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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    summer beach party ♥ all young horses WITH PRIZES
    [Image: hyalinesunset.png]


    Hyaline was full of new faces - new, young faces - and for once the restless dreamer was more interested in staying home than exploring faraway kingdoms. She had a plan, and it really was pretty simple.

    Warlight made sure to whisper in the right ears, and more importantly, she tried to keep the rumors out of more important ears. 

    “On the night of the full moon, us on the beach at sunset. Bring a friend if you want.”

    Tonight was a night for the young and the untitled.

    The sky is as dazzling as Will had hoped. Violet, fuchsia, and orange are splashed across its expanse as the sun sinks towards the horizon. Below her hooves, the sand still holds the heat of the summer day, but already a cool breeze is drifting off the mountains summits to dace along her dark top-line. Behind the cliffs to the east, the full moon’s crown can just be seen as it climbs into the indigo sky. Night has already set most of Beqanna, but the far (often lonely) edges of Hyaline witness to daylights dying brilliance as she dips into the sea.

    Traveling swiftly Warlight canters beside her bother, finally coming to a halt when they have reached the perfect cove for the night's festivities. 

    “Think she’ll come?” Will asks over her shoulder to her brother, in a tone that implies this is only half a question and more than a little teasing, “you know, that girl I keep seeing you with.”
    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]
    Every Tape Has Two Sides

    They have been through a crazy spring, enduring a bear attack, a death....and and incarnation? Whatever it was they experienced together she could not stop talking about bringing all the young equines together on the beach for a night of fun. He did not really enjoy being in a large group....but he would do anything for her, and he would be damned if he did not show up to this 'party'.

    The summer days were warm, but on this beautiful night the beach carried a breeze that offered relief. As he made his way to the beach he gazed upon the sky, the mix of colors intermingling and just barely able to see the start of the skies stars peering through. He presses forward, he wonders if he will see Tahti or Velk there tonight, he was comfortable around them so even if Warlight was busy with the others he would have them to talk to.

    She was such an extrovert, always excited to meet new equines and go on new adventures. He could pick a million reasons why he admired her, and that is just about all he did while making his trip down to the beach... It seemed like forever but he finally reached the beach, he could hear the chatter of others off in the distant.

    As he grows nearer to the chatter he can see a cove, it had a perfect view of the setting sun and was open enough to see everyone who would attend. He can see Warlight in his view and a smile tugs at his lips.... why does she make me feel this way he thinks to himself, an emotion he can not explain. He has always been fond of her but since last winter he finds himself having butterflies whenever he sees her, always wanting to be around her. Was it creepy? Did she think about him as much as he did? He shrugs to himself, thoughts he would have to put away for another time.

    As he grows nearer another equine is beside Warlight, the young colt was a dapple buckskin and he had a white patch on his belly just like Warlight. They had never met, but from the stories Clayton picks this one to be Rhaegor, one of her triplets...should he introduce himself? Or stand off and allow them to finish there conversation? It might be weird to just stand off to the side, so ultimately he decides to approach. Hi Warlight! His voice expressed the joy in seeing her, his gaze drifted to the colt and he dips his head to him Hello, I'm Clayton. Though he suspects the brother, he allows him the opportunity to introduce himself.

    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


    I kept my hope just like i'd hoped to
    then sang to the sea for feelings deep blue

    He has to admit, his sister has something of a nact for party planning. That or else he just really doesn't, because, well, he can't fucking speak - but if by her charms or by her authority as Big Sister, Warlight has somehow managed to wrangle him into attending. Or co-hosting - or - well, he's never been to a party (or to any gathering bigger than say, three people) so he really has no idea what to expect, and quite honestly, he's feeling nervous.

    The canter along the western coast helps some with his nerves, and as he settles down before the cove with his antlered triplet practically glowing beside him, he smiles in a way that almost admits to being excited for whatever the hell was about to happen; but at his sister's words, his stomach drops. Think she'll come? Rhae closes his eyes, a headache already forming between them. You know, that girl I keep seeing you with.

    "Will, I swear to God if you make this any more awkward than it needs to be, I'll push you into the ocean and drown you. No, I'm not joking. No! Don't laugh at me! I swear to god I'll --"

    But just as he shoots a lazer towards her prancing jeering butt - and not a particularly nice one either - the sound of others arriving forces the golden prince to settle his antics and act somewhat decently. Sidling up to Warlight, he quickly says what last he means to before strangers come and steal his voice for the rest of the evening. "Koko said he'd be here later on, something about something, I didn't really listen. Anyway, it sounds like your boyfriend is about to get here, so - don't get too wild."

