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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    This is just an activity check, please let me know if you plan on staying/coming to Sylva as I will be updating the board shortly. 

    Also please note if you want to be on a caste, they will be changing a bit but we will have a war caste, diplomacy and spy caste. 

    Also for all IC posts we are in an alliance with Loess and can freely move about Loess as they are welcome in Sylva
    Ouija is here lurking about.  I'm not sure he'd be useful for anything caste wise.  He just like creeping ppl out Smile

    Delta is here as well(though I figured that was a given but decided I better add it here too)
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    Rey is here, but currently "questing" so ... not here? Lol.

    She intends on giving Sylva a try as a home, since she's only ever lived in Loess xD You can keep her as a member!
    Raj is with the boys in Taiga more often than not, but still calls Sylva home I guess. Maybe he'll stay, maybe he'll go. He hasn't decided yet since he hasn't met Arthas yet if that makes sense Smile You may put him as a resident for now or maybe apprentice or something for the spy caste.

    He's a creeper. Nearly harmless Wink
    lepis is here Big Grin
    Sinner is here Smile
    currently playing
    Astrophel | Divest | Falter

    Maug is here. Smile
    svedka - balto - warden - molech - sunlight
    olena - skandar - starlight - burdock - bluebell - ciroc - maylene
    Jackel is roaming about, probably just as a resident!
    Celest is here and lurking in woods... she isn't interested in holding a position.
    [Image: celest_by_cowgirlconrad-dcolc1l.png]


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