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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A QUIZ.
    How Long Have You Been at RPGs?
    16 years!!! how!!

    How Long Have You Been at BQ?
    A little under 16 years - 15 years? I joined in the pastely layout days.

    Original OOC Name? Is There A Story Behind It?
    Cassi and YES. I was super into pokemon, but because I was Edgy and Different, I liked Team Rocket - but not the typical Jesse/James Team Rocket! No! I liked Butchy and Cassidy, who appeared in like two episodes. Anyway, I used the name Cassidy, then shortened it to Cassi to more ~unique~, and now I'm stuck with it because this name is old enough to drive! Holy shit!

    Favourite Thing About BQ?
    The fact people come back. I love that we're a bunch of grown ass women and formed these friendships and write together and support each other.

    Favourite Kingdom (New And Old)?
    Old is the Valley, new I don't know, I'm biased and liked Pangea but the stupid fairies threw it into the sea so!! story of my life

    Favorite Quest?
    To run: Carnage's beach quest, the organic development that occured gave me fucking CHILLS
    To participate in: uhhh either the quest where everybody was toys or the demon one where everybody had magic then it fell apart then there was an apocalypse. ya'll made me do some solid ass writing there and i had a blast.

    Favorite Trait+Defect?
    Trait: ~*god magic*~

    Favorite Coat Color?
    Grays, because my horse is a gray and she is the BEST.

    Favorite Piece of HTML?
    Anything Venge touches, and Connavar had some really pretty HTML.

    Do You Have Fur Babies?
    A TB/Percheron mare named Bridgette who is my actual child, and a husky/lab foster failure girl named Rigby.

    Do You Have Real Babies?

    What Country Are You From?

    How Do You Write? TV On? In A Dark Room? Tell Us!
    I'm prissy and have to write on a desktop. Generally no music (definitely no TV) because my attention span is really bad.

    What Is Your Favourite Colour?

    Where Is Your Dream Destination?
    Okay my biggest bucket list trip at the moment is to go to Nepal and hike to Mt. Everest base camp.

    What Is Your Favourite Book?
    Like 2/3rds of all Stephen King books (Dark Tower series, Lisey's Story, Duma Key, The Shining, N [novella]). Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. Slammerkin by Emma Donoghue. Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. Pages For You by Sylvia Brownrigg.
    The best book I've read this year is Nyxia but I forgot the author's name whoops.

    Favourite Book Series?
    The Dark Tower series by Stephen King, the Magicians series by Lev Grossman, Shades of Magic series by VE Schwab, Hunger Games (first 2 books), the Gold Seer triology by Rae Carson.

    Do You Have Other Creative Outlets?
    I write fanfiction. Writing in general is about it creatively. I also do krav maga, which occasionally sparks creatively as you think of new ways to kick someone in the balls, so.

    Career/Career Goals?
    Currently i'm a program evaluator at a children's hospital by day and a self defense instructor by night.
    since I'm in the nonprofit game like a Fool so trying to make decent money is always a goal. I want to publish a novel at some point in my life. I also want to get my krav maga black belt, which isn't a career, but I do teach it, so it kinda of is. idk.

    Favourite Food?
    Red curry with lemongrass tofu, Vietnamese hot and sour soup.

    Favourite Ice Cream?
    Ben and Jerry's Phish Food.

    All-Time Favorite Character?
    WELL there's Garbage, Cancer, Carnage, Cordis, Craft, Chantale...idk

    Favorite Active Character Right Now?
    Not counting the ones above, Sleaze.

    All-Time Favorite Mare?
    I don't know!!

    All-Time Favorite Stallion?
    I don't know!!

    Best Character You Wrote As A Foal?
    I wrote all of them terribly as foals.

    Easiest To Write?
    Cordis but only when she's talking to Spyndle, Garbage when he's sad.

    Hardest To Write?
    anybody who's not being played at the moment!!! i mean also carnage a lot of the time because it's a balance of "okay he has literal god magic and is a sadistic jerk how do i make him have meaningful interactions"

    Character You Regret Killing?
    Garbage, clearly!

    Character You Wish You Could Play More?
    all of them. when will my free time return from the war.

    Who Are You Shipping Your Ponies With?
    Garbage & Saedis, Rapt & Kag, uhhhh i don't think anyone else has any romantic sparks flying so

    Your Main Character Gets In A Bar Fight. What Happens?
    no one is my main. garbage would get punched and cry about it. cordis would burn them up. violence would laugh and punch them back harder.

    Your Closet's Biggest Child Producer?
    I forgot the exact number but Carnage has directly sired like 3% of Beqanna and is related to almost everyone, SO

    All-Time Favorite Character?
    SPYNDLE, Raendel, Vanquish, Yael, Straia, Malis, Elite, Ramiel, Pollock, look I cant remember everyone's names, SO MANY

    Favorite Active Character Right Now?

    All-Time Favorite Mare?

    All-Time Favorite Stallion?

    All-Time Favorite King & Queen?
    uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i liked elite a lot!

    Current Favorite Mare?

    Current Favorite Stallion?
    I don't know!!

    Current Favorite King & Queen?
    I don't know!!

    Favorite Couple?
    Saedis & Garbage (sorry about your upcoming angst)

    Who Have You Always Wanted to Post With?
    anybody who will have me!!

    Who Do You Wish Was Still Alive?
    wow for a second i forgot this was characters and I thought we were on players and I was like "shit i hope everyone's alive"
    anyway uhhh ramiel

    Who (Character) Is the Most Intimidating?
    no one y'all come at me

    Who Do You Currently Ship?

    Which Character Would You Nominate as King & Queen of Beqanna?
    i don't know!!

    Who Would You Vote as Most Likely to..
    i have no concept of others' personalities

    Break Hearts?

    Have Their Heart Broken?
    saedis (sorry)

    Get Drunk & Cry in Public?

    Get a Stalker?
    whenever i do these i can suddenly only think of like 3 characters and don't want to repeat them over and over again

    Accidentally Kill Someone?

    Survive the Hunger Games?
    whoever's in the alliance rn

    Take Over the World?

    Punch Trump In The Face?
    me, but it's a groin kick

    Be The Object Of Constant Pity?

    Who Do You Post with the Most?
    I don't know??

    Who Is Your BQ Best Friend?
    I talk to the officer group constantly on facebook and they rock and kahzie lets me text her random thoughts

    Whose Writing Do You Stalk the Most?
    jenger, nev, berber

    Who Do You Wish Would Write a Book?
    all of you!!

    Who Do You Wish You Posted with More?
    all of you!!

    Who Do You Wish You Knew Better?
    everybody please guys be my friend

    Who Do You Wish Would Come Back?
    maat, rae, laura, colby, everybody

    Who Writes The Best Angst?

    Who Writes The Best Smut?
    my virgin eyes don't read smut

    Who Writes The Funniest Stuff?
    okay back at bq's sweet 16 quesy kahzie wrote an entry that made me almost cry laughing, so

    Who Do You Talk to the Most?