    Turning now with these last words, he smiles widely at the colt he recognizes as Clayton. At this, the horned boy makes his way closer, eagerly greeting the princess with a familiarity that makes Rhae want to roll his eyes - which he doesn't. Because he's about to have a lot more eye-rolling done in his direction if he isn't careful.

    Clayton introduces himself then, and Rhae lowers his head gently in greeting. His cool brown eyes make contact with the other's for a significant moment, but there is nothing for Rhae to say; catching the sound of another approaching, he offered a parting smile and stepped away from the pair, eager to see just who might be joining their beach party.


    @[Sviko] I made you a lil entrance idea if you want it!
    [Image: rhae]

    where we break when our hearts are strong enough

    The invitation is tempting.

    It’s terrifying.

    It’s thrilling.

    She hears it and isn’t sure what to make of it, so she just nods and turns away, running away into the dying sun, finding the nooks and the crannies where it is the most quiet.

    She doesn’t plan on coming, at least that’s what she keeps telling herself.

    Parties aren’t really her thing. She does everything she can to avoid large crowds.

    She isn’t exactly a winning conversationalist.

    And yet—

    And yet, she finds herself here regardless.

    Her hooves sink into the sand and she stops, nose drifting down to sniff at it, the softest of grains blowing with her breath. She hasn’t spent much time on a beach before, and she finds herself dazzled by it. Her indigo eyes grow wide with wonder and she looks up, studying the water and the flowers and the light as it begins to grow dim. The breeze sweeps across her, washing down her side and lifting the tangles of her mane from her silky, slender neck. It is beautiful here, she thinks. She can see why others call it home.

    It is, of course, then that she sees him.

    Just as she remembers him that night when stars burst from his chest to light up the sky.

    She grows shy in remembering, ducking her head down and cursing herself for coming to this silly party when she doesn’t know a soul here. She looks back up from behind her forelock and then makes her way to the water, pulse hammering slightly. It was silly of her to come and even sillier for her to be one of the first souls here when she isn’t connected in any way. Part of her wants to go up to him, even though he clearly belongs here and she doesn’t even know his name, but the other part of her is too proud.

    So instead she turns to wade into the water, letting it rise up to her ankles and lap at her legs.

    She leans down, darkening her nose with it and smiling softly.

    At the very least, the trip had been worth it for the sights.

    we can bow 'cause our music's warmer than blood

    No one asks him if anyone will come. 
    Not a single friend or something more.

    He tells himself he doesn’t mind because he doesn’t put himself out there. How could he since that night they snuck away to the lake? Just the three of them, together. Except that something had gone wrong the moment he’d hit the water and he’d fled from even his siblings. 

    Sviko kept to himself. Told himself Koko was a stupid nickname for a baby and he wasn’t a baby any more. He was all knees and nerves, and rarely left the corner of the cave they occupied no matter how hard they poked and prodded him to. They didn’t understand and he couldn’t expect them to. So he withdrew into himself.

    Withdrew as much as he could since his brother had pestered him to no end about their sister’s party. Sviko felt a certain amount of obligation to at least attend even if for a brief moment before he could disappear, certain the neither sibling would care or even miss him. If not for that familial bond tugging at him, he wouldn’t have gone but he found himself going anyway.

    The beach lies ahead, as do the bodies of Will and Rhae. He’s certain he’d recognize them even if he was blind - their bodies beckoned to his, and he inhaled the mix of tide and their particular scents. Will’s boyfriend was already there. So was the filly that she teased Rhae about endlessly. He felt like a third wheel and scuffed the sand with his hoof as he mutters hello to all of them.

    The slits on his neck open and flutter. They know water is near and he feels an itch in his lungs to be beneath it where breathing there is almost as good as breathing air. He begins to drift towards the sea...

    ooc: poopy but a start and I figured he’d be all angst over his newfound gills lol
    -- I don't know where you're going,
    but do you got room for one more troubled soul?

    The whispered invitation had brought with it a brewing excitement, an eager anticipation. The social girl was thrilled at the idea of all the young horses of Hyaline being gathered on a single night, away from their parents, with no rules and endless possibilities.

    It was easy enough to slip away from Briseis. For one, she has been doing it for a solid year and a half now, but her mother also seemed distracted lately. She can only assume the lack of sleep and reoccurring nightmares had finally begun to take their toll, or maybe it was all those tiny wizard-hat wearing ladybugs that were always following her. Whatever the matter, the blue roan filly was gone before the black mare could realize it.

    The pastel colors of the sunset were still streaked across the sky as she made her way down the stony path that lead to the beach, picking up a lively trot once the footing softened to sand. The subdued rays of the setting sun glinted off the metallic gold blaze that splashed her black face, the salty breeze toying with her raven mane. She could see Rhaegor (and she swallows her heart when it flutters in her throat), a filly that she recognized as his sister from her previous spying adventures, with a colt she didn’t know, and two other figures that were closer to where the waves broke across the shoreline.

