, noticing that the group was gradually growing. Eifa grinned at this; hopefully things would liven up soon once enough fillies and colts showed up. Twitching her ears, she looked ahead once she saw another filly amongst the group, seemingly calling out for her. Smiling brightly, eyes large, she stepped forward and made her way over to the filly. 

    Her compliment on her wings did not go unnoticed, causing her to beam proudly while shuffling her wings as if to draw more attention to them. “Thanks!” She chirped, puffing out her chest with pride. Her wings were her favorite thing about herself, so it made her feel nice when someone complemented on them. “It’s nice to meet you, Will. I’m Eifa,” she turned her attention towards the colt she introduced as Clayton, offering him a friendly smile along with a head dip of greeting. 

    Will introduces her brother as well, but then mentions that he likes girls with wings and seems to show signs of a grin, but quickly hides it. “Is that so? Well, I must say he has good taste,” she giggled lightly. “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she sent him a wink, and inwardly started feeling a little nervous all over again. Was she flirting?! That was the last thing she had expected to happen! Though, she supposed it shouldn’t be a surprise. Things like that happened at parties, didn’t they?

    Though her intentions were to make friends more than get involved with a colt, she supposed it was a night for many first times. Surely there wasn’t anything wrong with getting to know a colt. And if there’s no spark, then hey, at least they could be friends, which was always good. 

    This is when another filly showed. Kensa is who she introduced herself as, and a colt came soon after. He says hello to the older filly, but doesn’t introduce himself, only flicked Kensa with his tail in a suggestive manner. Her eyes widened a little, ears raising at the small but powerful movement as she tried to keep herself from smiling playfully. Instead, she looked back at Will, Clayton and Sviko, deciding what happened between others wasn’t really any of her business. Especially since she didn’t know them.

    Well, even if he didn’t say his name, that didn’t mean she couldn’t take that first step. Looking back at Kensa and the colt, she dipped her head in greeting, “Hello! I’m Eifa!”

    Ugh...so short...and I am not good at flirting *o*
    He can’t handle this - -

    Will and Rhae are one thing but this sudden influx of youngsters like themselves? Most of them painfully noticeably female? He really just wants to go hide in the middle of the big lake, or jump off a cliff. The littlest prince isn’t sure which option is the better of the two and can’t decide because they’re swarming him. Okay, not him per say since they’re all mostly making gaga-eyes at his minutes-older brother.

    Sviko almost snickers at that. 

    Besides he’s too busy enjoying the closeness of his sister until she opens her big mouth and mentions something about him liking wings. He gives her an eye roll and a quick bearing of his teeth - puny empty threats since he knows she’s only teasing but he’s quite certain his darling sister will get her comeuppance even if he has to deliver it himself. Which shouldn’t be too hard the way the horned colt and her are sickening close and touchy-feely.

    But now he figures he must at least be polite. That’s the role Will has thrust on him not that he’d have been glaringly rude otherwise but now it’d be nigh unto impossible to slip away beneath the sea and the temptation to bite her brown little butt increases by the second. The look he gives her enough to say thanks, sister. Only the sarcasm would be thick and heavy in that look of his.

    (moodiness only makes the littlest prince look marginally more attractive)

    One by one they flock to the beach; to this small corner of the world that seems to spawn child-couples in a matter of instants. How easily they pair up and he just stares at them through moody blue eyes that keep slipping away to the sunset and the sea it shimmers on. He has not the interest in partnering up that his siblings do, so introductions fly over his head until he notices that his brother is suddenly just gone and sand is flying all around them.

    He sighs; it’s just one of Rhae’s tantrums but can Sviko blame him? If his older brother didn’t have all those girlfriends... what on earth was he thinking would happen once their sister invited EVERYONE to this awkward shindig? He almost wishes he knew until he has to stifle a groan and the urge to stun his brother with a light beam as Rhae begs for his help. 

    “How?” he muses aloud. 
    It’s not like he could take a girl or two off his brother’s hands. Still he is not unkind as he leans over to tuck a few wayward feathers back into place on Rhae’s wing. His first instinct is to tease his brother but he can see that he is truly afraid of the situation at hand. Briefly his brain strays to thoughts of it all escalating until he’s forced to zap them all with light beams until they submit and shut up. “Maybe you should just have a harem...” it would be easier and they could all have Rhae. 