    Who Do You Plot with the Most?
    anybody i can but lately sid and sanna since i'm scheming ways to hurt our relationships

    Say Something About a Player You Haven’t Mentioned Yet:
    - Elle has such an awesome variety of characters and is super nice!!
    - Tiny is really nice and has super creative ideas
    - Neo I super admire you for being super mom when I stalk rants
    - Kyra I haven't mentioned you directly you are the reason this site looks so bomb!
    - Kortnee I lied above you AND Kyra are the reason!!

    Say Something About a Character You Haven’t Mentioned Yet:
    Caw is super cool.
    I totally should be studying but here I am instead.

    How Long Have You Been at RPGs? I've been writing since June of 2011.
    How Long Have You Been at BQ? See above.
    Original OOC Name? Is There A Story Behind It? Okay so initially I joined under the name of Kadiedog and made a character named Kuna but then for some reason I joined again under the name Kuna. I have no idea what compelled me to do this, nor do I know where the name came from.
    Favorite Thing About BQ? It's always here. I could leave as many times as I want, but I know that when I come back — even months later — it will still be active and at least some of my old friends will still be here because you're all old hags who never leave.
    Favorite Kingdom (New And Old)? Ugh, there were so many good old ones. I was in a bunch of them, but I guess I'm kinda partial to the Valley since Kotaro ruled there and Lokii chilled there as a baby. But I loved both the Amazons and the Tundra and also the Gates. Out of the new ones, I would have to say Tephra (because of Wound and Wishbone obvi).
    Favorite Quest? Definitely the Cupid one! Also anything Cassi does with Carnage provides a ton of character development and creativity and I love it.
    Favorite Trait+Defect? I don't think I could pick a favorite, but I think equus mutatio is a super sick trait and I'm super jealous of anyone who gets to play it. Also my favorite defect was definitely "little baby nubbin leg" for Defect.
    Favorite Coat Color? I love roans and grullos, also any of the creative colors are beautiful.
    Favorite Piece of HTML? Anything by Venge tbh.
    Do You Have Fur Babies? I have a Golden Retriever named Ginger who's at home while I'm at school and I miss her with all my heart.
    Do You Have Real Babies? Nope.
    What Country Are You From? USA.
    How Do You Write? TV On? In A Dark Room? Tell Us! Most of the time I write on my bed with pillows supporting me. Back in the day I used to write at a legitimate desk but now that's super overrated. I don't have music going or the TV on because I'll get distracted, and lighting doesn't really matter. Nowadays I write whenever I get the chance because I'm so heckin' busy.
    What Is Your Favorite Color? Any shade of yellow that isn't neon, any shade of blue, specific shades of orange, and specific shades of green.
    Where Is Your Dream Destination? Australia one hundred percent. My second choice would be Africa.
    What Is Your Favorite Book? Um, I got 15% of the way through It by Stephen King but it was great from what I read... I also really enjoyed the poetry of The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey but the movie was shit compared to the book.
    Favorite Book Series? Probably Harry Potter or — not gonna lie — the Warrior Cats series.
    Do You Have Other Creative Outlets? I enjoy coloring and I'm a part of my college's A Capella choir.
    Career/Career Goals? I've got a major of pre-nursing and I'll be applying for the program this spring.
    Favorite Food? Anything Mexican... But like good Mexican, not Taco Bell.
    Favorite Ice Cream? Neapolitan is my favorite, but I also go for strawberry. And anything by Ben and Jerry's.

    All-Time Favorite Character? Ugh, there are so many good ones. It usually depends on my mood. I'd have to say it's probably a toss-up between Lokii, Hestoni, and Wound.
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? Definitely either Wound or Wishbone.
    All-Time Favorite Mare? I'd have to go with Wound.
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Either Hestoni or Lokii.
    Best Character You Wrote As A Foal? I think this is mostly Wishbone.
    Easiest To Write? Both Wishbone and Wound are the easiest to write, but Hestoni was pretty solid back in the day.
    Hardest To Write? Lokii's gotten way more difficult as time's gone on.
    Character You Regret Killing? Hestoni, definitely.
    Character You Wish You Could Play More? Basically all of them!
    Who Are You Shipping Your Ponies With? Hestoni and Scorch are the loves of my life, Trekk and Noori, I secretly ship Warrick and Wound, Wishbone and Trekori might have a thing, Takei needs someone to love (shameless advertisement).
    Your Main Character Gets In A Bar Fight. What Happens? My main right now is probably Wound, but she would only be in the fight because she'd be trying to separate everyone and be a peacemaker *snuggles*
    Your Closet's Biggest Child Producer? Umm definitely Lokii.

    All-Time Favorite Character? Damn, these are so hard... I'd have to say Nocturnal or Infection or Scorch.
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? Probably Warrick.
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Either Nocturnal or Scorch.
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Gosh, these are so hard... Maybe Brennen??
    All-Time Favorite King & Queen? Rodrik was pretty badass when he ruled the Chamber and also so was Elite when she ruled the Valley.
    Current Favorite Mare? Scorch, my baby.
    Current Favorite Stallion? Warrick LOL.
    Current Favorite King & Queen? Warrick's the only king and for queen I'd have to say Solace or Hestia.
    Favorite Couple? Uhh, Nihlus and Nuage?? We need more cute romances (or angsty ones, idc) around here.
    Who Have You Always Wanted to Post With? Lowkey Ivar but he's all family-man now.
    Who Do You Wish Was Still Alive? Kagerou or Echion.
    Who (Character) Is the Most Intimidating? Carnage LOL.
    Who Do You Currently Ship? Saedis and Garbage.
    Which Character Would You Nominate as King & Queen of Beqanna? King would be Carnage because he rules everyone anyway. But for queen I have no idea. Whoever Carnage wants *snorts*

    Who Would You Vote as Most Likely to..
    Succeed? Scorch because she's a thicc-ass bitch.
    Break Hearts? Ivar.
    Have Their Heart Broken? Wound tbh I'm voting my own character.
    Get Drunk & Cry in Public? Solace.
    Get a Stalker? Noori.
    Accidentally Kill Someone? Wishbone.
    Survive the Hunger Games? Warrick but he'd be emotionally distraught after.
    Take Over the World? Carnage.
    Punch Trump In The Face? I have no idea.
    Be The Object Of Constant Pity? Any of those bois who are made of glass or are emotionally tortured LOL rip them.