    A smile spread across her face once she was close enough, and without hesitation she slips into place alongside the winged prince. ”Hi Rhaegor,” Her even tone betrays the way her pulse quickens at being this close to him again, her dark muzzle brushing across his shoulder in greeting. But she tears her gaze away from him, looking to the colt and the filly with a vibrant smile. ”I’m Chryseis. I know we haven’t met yet, but I’ve seen you around.” Which was code for, I used to spy on everyone as my pastime when I was little. She isn’t completely sure on who the colt was, but she’s seen him before, mainly with the filly. She turns her dark head to gesture towards the slightly older mare, and the other colt that has drifted towards the sea. ”Do they not want to join us?” She tilts her head, for now that she looks more carefully she can see that the colt is the other triplet, but the girl she has never even seen in Hyaline before.

    I don’t know where I’m going,
    but I don’t think I’m coming home

    leilan x briseis
    She flew low, staying close to the ground so that she could see what lied bellow better. It was the night of the full moon, just as she had heard, and so she searched from the skies for the location of the party. Whether the words were meant for her ears or not, she had caught wind of a party in Hyaline for horses her age. Naturally she decided to go, finally managing to bring herself to leave her home in Ischia, travel across the land and go somewhere new. Whether this was a good idea or not, she didn’t know. But she was looking forward to what might become of this night.

    Finally she spotted a small group of younger horses, and confirmed they were about her age once she landed on the ground and got a closer look. 


    And there she stood, motionless on the sands near the water’s edge as she began to realize just what it was she was about to do.

    Part of her felt nervous, so much so she was almost tempted to turn away before anyone else noticed her presence. Eifa wasn’t sure if she was ready for a party. Who knew what could happen. 

    But that’s also what made it so exciting. She embraced the unknown as if it were her own mother. Besides, this would possibly be her only chance to go to a party. She could meet horses from other lands, make friends and quite possibly watch some drama, or cause some of her own. The very thought made her beam with excitement. There was no way she was going to pass up this opportunity.

    Without hesitation she trotted forward, flapping her wings slightly as a way to get attention from someone. And in case that didn’t work, she’d just have to approach someone. Stopping for a moment, she took in each and every youthful face. None of them looked familiar, and there was a hint of disappointment as she realized that she shouldn’t be surprised about that. For someone so open and friendly, she didn’t know very many horses. 

    But a burst of determination quickly lifted her spirits as she decided that she wouldn’t let anything stop her. One way or another, she would make friends, and she’d make this a night to remember.

    Will, unlike her wiser brother, has no hesitation when it comes to theatrical eye-rolls. She lets one out now, to let him know exactly how she feels about keeping things mellow tonight, but it's followed by a playful nudge to his shoulder. "I know you don't mean it," she says although her brother rarely speaks unless he really means it. 

    She hears her own name and turns to find just who she had been expecting.  "Hey, Clayton," she says gives her brother a check from her slim hip before sliding up to the green-tinted boy. "This is Rhae," she adds for silent brother in the silence which follows. Realizing that this is as far as the brief introduction between the two colts is likely to go, Warlight seeks to draw the antlered boy's attention back to herself with a whisk of her tail against his hocks as Rhae steps away.

    The mountain trails are alive with the sounds of tumbling rocks and young horses on the move. Two fillies Will has only seen from a distance appear, clearly interested in getting to know her quiet twin. She looks back to Clayton out of the corner of her eye, watching to see if his wandering glace is tracing the lines of some other girls body before another pulls her attention away from him.

    "Sviko!" Springing into a trot Will crosses the sand, calling her brother by his preferred name in front of all these strangers. She halts once the water is lapping at her ankles, and her side comes to press against his own for a brief second. Suspecting that Clayton has followed, she tilts her head in his direction as she steps back. "This is Clayton, I don't think you guys have ever met." She doesn't mention the bear attack or the healing gashes on her shoulder, Koko would know.

    A black and white appaloosa yearling catches her eye and Warlight repositions herself to open up space in their little group, "Hey," she calls her dark sapphire eyes traveling across the other girl's painted skin. "Those are some cool wings." She pauses, hoping that is enough to lure the stranger close, her eyes sliding coyly to her brother to watch his reaction. She waits for the girl to respond, if she has anything to say, before looking back in her direction. 

    "I'm Will, this is Clayton, and he's my brother, Sviko... he likes girls with wings," and to hide the obnoxious grin she knows is about to break free she gives Clayton a nip under the emerald cascade of his mane. 

