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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Wondering if Kreed can have goat like markings/hair vs traditional horse?  Maybe a mule like tail/mane vs horse?   Would be fitting as she has goat horns and is Krampus baby Smile .These would just be looks of course and no benefit trait wise.


    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    I was bored so I tried the look on her...

    This is more or less what I was referencing.  Let me know if its ok Smile
    You can go petition on the mountain for these. They will just be part of her appearance though, and not traits to be passed on through breeding.
    @[Kyra] Are we talking in character petition/quest?  I don't really want anything added trait wise.  Since she is silver smokey black thru breeding I kept with that color palette.  I'm not sure what I am petitioning for I guess lol. The thinner mane, tail, beard and goat patterned markings? She already has goat horns thru stats

    I am perfectly ok with these just being an appearance Smile
    -Semi Active-
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    @Neo, yes an in character petition. Even though they aren't "traits" and will be non-genetic (though they still get added to her teg for reference), they still do technically involve a change to your character that we would like to see happen IC.
    @[Kyra] Ok.  She isn't born yet so it'll be a bit.  Maybe so it makes sense can she get like "goat appearance" which would take place of her goat horns teg trait and that's just a part of goat appearance...?  Perhaps goat appearance is described as goat horns, markings/pattern, hooves, beard, tail/mane.  She could go to mountain cuz she wants to look like her dad/grandpa or she is being naughty on the mountain and the fairies curse her to look like a goat(mountain goat lol).  If either of those are workable ideas...
    We'd just add a non-genetic "goat hair" to her teg. While we want to track it, we don't want this becoming too much like a mimicry or another trait, which is what happens when you start meshing horns and such all together.

    So it will be:
    Goat Hair: Horse has the hair of a goat rather then normal horsehair. Characters with this trait can have bristly hair, goat-patterned coloration, a sparse mane and tail and/or a goat-like beard on the chin.

    You can approach the mountain petition either way. Those would both be fine.

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