    Who Do You Post with the Most? Um probably Sid.
    Who Is Your BQ Best Friend? Sid again |:
    Whose Writing Do You Stalk the Most? Radar's tbh.
    Who Do You Wish Would Write a Book? Any of you oh my lord.
    Who Do You Wish You Posted with More? All of you!! Seriously, message me!!
    Who Do You Wish You Knew Better? Again, all of you!!
    Who Do You Wish Would Come Back? Nev, Maat, SamShine, ughh.
    Who Writes The Best Angst? Dammit all of you are goddesses.
    Who Writes The Best Smut? Sid again, honestly.
    Who Writes The Funniest Stuff? Devin had me giggling with that Sochi thread that I still have to respond to because I'm lame.
    Who Do You Talk to the Most? Again, Sid. Also Venge would be my second-place I suppose.
    Who Do You Plot with the Most? Sid (I need to expand more rip) or Radar.
    Say Something About a Player You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Calcifer has beautiful writing and I wish they would come back because I miss them and Longclaw |:
    Say Something About a Character You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Kagerus has such a cool trait and she's developed a lot and I'm excited to see where she goes!
    How Long Have You Been at RPGs? lawd... uhh... Maybe 2000 or earlier?
    How Long Have You Been at BQ? I think I joined in 2004 or 2005
    Original OOC Name? Is There A Story Behind It? I just kept this ooc name. From an oooooold rpg I played on, someone reserved a character name of Aeris and I was like oh, cool. So I took it as an ooc name here. I know one game I was Jazzy? Not sure why?
    Favourite Thing About BQ? Its longevity and the relationships that have been formed through the years. Like someone said, I think it's awesome that grown ass woman are still playing this game haha
    Favourite Kingdom (New And Old)? Probably the Dewdrop Deserts. I had a favoritism for that place because of Moose. New? Probably Nerine."
    Favorite Quest? I'm terrible at quests so I never do them. I found the toy one enjoyable though from a while back
    Favorite Trait+Defect? Trait: no lie, dragon shifting. I've literally wanted a dragon pony since I first joined. It only took me over a decade lmao... Defect? I don't think I have a favorite.
    Favorite Coat Color? THERE ARE SO MANY. Regular color, it was gray. Now? There are so many awesome combos that I can't decide
    Favorite Piece of HTML? There are many
    Do You Have Fur Babies? Yaaassss... Beau, my 9 y/o Aussie/Cattle Dog mix whom I love like crazy, Duke the mini Aussie, and Rose, my Oldenburg mare.
    Do You Have Real Babies? Pfft no
    What Country Are You From? The US
    How Do You Write? TV On? In A Dark Room? Tell Us! Typically on my laptop. If anything, chill music, but usually nothing. I get too distracted by the tv.
    What Is Your Favourite Colour? I love teal. Pink is awesome as is mint green
    Where Is Your Dream Destination? SPAIN. I have family over there and still haven't been. Ugh. One day
    What Is Your Favourite Book? Too many. I loved the Eragon books, Harry Potter, The Demon Crown was really good as was The Ruins
    Favourite Book Series? See above
    Do You Have Other Creative Outlets? I'm not creative lmao Other than this, my life revolves around marriage, my dogs, and riding
    Career/Career Goals? I would LOVE to become a professional dressage rider, honestly. I'm debuting at first level this year but will dive almost immediately into second level. It'll be my first year of showing in strictly dressage
    Favourite Food? Anything cheesy and carb loaded haha Pizza, mozz sticks, cheese sticks, goldfish, cheese and crackers, etc.
    Favourite Ice Cream? I like birthday cake because I'm boring

    All-Time Favorite Character? Moose and Infection... I also loved Dillan. Castile is working his way into my favorites, too
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? Castile
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Echion
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Infection
    Best Character You Wrote As A Foal? Uhhh... Who did I actually play as a foal?
    Easiest To Write? Nayl and Castile have honestly been pretty easy to write. Moose was easy to write as well, especially when she was in love because I love sappy shit
    Hardest To Write? Infection was difficult because of the creepiness, but he was also fun
    Character You Regret Killing? Moose
    Character You Wish You Could Play More? I sorta miss Sinder. Shiya, too. She just had bad luck in every damn direction though
    Who Are You Shipping Your Ponies With? NAYLOR FO LIFE. Castile is crushing on Solace, but he's hopeless because he's afraid to get too close to anyone
    Your Main Character Gets In A Bar Fight. What Happens? He shifts into a dragon and kills everyone then burns down all evidence... Don't piss Castile off
    Your Closet's Biggest Child Producer? Not sure how many kids Aloysius had, but Moose had kids into the teens

    All-Time Favorite Character? Starlace
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? I enjoy so many that I can't pick one
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Starlace, Djinni, Solace, Scorch, and others that I suddenly can't think of right now...
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Ramiel, Eight, Tiberios, Covet, Lior, Stillwater
    All-Time Favorite King & Queen? Uhhh there have been WAY too many awesome kings and queens in the past 13 years
    Current Favorite Mare? Freaking loved Isobell but Elle has disappeared Sad I'm enjoying Hestia though and Solace. I've been slacking in the stalking department
    Current Favorite Stallion? Ivar... Uhhh... Why do I feel like there aren't many stallions around? lmao
    Current Favorite King & Queen? No fave as of yet >.< I so sowwy
    Favorite Couple? NAYLOR. But one that's not mine? Not sure. Are there any major ships around?
    Who Have You Always Wanted to Post With? Plenty of people
    Who Do You Wish Was Still Alive? Too many to name lol
    Who (Character) Is the Most Intimidating? Carnage, obvs
    Who Do You Currently Ship? uhhh
    Which Character Would You Nominate as King & Queen of Beqanna? I dunnoooo

    Who Would You Vote as Most Likely to..
    Succeed? Scorch
    Break Hearts? Solace
    Have Their Heart Broken? Not even sure why Warrick comes to mind when I don't know his personal life lol
    Get Drunk & Cry in Public? I don't know
    Get a Stalker? Hestia... or Solace
    Accidentally Kill Someone? "Can I vote for Castile, too? Because I can totally see that lmao
    Survive the Hunger Games? Sabra
    Take Over the World? This quiz is harder than I thought :|
    Punch Trump In The Face? Hestia
    Be The Object Of Constant Pity? I think of Garbage lmao