    The mere idea is titillating enough to drag a squeaky laugh from his lips before he lays his head on his brother’s back. “You know I’m no good at this.” he comments idly before a careless someone bumps into him. He removes his head slowly from the familiar stretch of brotherly back to peer at the babbling someone that has recognized their mistake.

    He settles his gaze on the intricate color she wears for skin. It moves and glitters in a fascinating roan way that seems shot through with strands of pepper and silver-black. “No apology necessary, it happens.” he manages this in a very princely manner - polite and unfazed though his eyes have trouble leaving her until her forces himself to look away after staring at her for so long. Already his feet have begun to inch towards her as of separate from his mind’s decision to stay put. His gills even flare unexpectedly as she churns up the seawater by stepping back further into it.

    Suddenly he’s drawn back into the conversation about liking wings except he’s earning a compliment for having good taste. An awkwardly shy smile graces his mouth as he settles himself in the sea halfway to the silver-black roan girl and his crazy brother. The spotty girl winked at him and he had the good nature to laugh before thanking her. “Thanks but I don’t have pretty spots like you.” A compliment for a compliment since he’s not like Rhae, smooth with the little ladies. Sviko was anything but. Still, he tried as he crooked his nose to her in invitation to come closer to his little spot of sea since he stood more in the water than on the beach.

    Except he couldn’t help looking for the other girl and making sure she hadn’t been swallowed up by a rogue wave or something. 

    Well now, isn’t this quite the pickle?
    He suddenly has the smallest inclination of what his older brother is going through and he decidedly moves back to Rhaegor and plants himself there. Let the fillies come to them! 

    (um yeah lmfao. koko is bananas and is like ok I give up, come to me my pretties!)

    we are stars wrapped in skin

    A party.


    Well, they can’t say she is too old. Or too young. She has argumentation against both, even if she looks to be the youngest horse, she is as old as Kensa - three. And a half, by now.

    Her wings are barely able to carry her, but they do, long enough for her to glide down the cliffs and land on the beach. She spots Clay and Will easily; a pair of horns sticking out of the crowd. She makes her way over quickly, and greets them with a smirk. ”Clay, Will. I’m so glad you’re having this party. I couldn’t bear to stay away.” Turning to Clayton, she chuckles. ”How’s your sister?”

    Okay, but that was quite enough. The smokey black filly looks about the group she has encountered, one golden and white boy (perhaps, she shares her mother’s weakness for the colour and pattern), that she knows must be Sviko even if he doesn’t know her name, well, he’s still pretty to look at. But she turns to the girl he was talking to instead, grinning like a mad dog. ”I’m Tähti. It’s good to see word spread outside the kingdom, I might have been the only one with wings!” glancing around, she suspects Chryseis, but she doesn’t really comment, or mind.

    She shakes herself as Sviko walks away, and gets in touch with his brother, who seems to have a lot of eyes on him already. She shrugs then, thinking he’s maybe not interested, and looks to Will in hopes that she has a good idea to get this party actually started. Maybe a competition?

    the light you are searching
    has always been within
    ©Vanilla Custard

    @[Sviko]@[Warlight]@[Clayton]@[Eifa] I think this is the smaller group I am talking to now
    For a moment there is relief, because she ultimately has been neglected amongst the influx of horses. Too many faces, too many that already know each other. Names being lobbed back and forth as those that didn’t know were introduced. Laughter and words and flirting already in full force. She expels the breath she had been holding. Daring a glance up once she not longer felt the staring of his eyes or heard the shuffling of his hooves in the sand closer to her. She catches their names, being brave enough to keep her gaze up long enough to put some faces and colors and forms to each name. She noticed the way some leaned closer to others, the breathy laugh as they flirted and smiled a tiny smile to herself.

    She looked shyly at the male she had bumped into. She liked the way that he smiled, the way he had stepped closer towards her, more into the sea than the sand that ran along the edges of it. It made her heart thump a little faster in her chest. She was safe here, amongst the salt water that brushed against her legs, splashing up against her belly with each push and pull of the sea. She hadn’t expected to like the ocean.

    She slid back deeper into it, enjoying the feel of it on her skin when the moment of the boy in front of her brought her attention back to him. He had moved away from her and the spotted girl as well back to the side of the male next to him. Oh. Her heart kind of fell in her chest. She understood, and it was silly after all to let herself be so affected by someone who she didn’t even know. She looks up at them all through her lashes, knowing that she should leave, but so wistful to stay.