    Soul as sweet as blood red jam

    I vote we ignore posting order Tongue 

    Will replied to Clayton Sviko and Eifa and assumed Ivy and Cherises had their sights set of Rhae Wink

    EDIT: because I re-read that and it barley looked like english :|
    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]


    She has been invited by some younger person or other. Despite having crossed over into adulthood she still counts among the young and is usually in the company of others very close to her own age and younger. The trip to the beach where they are to gather is one she has made before on her own. She had hoped to run into Rhaegor, Litotes, or another of her friends on the way to the beach but she ends up arriving alone to find a small group loosely collecting. She recognizes Rhaegor and his siblings though she has not met the other colt or filly yet. Clayton too is a familiar face. A mare her age stands apart a little, while Rhaegor’s sister charms and introduces all around those already here. Kensa think’s she’ll probably like the antlered filly. As she descends toward the beach she watches a little roan girl brush her muzzle over the angle of Rhagor’s shoulder, a burr of curiosity--who is that then?--settles under her skin but she does not head directly for her buckskin friend.

    First she approaches the bay and indigo girl who seems to shy to join either knot of youths. As she came down the hill she’d spotted her gazing toward Rhae and thinks she might be able to draw her into the group. The warm light of the fading day burnishes her liver chestnut pelt and her flaxen mane seems to soak up all the remaining day and reflect in back brightly. This is not what makes her beautiful, but rather the warm way she smiles at the stranger, her golden gemstone eyes kind. “Hi, I’m Kensa. I’m going over to talk with Rhaegor if you want to come. He’s a friend of mine.” Her silvery voice is soft and she endeavors to just give the other young mare an ‘in’. Maybe she knows more people than Kensa and is just shy...but the mustang girl is not shy. She is the friend who clings to your hand and pulls you along into laughter.

    After speaking to Ivy and perhaps collecting her into coming along, Kensa splashes through the surf to greet the little group held in Warlight’s sway. “Hi!” She says brightly, “My name is Kensa.” She pauses, looking toward Ivy in case she decides to introduce herself as well, before continuing in her fluid, gregarious way. “I’ve met Clayton and Rhagor, but what are your names?” She is truly interested and her eyes alight on each of the younger horses in turn, her warmest smile flashed to Rhaegor who she knew best. He gaze does linger just a little longer on the blue roan girl beside him, topaz eyes full of good natured curiosity before bouncing back to the others.

    i'm burning like a fire gone wild on saturday
    guess i won't be coming to church on sunday
    i'll be waiting for love to come around

    I thought I'd have Kensa gather up Ivy and come on over, but if Ivy doesn't want to be drug along we will understand. Just thought she'd be the type to pull her in. <3

    There are whisperings all across Hyaline: gathering on the beach - sunset. Litotes has found a little more confidence as of late, and he chews on some plums while thinking to himself. He could go - no doubt there would be others he knew there: Will . . . a boy he does not know the name of but has met . . . Kensa . . . A shudder passes over his shoulders. How horribly nerve-wracking this is; how horribly indecisive he is feeling. Lie rolls his eyes at himself. Even he is growing tired of his antics.

    In the split-second it takes for him to roll his eyes, he decides he is going. He takes pause, thinking at his age maybe he will not be welcome (having freshly become an adult), but three years old is more like a teenager than fully grown. Lie feels young these days - only just realizing that his thoughts on who he is and the burden he carries are sorely mistaken. Even in his hesitation, the pale stallion’s hooves are moving forward without him realizing. Of course he wants to go - he is a lonely creature, freshly recognizing his need to be accepted by others.

    The trip to the beach is short, the sugary plums he was eating before now anxiously roiling in his stomach. The light on the beach is quickly fading and Lie just barely recognizes those he knows from a distance. No doubt, the only three he knows are there. He stops, hoping to god none of them notice his fearful halt, for now has no idea how to bring himself into their circle. Will, Kensa . . . both of them are mingling in the same circle, making Lie gulp. There is the boy he once silently watched a sunset with, and a few other interesting characters he does not recognize. Litotes visibly shakes his body, takes a deep breathe, and presses forward.

    The water is a welcome place to Lie, so he relaxes as it wets his legs. An easy smile spreads across his face as he sidles up to Kensa, just barely catching her ask for the names of some of the equines in the circle. Quickly and playfully he nips her shoulder, forcing down the desirous memories her scent brings up.

    “Hey, Kensa,” he greets her softly before looking at Will and the others. He wants to greet Will in a similar and friendly fashion, but does not want to interrupt the other’s introducing themselves - so he settles down next to Kensa and flicks her flirtatiously with his tail.

    i don't want your pity, i just want somebody near me
    guess i'm a coward, i just want to feel all right

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