    Who Do You Post with the Most? Uhh... Kahzie, there was Ella... I feel like I suck at posting now lmao
    Who Is Your BQ Best Friend? I'm a terrible rp bestie, so I can't claim anyone as mine hahaha
    Whose Writing Do You Stalk the Most? I haven't stalked in a long time, apparently. I loved stalking Stillwater though, and Tiberios, and anyone who had ponies related to mine. Also Cassi posts
    Who Do You Wish Would Write a Book? Cassi
    Who Do You Wish You Posted with More? Freaking EVERYONE
    Who Do You Wish You Knew Better? Evryone. I guess I'm antisocial lol
    Who Do You Wish Would Come Back? Toli and Elle Sad
    Who Writes The Best Angst? So many
    Who Writes The Best Smut? Uhh... what?
    Who Writes The Funniest Stuff? There's Satire who is in his own category
    Who Do You Talk to the Most? Damn, I suck
    Who Do You Plot with the Most? I don't like plotting much. I like just going with the flow, but often times plots include Kahzie haha
    Say Something About a Player You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Devin has tolerated all my ponies since Dillan/Nikkai days and she's awesome and does a fabulous job with the pixel ponies
    Say Something About a Character You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Kagerus has been enjoyable to read and watch develop!
    How Long Have You Been at RPGs? Since I was 12 or 13. Soo 15 or 16 years??
    How Long Have You Been at BQ? Thank god for the previous monarch charts. Ewan was king of the Dale (<3) so March of 2006 I believe. 12 years?!? Holy hell.
    Original OOC Name? Is There A Story Behind It? Mirage has always been my name on BQ. My real name (and variations of it) were all taken, and I thought it sounded cool and pretty and mysterious lolz.
    Favourite Thing About BQ? Besides the amazing community of talented, fierce, and wonderful writers? The nostalgia and loyalty.
    Favourite Kingdom (New And Old)? DALE 5evah. Also the Gates and Chamber. And Zons. New? Ischia and Nerine.
    Favorite Quest? Carnage’s Afterlife-creating quest. I also really loved the recent Demon quest and the Seasonal quest from years ago.
    Favorite Trait+Defect? Trait: Any kind of shape shifting or magic. Defect: Talulah’s metal skin angst, fo sho’
    Favorite Coat Color? Anything but chestnut.
    Favorite Piece of HTML? Anything Venge or Kyra makes. Scariest html will always be Infection’s…that shit will haunt me all the way to the nursing home
    Do You Have Fur Babies? YES. 2 doggos and 1 gato.
    Do You Have Real Babies? Fur babies are all I need currently.
    What Country Are You From? US of A
    How Do You Write? TV On? In A Dark Room? Tell Us! My little desk in my bedroom. No music, no distractions or shit isn’t getting done.
    What Is Your Favourite Colour? Green/blue. Especially that sweet spot between both colors in the ocean.
    Where Is Your Dream Destination? Ireland/UK.
    What Is Your Favourite Book? All the books. Stand outs over my literary lifetime? The Fountainhead, The Bean Trees, American Gods.
    Favourite Book Series? Harry Potter. I am also finishing the Magicians series and it is realllly good!
    Do You Have Other Creative Outlets? Not these days.
    Career/Career Goals? I am most likely leaving my dead-end job and switching over to real estate this summer!
    Favourite Food? Pagoda cream cheese wontons are my jam.
    Favourite Ice Cream? Any kind, but definitely moose tracks and mint chocolate chip.

    All-Time Favorite Character? Alaunus. For some reason I loved that dude.
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? Walter
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Talulah
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Alaunus or Ramiel
    Best Character You Wrote As A Foal? Oshie! He was a Depp baby and freaking adorable.
    Easiest To Write? Talulah has always been the easiest. Titanya is my current easiest.
    Hardest To Write? Zosma, only because I don’t know which direction to take her.
    Character You Regret Killing? None, they were all ready to go when they did.
    Character You Wish You Could Play More? Sabrael.
    Who Are You Shipping Your Ponies With? Walter and Djinni <3 Zosma and Kagerus flirting was 10/10 would do again.
    Your Main Character Gets In A Bar Fight. What Happens? Titanya would cut a bitch and then throat stomp them into submission.
    Your Closet's Biggest Child Producer? Ahaha, Nathan and Kelly both have a whopping 8.

    All-Time Favorite Character? Tooo many
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? Djinni, Scorch
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Prague, Starlace, Murphy, Katana, Ryatah, Ea, Delicate, Nocturnal, Quark, Gail
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Tiphon, Tiberios, Depp, Skellig, Magnus, Atrox, Set, Carnage, Fenrir, Eight, Covet
    All-Time Favorite King & Queen? Also too many.
    Current Favorite Mare? Hestia, Kagerus
    Current Favorite Stallion? Brennen, Castile
    Current Favorite King & Queen? Hestia and Warrick
    Favorite Couple? Saedis and Garbage. Warrick and Tangerine. Solace and Castile. I’m not hip to the ships, sorry!
    Who Have You Always Wanted to Post With? Everyone
    Who Do You Wish Was Still Alive? Tiberios <3
    Who (Character) Is the Most Intimidating? Uh, the only right answer is Carnage.
    Who Do You Currently Ship? Anyone remotely interested in anyone else. Spread the love!
    Which Character Would You Nominate as King & Queen of Beqanna? Ummmmmmm

    Who Would You Vote as Most Likely to..
    Succeed? Brennen
    Break Hearts? Levi
    Have Their Heart Broken? Any of my characters, lol
    Get Drunk & Cry in Public? Walter
    Get a Stalker? idk
    “Accidentally” Kill Someone? Ivar
    Survive the Hunger Games? Caw
    Take Over the World? erm
    Punch Trump In The Face? Literally anyone.
    Be The Object Of Constant Pity? That spider shifting pooper that Tinsel played.

    Who Do You Post with the Most? Kahzie, Aeris, Calcifer
    Who Is Your BQ Best Friend? *holds everyone’s hand*
    Whose Writing Do You Stalk the Most? Literally everyone.
    Who Do You Wish Would Write a Book? Cassi, Jenger, Laura.
    Who Do You Wish You Posted with More? Everyone, especially the newbies I haven’t had a chance to write with yet!
    Who Do You Wish You Knew Better? Any and everyone.
    Who Do You Wish Would Come Back? Calcifer, Laura, Toli, Nev, Jenger, Kyra (posting-wise), Tinsel, the list goes on
    Who Writes The Best Angst? Jenger, Nev
    Who Writes The Best Smut? Whatchu young whipper snappers talkin’ bout?
    Who Writes The Funniest Stuff? Venge, Cassi (exclusively Satire, haha)
    Who Do You Talk to the Most? Anyone in cbox the rare chance I’m on it.
    Who Do You Plot with the Most? I am not good at planning. I just let it flow, yo.
    Say Something About a Player You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Sid is the best BQ baby and I’m so glad she is back! I have always enjoyed stalking Devin’s characters and appreciate all the hard work she puts into all the pixels that beautify BQ! Sapphire has wonderful ponies with unique personalities and I look forward to reading her posts!
    Say Something About a Character You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Kylin and Ivar’s friendship over the years is #goals.
    I said I would come back and fill in the rest when I knew everyone's ponies more.  So here I am!