    And wasn’t she pitiful? Wistful for the things that she had missed out as a child, wanting them so bad her heart ached. But she had to stay away. Someone that was good would keep them safe right? But she would be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about how easy it would be to walk into the midst of them all and hypnotize them all into loving her and being her friend.

    She sighed instead, turning her eyes from the gathering of horses and towards the black sky and the black sea, unable to distinguish them from each other any longer. Her heart was heavy, but she started to turn away. This wasn’t where she was supposed to be. Although maybe she could settle in one of the caves, there had to be caves along the coast right? There they would be safe enough from her and she would still be able to play in the ocean.

    (Soo, yeah sorry, she is not being very cooperative right now.)

    where we break when our hearts are strong enough

    It is not long before she is approached by another.

    Ivy lifts her head from where it skims the edges of the water, bringing her dark eyes to the other mare grinning brightly at her. She smiles in response, although hers is a little quieter, the edges of it not quite sticking. It shimmers in place, barely perched, but remains all the same. “It’s nice to meet you, Kensa,” her voice is as quiet as her smile. murmured through the tangling breezes around them. “I’m Ivy.”

    As the other mare mentions the stallion, at least she assumes that’s who she means, she just nods, although everything in her is telling her to leave. She doesn’t like crowds. Doesn’t like loud noises. And yet here she is, placing herself in the middle of a party that is sure to have both.

    Still—her heart thrums for adventure, for stories, for stardust dreams and she accepts.

    Without another word, she removes herself from the water, wading through it to the beach and then up to where the others are gathered, so clearly connected to one another. Her own indigo eyes trace over each of them, dipping her elegant head in greeting before finding Rhaegor once more. They linger there for a second, something like secrets blossoming in the moment, before she breaks away to listen politely.

    When there is a lull in the conversation, she interjects just slightly. “My name is Ivy.” It’s the polite thing to do, after all, when surrounded by all of these new faces, although she’s not sure entirely that they truly care about gathering and remembering each name. Still, even though her heart thrums in her chest, a caged bird around all of these warm bodies, she does her best to stay still, ignoring the way her legs want to dance underneath her, the way she wants to flee to the quiet and the dark of her evening hour.

    When Rhaegor bursts from their group, a look of puzzlement sweeps over her features, but it feels like relief as much as anything. Taking it as an opportunity to step away, she takes a measured step back.

    “I’m going to have a swim,” she says quietly, to no one in particular, before turning toward the water.

    Whether they hear her, whether any follow, is of little consequence to her.

    Already, she feels lighter, more at peace, as she steps into the water, letting it rise up her legs, hitting her chest and then lifting her weight off the ground entirely. Buoyed by it, her legs begin to churn under her and she goes further out into the body of it, a smile crossing her face as the noise begins to fade.

    we can bow 'cause our music's warmer than blood

    hi. she's here. she introduces herself. she excuses herself to go swim.
    -- I don't know where you're going,
    but do you got room for one more troubled soul?

    There are more new faces here than she had expected, and in the beginning, it is exciting. She is vibrancy and chaos trapped inside a mortal body, and she feeds off the different currents of energy. It is nearly impossible to keep track of those that come and go, and she finds her attention flitting from horse to horse as they converse, but she is not bothered by it. If she could she would try to befriend each and every one of them, but as with most parties, they have begun to condense into smaller groups.

    She notices that Rhaegor’s attention seems to continuously stray to the mare on the beach, and even though she is intrigued, she does not think much of it. There are too many other new arrivals — most of who she doesn’t know, except for Tähti, who she smiles brightly at. She is about to pull away to greet her when a trio is making their way towards where she stands alongside Rhaegor; a liver chestnut, a pale stallion, and the mysterious mare that had been lingering on the shore.

    She does not feel the tension that is building. Gold-blazed face shimmering, she smiles at them, her dark brown eyes sparkling in the fading light. ”Hi! I’m Chryseis,” Her greeting was enthusiastic as always, her small ears flicking as she catches their names. None of them are familiar, although she thinks she has seen Kensa and Litotes around, though she has been spending considerably less time in Hyaline. She is too wild for the sanctuary kingdom, but not in the feral way of her mother; she was reckless and insatiable, and not even the mountains could soothe her wanderlust.