    (I already filled this part out above)

    All-Time Favorite Character? Jackel
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? Breckin
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Jackel & Breckin are too difficult to pick between
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Haven't really had one yet lol
    Best Character You Wrote As A Foal? Only one so far, so by default it's Sibella.
    Easiest To Write? Breckin
    Hardest To Write? Right now definitely Jackel
    Character You Regret Killing? Haven't been that cruel yet.
    Character You Wish You Could Play More? Kerrigan
    Who Are You Shipping Your Ponies With? Ummm.....there are a couple but Breckin and Leilan is the biggest.
    Your Main Character Gets In A Bar Fight. What Happens? Breckin probably started one by getting drunk and then either said something witty that was taken the wrong way or by complicating someone else's feelings with her unintentional 'charm'.  She wouldn't be the one to throw the first punch, but she would throw the last one.
    Your Closet's Biggest Child Producer? Synapse at a whopping 2 babies lol

    All-Time Favorite Character? Don't have one.
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? Leilan
    All-Time Favorite Mare? I've only been here for like 6 months.
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Don't have one yet!
    All-Time Favorite King & Queen? Still don't know.
    Current Favorite Mare? Scorch
    Current Favorite Stallion? Wolfbane
    Current Favorite King & Queen? Wolfbane & KagLace
    Favorite Couple? Vulgaris & Leliana
    Who Have You Always Wanted to Post With? EVERYONE. I'm serious.
    Who Do You Wish Was Still Alive? Modicum Mortem
    Who (Character) Is the Most Intimidating? Carnage :|
    Who Do You Currently Ship? So, so many different shippenings are happening in my head.
    Which Character Would You Nominate as King & Queen of Beqanna? Not sure.

    Who Would You Vote as Most Likely to..
    Succeed? Brennen
    Break Hearts? Leilan & Klaudius, but I'm pretty sure they already have. Does that even count?
    Have Their Heart Broken? Hmm
    Get Drunk & Cry in Public? I don't know DX
    Get a Stalker? No clue but Jackel would happily become someone's stalker.
    Accidentally Kill Someone? Not sure.
    Survive the Hunger Games? Maugrim
    Take Over the World? Kaurma
    Punch Trump In The Face? Probably a lot of them.
    Be The Object Of Constant Pity? I feel like Lepis has a super sad story.

    Who Do You Post with the Most? Probably has been Nilla & Sid.
    Who Is Your BQ Best Friend? EVERYONE is my frandddd <3
    Whose Writing Do You Stalk the Most? Kahzie & Kristin
    Who Do You Wish Would Write a Book? Sanna
    Who Do You Wish You Posted with More? Again, EVERYONE.
    Who Do You Wish You Knew Better? Seriously everyone.  Please talk to me. :|
    Who Do You Wish Would Come Back? I miss seeing Tiny around.
    Who Writes The Best Angst? Sanna
    Who Writes The Best Smut? I dunno... I'm innocent and don't read or write that kinda stuff -shifty eyes-
    Who Writes The Funniest Stuff? Nilla with Leilan is pretty darn amusing
    Who Do You Talk to the Most? Nilla bean & SapphyBug
    Who Do You Plot with the Most? I try to avoid 'plotting' lol I like letting things happen. But probably Nilla if I had to pick one.
    Say Something About a Player You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: I wasn't joking when I said I want to thread with everyone at least once.  And I'm so happy to see so many faces returning to BQ so I have so many more people to learn about and get to know your ponies! Please stay for a long, long, long, long time <333
    Say Something About a Character You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: They're all beautious, wondrous, majestic creatures that each have something creative to offer Beqanna and I love them all in their own unique way. ^-^
    How Long Have You Been at RPGs?Since I was about 11 or so, making it ~16 years.............
    How Long Have You Been at BQ? Uhhhhhhhhhh like 15 years? Woops.
    Original OOC Name? Is There A Story Behind It?I started with Jassal, changed it up a couple times, then went back to this. I got it from a Neopets name generator.
    Favourite Thing About BQ? The way it always DRAGS ME BACK IN.
    Favourite Kingdom (New And Old)?New: Loess because I'm biased.
    Old: Valley because I'm biased af. I had so many ponies in there.

    Favorite Quest? I've only ever done one so I guess the experiment one lol.
    Favorite Trait+Defect? Uhhhhhhhhhh idk honestly. I liked Alays's hippocampus thing a lot. I have a weird obsession with teeth though so equus viperus is my #1 out of my own that I've gotten, obv. I think one character got underdeveloped wings once so they were super small and I thought that was the cutest.
    Favorite Coat Color? Black varnish roan for naturals. Idk what weird ones people have tho.
    Favorite Piece of HTML? Oh jeeze um right now Maleficar's I guess for my own. For others, I really like how different everyone makes theirs. I guess Ivar because gifs in html is my shit.
    Do You Have Fur Babies? I have 5 dogs (Emma, Blair, Diva, Damien, and Bodhi) and 1 cat (Princess Goblin Daisy Cerise)
    Do You Have Real Babies? God no.
    What Country Are You From? USA
    How Do You Write? TV On? In A Dark Room? Tell Us! I just crank 'em out honestly. Each post is a.. what do you call it... stream of thought? I think that's the writing style.
    What Is Your Favourite Colour? Red. Bright, dark, saturated, unsaturated, doesn't matter. I love red.
    Where Is Your Dream Destination? Berlin or Tokyo. I wanna eat that food.
    What Is Your Favourite Book? UHHHHHHHH... I loved Odd Thomas as a kid. Brave New World and seeing the protagonist become the antagonist... World War Z and the despair he portrayed in so many people alongside the triumphs of others. Invisible Monsters and Ghost Stories by Chuck Palahniuk are very gritty and examine human nature in a very nihilistic way.
    Favourite Book Series? Pendragon by DJ McHale maybe? I never finished the books so I would never have to know if someone I love died because I felt that coming, lmao. I just said "NAH IM GOOD. THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVERY AFTER."
    Do You Have Other Creative Outlets? I used to paint a lot but I quit. Nowadays I just write little slice of life things and post it on an anonymous tumblr, lmao. I have some poetry too.
    Career/Career Goals? I'm currently a junior in an accounting program. Pls kill me.
    Favourite Food? Pizza, sushi, burgers, schnitzel, etc. Anything iconic of some culture.
    Favourite Ice Cream? PUMPKIN. ALWAYS PUMPKIN
    All-Time Favorite Character? Mordgeld probably. She was my third character and she's still kickin all these years later. She's the most versatile and most... me, I guess. I want to bring her back but it feels weird to put so much of myself into one character. I'm scared that people won't like her, which would mean they don't like me, lmao.
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? I love Virgo but she's so finnicky sometimes. She's too elitist haha. So maybe Vul? I just wish he was softer around the edges.
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Mordgeld or Fleshlip. They both had so much depth, ugh.
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Always Larva. I tortured him and tortured him and he just kept developing and changing. I think about him a lot. QQ
    Best Character You Wrote As A Foal? Cobain. He was a certified wild child and it was so fun to let him get into trouble.
    Easiest To Write? Ever? Probably Wolf Mother. She was wild and proud and just so much fun. Nowadays I would say Vulgaris because he's so predictable to me lmao.
    Hardest To Write? oof. Samael. He refuses to play nice and just never wants to do anything 'cause he's so full of hurt and anger, which is too heavy for me.
    Character You Regret Killing? NYMPHETAMINE GIRL. She was the catalyst to everything I have now and Mord's favorite daughter. She had all the depth and personality but I never fulfilled any of it. Ugh.
    Character You Wish You Could Play More? DARLING. Larva's first love child and the absolute sweetest character ever. God, I love her so much but she's just too fragile and precious. I don't want to torment her further and I 100% would if given the opportunity.
    Who Are You Shipping Your Ponies With? Vulgaris & Leliana. Virgo & Caw & Wishbone.
    Your Main Character Gets In A Bar Fight. What Happens? Vulgaris gets his jaw broken, the bar is destroyed, and Vul marries whoever broke his face. Weirdo.
    Your Closet's Biggest Child Producer? /nervously stares at Larva

    All-Time Favorite Character? MAN. UM. Texas or Alays.
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? oh jeeze this is hard uhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,, sinner? his html and his name are right up my alley.
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Dillan, Asylum, Alays, Eerie, Asthenia
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Core, Tyrael, Lazarus, Adolf
    All-Time Favorite King & Queen? i don't really have any. i liked when core was like "im king of here now. oh, but now im king of here. jk i'll take this throne next." i was like dang u wild. for queensssssss i thinkkkkkk tipu. her death made me v sad.
    Current Favorite Mare? I like Kagerus and Rey a lot.
    Current Favorite Stallion? titus is really neat so i wanna see how he develops. also wolfbane and arthas, they're like a tag team of 'b***h i hope the f*** you do' which i dig. (idk how you guys feel about cussing but outside of my posts i cuss A LOTTTT.)
    Current Favorite King & Queen? Kromium for swooping in and taking a throne. vulgar displays of power are MY JAMMM. i don't know anything about solace or breckin so kagerus wins best queen 2018 for me.
    Favorite Couple? Vul & Leli. Don't @ me.
    Who Have You Always Wanted to Post With? I usually just ask to post with whomever so idk. I wanna post more dillan and larva though. Maybe more Garbage and Mordgeld. Those were all fun.
    Who Do You Wish Was Still Alive? everyone ever. mostly tipu because SHE DESERVED BETTER DAMMIT.
    Who (Character) Is the Most Intimidating? i was scared of Dianna's characters when i started because i mean she was queen of everything and i managed to piss her off my first day here, lmaoooo. nowadays nobody though.
    Who Do You Currently Ship? lowkey ivar and deiti, solace and brennen, wolfbane and kagerus. highkey vulgaris and leli.
    Which Character Would You Nominate as King & Queen of Beqanna? what a loaded question. charity and eight, tho. it'd be wild.

    Who Would You Vote as Most Likely to..
    Succeed? Brennen, since he already won the alliance lmao.
    Break Hearts? Amorette. What a cutie.
    Have Their Heart Broken? Leliana. Oops.
    Get Drunk & Cry in Public? Kagerus, but like an angry cry.
    Get a Stalker? prob Ivar lmao. i can imagine a former flame peeking at him through bushes
    Accidentally Kill Someone? Solace. (not rly but i wanna see it happen)
    Survive the Hunger Games? Jackel.
    Take Over the World? Arthas, judging by his recent activity lmao.
    Be The Object Of Constant Pity? Breckin since Leilan broke her damn heart lol.

    Who Do You Post with the Most? it varies a lot. right now, laura and venge.
    Who Is Your BQ Best Friend? Elvin, ever since we were little babs.
    Whose Writing Do You Stalk the Most? Kahzie.
    Who Do You Wish Would Write a Book? Jenger.
    Who Do You Wish You Posted with More? I think Jenger and I have had like two threads in the entirety of my time at BQ, so her.
    Who Do You Wish You Knew Better? everyone. please add me on Facebook. I'm so lonely.
    Who Do You Wish Would Come Back? EZRI. God, she was like my twin with plot ideas.
    Who Writes The Best Angst? I don't usually read angsty posts since I'm v sensitive but I like Aeris's a lot.
    Who Writes The Best Smut? I don't read smut, honestly. (lowkey me. i write hella smut and delete it so no one ever finds it.)
    Who Writes The Funniest Stuff? I have a weird sense of humor so maybe I'm not the one to ask. Any time someone writes a post where they're like, daring someone to do something, I'm dyin'. I feed off of drama.
    Who Do You Talk to the Most? Elvin, since she's the only one I really talk to lmao.
    Who Do You Plot with the Most? i guess Laura, with our grand total of one plot. I just throw posts out there and see wtf happens.
    Say Something About a Player You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: I wish kuna had time to bring back Wishbone so she could fall in love with Virgo and Caw. Some day, though.
    Say Something About a Character You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: I lowkey want maugrim and vulgaris to be rivals.
    How Long Have You Been at RPGs?
    I was just about 13 when I started writing in Dutch
    How Long Have You Been at BQ? 7 months
    Original OOC Name? Is There A Story Behind It? I don’t remember, lol probably something mundane which only worked in Dutch anyway. It took some time to think of a good English one but being the only Dutchie on previous RP site, it was decided
    Favourite Thing About BQ? People keep returning and BQ ponies can come back alive xD
    Favourite Kingdom (New And Old)? I only know the new ones. But probably going with Nerine, for being badass
    Favorite Quest? So far, BQ Games
    Favorite Trait+Defect? Traits are all awesome but one that comes to mind is Minor Cloud Manipulation. Defect might be “mute at night”.
    Favorite Coat Color? Something heterozygously super-mixed like silver buckskin roan tobiano if that even exists but anyway that’s just me
    Favorite Piece of HTML? They’re all so prettiiii
    Do You Have Fur Babies? Nope. I live in an apartment Sad
    Do You Have Real Babies? Not in planning yet but probably within a scope of 3-4 years I might
    What Country Are You From? The Netherlands xD Home to the precious Sapphire
    How Do You Write? TV On? In A Dark Room? Tell Us! On my PC, preferably when bf is watching tv or when I am alone. Music not needed. Sometimes it’s distracting.
    Also on my phone or tablet when muse demands I write.
    What Is Your Favourite Colour? Lime green or soft green, soft yellow.
    Where Is Your Dream Destination? Idk man
    What Is Your Favourite Book? I hate you for asking
    Favourite Book Series? Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. Mostly for the volume and details.
    Do You Have Other Creative Outlets? I have FIMO clay but don’t often do that any more. It’s impractical. I can draw something with pencil on paper but am hopeless digitally. And also not that good at it.
    Career/Career Goals? Pharmacist, hoping to dive into hospital pharmacy OR low-key (individual) medicine production
    Favourite Food? Lots
    Favourite Ice Cream? Pistachio, hazelnut, that sort of thing, OR cinnamon (with hot apple pie!!!)

    All-Time Favorite Character? Leilan
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? Uhm. Same. Ilma is a great second.
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Ilma
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? starting to get repetitive!
    Best Character You Wrote As A Foal? Tähti, ofc
    Easiest To Write? Ilma
    Hardest To Write? Maiko
    Character You Regret Killing? N/A
    Character You Wish You Could Play More? Tähti/Raj/Kyveli
    Who Are You Shipping Your Ponies With? Ilma with Svedka, Leilan with Breckin. Tähti idk yet. Kyvi would be oblivious to anyone’s attraction but I hope she has/gets tons of secret admirers
    Your Main Character Gets In A Bar Fight. What Happens? Probably something aomeone said about his mother or about Breckin that did not suit him well. Depends on who he’s fighting and mostly on how many friends said person brings if he gets KO’d or wins, but he definitely would not give it up.
    Your Closet's Biggest Child Producer? Hahahaha. Again, repetitive.