    When Rhaegor suddenly breaks away, it is like the curtain has dropped. She startles, her eyes following his fleeing form as she calls out, ”Rhaegor, wait — “ but the words turn to ash on her tongue; he left.  For but a moment, she can’t hide the confusion — and hurt — that strikes her face. What did she do? She fights the urge to follow, accepting that if he fled like that, he clearly didn’t want her, or anyone else, in his presence. It is then that she notices the way Kensa had allowed her gaze to linger on her longer than the others, the way Rhaegor seemed set off by the presence of the pale stallion, and the way he had been so captivated by the stranger — Ivy — on the beach. It didn’t make sense, but the pieces of this puzzle were making her uneasy.

    There is a storm stirring in her chest, but she pushes it down, and when she looks back to the group she smiles again, and even though it is genuine, it is dimmer than before. She felt deflated, like someone had kicked the wind out of her, but she was determined to not wear it on her face. ”You two are new to Hyaline?” Her tone is light, attempting to ignore the prince’s abrupt departure.  She has never resorted to small talk before, usually diving right in to something ridiculous, but her mind is elsewhere. Her eyes follow the retreating form of Ivy, and she holds Kensa’s gaze for a moment, seeming to question if they should follow the quiet mare. Much like with Rhaegor, she assumes that if someone leaves, it’s for a reason.
    I don’t know where I’m going,
    but I don’t think I’m coming home

    leilan x briseis

    Rhae peels away from the group, leaving a wake of confusion from the fairer members of their little group, and Will does her best to stifle an open-mouth laugh at Koko's comment with a snort. She shakes her head glancing up to Clayton, "Well there you have them, The Princes of Hyaline." Just then Tahti lands elegantly in the sand (too well for someone who was actually her age) and makes her way to them. Her comment widens the smile of the antlered girl, but she wonders if it will do the same for Clayton. "Glad you could make it, baby," she counters. Her tone dancing between the two possible connotations of the word, baby. But as Will looks back to Clayton to see how he is taking the banter, Lie's bright form catches her eye. 

    She is surprised to feel an uneasiness pulling at her as Lie leans into the girl, Kensa, she had seen Rhea with. But with all the activity surrounding her, she doesn't have time to worry about that just yet.  She steps back, pulling herself out of the group and into an open space a few passes back from the waves. Her slight frame settles into a relaxed three-legged stance as she watches the living mass of them, pleased despite her brother's distress. 

    "Hello everyone!" Hyaline's Princess calls, her young voice rising above the mumble of introductions and waves. She waits for a breath, her dark sapphire eyes scanning the crowd gathered. The turn-out had exceeded her expectations and happiness is easy to read on her face - her stubborn scowl is nowhere to be found tonight.

    "I'm Warlight, but you can call me Will," she says casually to the group at large, making sure she meets each individual gaze as she speaks. "I hope all of the introductions are out of the way, because we have a game planned and you may need a partner."  

    "And you want to put in your best effort," she adds, her roaming gaze finally landing on Rhae and her smile growing a little mischievous. "First prize is worth hunting for." 

    Putting back on her business-like airs with a shake of her neck, she dives into the knitty-gritty. "There are three items hidden within a 10-minute walk of right here, so don't wander too far. You will know them when you see them. In a little bit I will call everyone back here, and bring whatever you find with you." 

    "And yes," she reminds them before they can disperse."you can form pairs or search alone..." 

    With a step back and a little rear for dramatic flair she opens the hunt "Go!"

    Soul as sweet as blood red jam

    OOC: there are six locations to search, three of these pre-determined locations have the prizes! Post as many times as you would with your ponies exploring one of the listed locations (alone or with a friend) before Thursday Mid-day eastern time (November 1st) 

    Thursday I will OOC post which locations had which prizes, at which point you can IC find the object (if you are one of the lucky ones) and regroup on the beach to find out what your prize means! 

    THE LOCATIONS - flesh out these locations as much as you want:
    Massive cavern
    Hidden cave
    Suspicious looking mound in the sand on the north side of the cove
    Something strange is floating out past the surf...
    The south side of the beach has an interesting key-hole rock formation
    Follow a winding trail into the meadow above the beach

    Please Note OOC above your post which location you choose

     I am sending Radar a message on Discord with which locations contain which prizes Smile
    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]
    Knaught comes over just in time for the instructions. He's confused as to what is really going on. He hears that he needs a partner, he looks around frantically. "A-anyone wanna be my partner?" He asks as he moves through the crowd. The crowd murmurs once Will begins to explain what is going on. "A scavenger hunt?!" He says under his breath, excitedly.

    He perks his ears and his head is held high in excitement. He swishes his tail, eager to just take off galloping to find the different things. "Please can someone be my partner?" he asks again, a bit more desperate.

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