    All-Time Favorite Character? Scorch
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? idk yet. Peeps have been returning
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Scorch
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Brennen/Warrick
    All-Time Favorite King & Queen? Idk
    Current Favorite Mare? Breckin/Lepis
    Current Favorite Stallion? Ivar/Bane/Brennen
    Current Favorite King & Queen? Solace, Wolfbane
    Favorite Couple? Kaglace
    Who Have You Always Wanted to Post With? Everyone
    Who Do You Wish Was Still Alive? Modicum Mortem
    Who (Character) Is the Most Intimidating? Maugrim
    Who Do You Currently Ship? Not happening rn? Bane and Lepis probably
    Which Character Would You Nominate as King & Queen of Beqanna?

    Who Would You Vote as Most Likely to..
    Succeed? AT WHAT I ASK. Idk people, sorry
    Break Hearts? Leilan has been doing a pretty good job at it. :/
    Have Their Heart Broken? Pond
    Get Drunk & Cry in Public? Vulgaris
    Get a Stalker? Lepis?
    Accidentally Kill Someone? Accidentally... maybe Arthas
    Survive the Hunger Games? Kaurma
    Take Over the World? nobody will ever succeed in that, stop daydreaming you
    Punch Trump In The Face? lol Scorch obvs
    Be The Object Of Constant Pity? Lepis I think.

    Who Do You Post with the Most? Whoever is fastest atm
    Who Is Your BQ Best Friend? Avion/Sid. But sid has so many friends lol
    Whose Writing Do You Stalk the Most? Sapphire, Kahzie, Sid, Devin, Aeris, Avion
    Who Do You Wish Would Write a Book? idk
    Who Do You Wish You Posted with More? Sapph
    Who Do You Wish You Knew Better? All of you lol
    Who Do You Wish Would Come Back? Drom? Idk if she left recently or just cut loose half her characters but... OH and I also miss Jesper so badly atm
    Who Writes The Best Angst? Kahz
    Who Writes The Best Smut? Bru
    Who Writes The Funniest Stuff? Sid probably
    Who Do You Talk to the Most? Vi, Sapph, Jassal
    Who Do You Plot with the Most? I don’t plot much so, that’s Vi for having exactly one big plot going
    Say Something About a Player You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: I am sorry for mentally thinking Neo and Nicole are the same sometimes
    Say Something About a Character You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Deiti is awesome
    How Long Have You Been at RPGs? For a bit in high school but after I moved out I didn’t have money for technology
    How Long Have You Been at BQ? I remember the earlier versions, maybe 2004 but officially back fall 2015
    Original OOC Name? Is There A Story Behind It? Neo. My stormfall castle was Neocampton so Neo stuck as nickname for gaming
    Favourite Thing About BQ? Variety in traits (though I wish variety in physical features were more accessible)
    Favourite Kingdom (New And Old)? New: Tephra; Old: Pangea
    Favorite Quest? The Creator
    Favorite Trait+Defect? Vampire Bat Shifting, Weakness to sunlight/fire
    Favorite Coat Color? Bay (boring IK)
    Favorite Piece of HTML? If this means as a whole that I created, Kove. If anyone created, Cal and Laura have mad skills and I swoon over them all that have been made for me!
    Do You Have Fur Babies? Yes. 2 fat cats, 1 tripod dog, 2 fuzzy wabbits
    Do You Have Real Babies? Yes. But I wouldn’t consider them babies. Gross pre-teen hoomans
    What Country Are You From? USA
    How Do You Write? TV On? In A Dark Room? Tell Us! Music helps me switch personalities faster
    What Is Your Favourite Colour? Blue
    Where Is Your Dream Destination? Ireland
    What Is Your Favourite Book? Ummmm I can’t think of a book title
    Favourite Book Series? See above^
    Do You Have Other Creative Outlets? Painting
    Career/Career Goals? Pharmacy technician- hospital
    Favourite Food? Steak
    Favourite Ice Cream? Cookie Dough

    All-Time Favorite Character? Deiti
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? Kaurma
    All-Time Favorite Mare? AuroraElis
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Klaudius
    Best Character You Wrote As A Foal? Kove
    Easiest To Write? Kove
    Hardest To Write? Ouija
    Character You Regret Killing? Karaugh
    Character You Wish You Could Play More? Demi
    Who Are You Shipping Your Ponies With? My own lol
    Your Main Character Gets In A Bar Fight. What Happens? Someone says something about redneck incest to Krom about Karat and punches them in the face, apologizes, and they become besties
    Your Closet's Biggest Child Producer? Karaugh

    All-Time Favorite Character? Stillwater
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? Wolfbane
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Kylin
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Ivar
    All-Time Favorite King & Queen? Morty and Wishbone
    Current Favorite Mare? Lepis
    Current Favorite Stallion? Ivar
    Current Favorite King & Queen? Wolfbane and Solace
    Favorite Couple? Kylin and Ivar
    Who Have You Always Wanted to Post With? Cassi, but I am kinda of scared to XD
    Who Do You Wish Was Still Alive? Diable Rouge :’(
    Who (Character) Is the Most Intimidating? Maugrim
    Who Do You Currently Ship? BreBane XD
    Which Character Would You Nominate as King & Queen of Beqanna? Maugrim and Kaurma- this could be lethal combination lol

    Who Would You Vote as Most Likely to..
    Succeed? Kag
    Break Hearts? Klaudius
    Have Their Heart Broken? Breckin
    Get Drunk & Cry in Public? Wolfbane
    Get a Stalker? Scorch
    Accidentally Kill Someone? Lelian
    Survive the Hunger Games? Bruise
    Take Over the World? Maugrim
    Punch Trump In The Face? Levi
    Be The Object Of Constant Pity? Ilma

    Who Do You Post with the Most? Was Drom, now I think Im evenly distributed
    Who Is Your BQ Best Friend? Bruja
    Whose Writing Do You Stalk the Most? Toli
    Who Do You Wish Would Write a Book? Sid lol
    Who Do You Wish You Posted with More? Radar
    Who Do You Wish You Knew Better? Nicole
    Who Do You Wish Would Come Back? Drom
    Who Writes The Best Angst? Jassal
    Who Writes The Best Smut? Sid
    Who Writes The Funniest Stuff? Nilla
    Who Do You Talk to the Most? Bru
    Who Do You Plot with the Most? Everyone “Plotness Monster”
    Say Something About a Player You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Sapphire is my purple people bestie <3
    Say Something About a Character You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: I secretly think Karat has a crush on Kwartz o.O
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    Realized I haven't done this yet Smile

    How Long Have You Been at RPGs? Um, I wanna say I've been writing since middle school at least? So like...roughly 15 years off and on. Goodness I'm old.
    How Long Have You Been at BQ? I tried BQ back in my high school days but couldn't stay put. So officially here with characters and such, 2 years this month. Smile
    Original OOC Name? Is There A Story Behind It? It's always been Radar. My dad called me that as a kid cause I would eavesdrop on adult conversations ALWAYS.
    Favourite Thing About BQ? The people, for sure! I love writing and all that, but the friendships make it worth sticking around for sure. Smile
    Favourite Kingdom (New And Old)? Gotta be Tephra! My first official kingdom that I had a character join.
    Favorite Quest? I loved the demon quest that my character Balto was a part of! So scary!
    Favorite Trait+Defect? Any kind of shapeshifting, of course! And it might not be a defect, but I love ponies made from glass. :|
    Favorite Coat Color? Partial to bays, always. No idea why.
    Favorite Piece of HTML? I don't make my own html cause I am useless. I love everyone else's, obviously.
    Do You Have Fur Babies? I do, but they live at my parent's house. A dacshund (Zoe), a chocolate lab (Mattie Mae) and a cat (Moses)!
    Do You Have Real Babies? I will this coming February! <3
    What Country Are You From? USA!
    How Do You Write? TV On? In A Dark Room? Tell Us! It has to be SILENT. And on my couch. I don't enjoy being at a table.
    What Is Your Favourite Colour? Mint green!
    Where Is Your Dream Destination? It used to be Hawaii (who am I kidding, it still is!) until I went there last year for my honeymoon! I'd love to go to New Zealand and England still, though. Smile
    What Is Your Favourite Book? Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit!
    Favourite Book Series? See above, lol.
    Do You Have Other Creative Outlets? Nah. Just writing pones.
    Career/Career Goals? I'm already a teacher, so I've basically made it! Smile
    Favourite Food? Pizzaaaaaa, for sure. And sushi.
    Favourite Ice Cream? Anything that's like triple chocolate. Also cheescake flavors!

    All-Time Favorite Character? Warrick, ofc.
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? I'm loving me some Daye right now!
    All-Time Favorite Mare? Merida ;_;
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Still Warrick. :|
    Best Character You Wrote As A Foal? Svedka was so fun, but Maugrim was interesting cause he was so dark so young!
    Easiest To Write? I've never really struggled with most of my characters, but I would have to say I'm always museful for Warrick!
    Hardest To Write? Maugrim. I'm always overthinking about how I want him to be perceived!
    Character You Regret Killing? Haven't killed any of mine! I love them too much. /snugs
    Character You Wish You Could Play More? Balto, for sure! I should make more time for my tortured little caveman.
    Who Are You Shipping Your Ponies With? Ummm, I don't ship very often until my ponies decide to like someone. So far Warrick and Merida are the only ones to get into serious relationships, lol. Wartang FOR LIFE.
    Your Main Character Gets In A Bar Fight. What Happens? Warrick fights with honor, cause of course he does. Only his fists, no weapons, cause he doesn't like to cheat.
    Your Closet's Biggest Child Producer? I don't have one in the closet! Warrick though is my biggest baby maker for sure.

    All-Time Favorite Character? This is hard. Don't make me choose.
    Favorite Active Character Right Now? MARBLE. She's stunning and written beautifully.
    All-Time Favorite Mare? SOLACE HANDS DOWN. My first BQ baby that wasn't my own <3
    All-Time Favorite Stallion? Pretty sure I'm still head-over-heels in love with Magnus from the day Warrick stepped into Tephra. Oh and Levi.
    All-Time Favorite King & Queen? I haven't been around long enough for a King & Queen, cause I can't remember any besides current ones.
    Current Favorite Mare? Sochi! Cause I'm really enjoying threading with her right now. Smile
    Current Favorite Stallion? Right now it's End cause KOMODO DRAGON, duh.
    Current Favorite King & Queen? Kag isn't a King, but Solace and Kag are my fave. (Probably always will be.)
    Favorite Couple? Pond and Vulgaris. Does that count? I feel like that counts.
    Who Have You Always Wanted to Post With? It used to be Cassi, but since our Warrick/Carnage thread I got my wish! Now I just want more Cassi words!
    Who Do You Wish Was Still Alive? LONGCLAW AND FEMUR. ;_;
    Who (Character) Is the Most Intimidating? Carnage, duh.
    Who Do You Currently Ship? Um, it's new to me but PYXIS and DAEMRON holy shit.
    Which Character Would You Nominate as King & Queen of Beqanna? As of right now? Wolfbane and Vulagris LOLOL rule the world boys.

    Who Would You Vote as Most Likely to..
    Succeed? Solace. She ain't no quitter.
    Break Hearts? I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Break as of right now.
    Have Their Heart Broken? Lepis, only cause I'm not too sure about Arthas... Tongue
    Get Drunk & Cry in Public? Ilma, but she'd be like on an angry rant instead of crying.
    Get a Stalker? Ivar :| I mean have you seen him. Gorgeous.
    Accidentally Kill Someone? Vulgaris. "Accidentally".
    Survive the Hunger Games? Kagerus. Get it girl.
    Take Over the World? Wolfbane!
    Punch Trump In The Face? Scorch fo sho.
    Be The Object Of Constant Pity? Pond cause I mean...so sweet and innocent. D:

    Who Do You Post with the Most? Sid, Lav, Jenger, Calcifer..but I've only been back a few weeks and there's so many people who have just returned too so please add more to this liiiiiist!
    Who Is Your BQ Best Friend? Jenger!
    Whose Writing Do You Stalk the Most? Everyone's, tbh. I literally read every post. I'm shameless.
    Who Do You Wish Would Write a Book? SID. It'd be soo good.
    Who Do You Wish You Posted with More? Vi, Laura, Toli, Devin, Sam, Elvin, Prism, Aeris, Jassal...everyone???
    Who Do You Wish You Knew Better? EVERYONE BASICALLY.
    Who Do You Wish Would Come Back? My Kuna <3
    Who Writes The Best Angst? Sid. I live for bitchKag.
    Who Writes The Best Smut? CALCIFER FOR SURE.
    Who Writes The Funniest Stuff? It's a tie between Sid and Cal, as well as Cassi. Carnage is just hilarious even when he's being downright evil. Love it. Also Nilla and Avion for sure!
    Who Do You Talk to the Most? Sid, Calcifer, Jeng, Lav!
    Who Do You Plot with the Most? Right now I don't have a ton of plots going on yet! That needs to change so I can have more words.
    Say Something About a Player You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Kristin words give me muse every single time I read them. I have no idea how she works this magic but I love it and keep it coming!!!
    Say Something About a Character You Haven’t Mentioned Yet: Kaurma is super fun and I can't wait to see what she does in Loess (or TO Loess!)
    svedka - balto - warden - molech - sunlight
    olena - skandar - starlight - burdock - bluebell - ciroc - maylene

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