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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I love, love. (Shocking I know) How'd you meet?
    To commemorate 2 years(Aug 27th) since my boyfriend moved from Washington DC to Minnesota, I thought it'd be fun to share how we met our significant others(SOs)...

    KJ(I'll use two initials since K is my pony XD) and I met playing the game StormFall in May 2015.  It's a phone app game where you have a castle and attack other leagues(ppls) castles.  When you start you get assigned a random league and he ended up in the same one as me.  We had Line for our league(Discord in comparison) to plot battle strategies.  Somehow we got talking about band concerts and from there it turned from random topics to really getting to know each other.  We were both stuck in failing(should never had started) relationships.  My ex was emotionally and physically abusive, that escalated at times.  I knew it was not normal but always made excuses.  I'd tell KJ what was going on on a "normal" day and he would tell me how dangerous it was, for me and my kids.  Guess it takes an outsiders opinion to really make you reflect on how you are "living" your life.  Dec 2015 I wanted a change of jobs(retail to hospital) and that wouldn't fly with my ex(can't call to make sure I was there).  So I called it quits.  KJ and his wife separated already.  April 2016 KJ visited up here and we went on our first date at the MN horse expo so he could see what he was getting into lol.  He visited a few times, meeting my kids and mother as well. Long distance relationships are HARD but in August 2016 his company laid off all their employees and he decided to move up here to be with me.  The plan had been October but I guess fate had other plans.  

    I am a strong believer in what is meant to be will be.  We have had ups and downs, but never have we even raised our voices to one another.  We are both now divorced and ready to move on down this road called life together Smile

    How'd you meet your SO?  Where was your first date?  Proposal? (Or hell, if you got a crazy story on how you met your pet, I'd love to hear that as well!)
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    that is sweet and i love it!
    it's so nice to bond over shared interests.

    i met my wife at a birthday party for me (at the time) boyfriend's daughter. he'd had said daughter while we were together and the baby momma was my (now ex) best friend. my wife was dating my ex's baby momma at the time of the birthday party. they broke up six months later, and a few months after that i moved closer to where she lived for school.

    long story short i broke up with my boyfriend and started dating her. we've been together four years next month and got married a month and a half ago. so while i regret my ex boyfriend cheated on me and got my ex best friend pregnant, i wouldn't have met my wife if he hadn't Tongue

    also i met my dog at the shelter and my other dog at his breeder after falling in love with his newborn picture online <3
    This is so nice!!

    I met hubbin in high school.  I guess technically we met in kindergarten but then didn't get reacquainted until we were freshmen.  He was actually dating a friend of mine at the time.  But our junior year in 2006 we became official and we've been together ever since.  He's actually been the only serious significant other I've had.  I straight up told him from the get-go I wasn't playing any on-again, off-again games like he did with his previous girlfriend.  And then we got married 4 years ago in October.

    I think the very first date we went to a Movie. I'm pretty sure it was Cars.

    He proposed to me at Lake Llowell in Vermont in October of 2012.  He popped the question and I said no and walked away.  I thought he was being a dingus and messing with me, but turns out he was being legit! lol

    So yeah, nothing super exciting here. XD
    This is super cute :p

    So I met my husband when I was a sophomore in high school and he was a senior. I was friends with a senior through work and he brought my to my first high school party ever! He was also pretty good friends with my now husband and we sorta talked that night. The next weekend was his birthday and he had a party at his house and again our mutual friend brought me and this time 15 year old me figured if I posted a picture on facebook he would comment and luckily for me he did! We ended up talking and I gave him my number and from there a day didn't go by that we didn't talk. We started dating and after 6 months of dating he proposed before joining the military, a year and a half later we got married and here we are 5 years later. We are both each others only relationship :p

    I love reading these types of stories <3

    K, so Austin and I actually "dated" back in middle school (how much can you really date at that age? Lol) for 7 months. I was absolutely crazy about him and would jokingly write my name with Jones as the last name. Well, he dumped me because he thought I didn't like him. I was ridiculously shy and it took a lot to get a sentence out of me. I was also too bashful to really dance at the middle school dance. It was the most casual breakup ever. He patted my shoulders and walked to the other end of the lunch table lmao

    Well, I never stopped liking him. Through 8th grade and high school, I would make occasional attempts to talk to him (aim, Myspace, Facebook, etc.) But he supposedly always had a girlfriend. Sophomore year of college, after ending my 3.5 year long relationship, I decided to give chatting to Austin one more time. I had been trying for 7 years to chat with him and see him again to no avail. I invited him up to my college (an all girl private college) so he, naturally, took the bait. That was in 2010. Happily together after that.

    Fast forward to ALMOST 5 years of dating.

    My aunt, who has always meant a lot to me, suffered a stroke earlier in the year that put her in hospice. The weekend of November 9th, I went to Jersey with my family to see her because I knew she wasn't doing well. Aunt Carmen wasn't very verbal anymore and could hardly move. Austin asked if he could join us in the trip to NJ. Of course, we loved to have him there because aunt carmen really loved him and us together.

    Austin took me on the metro to NYC. Things were working against him (almost missed the metro and I started my period that developed debilitating cramps) but he stuck to his guns and plan lmao. A trip to CVS, then brunch, a walk through Time Square, my makeup professionally done by MAC, and then a horse and carriage ride. I thought maybe he would propose in the carriage. He didn't. My hopes were crushed lmao.

    BUT we started walking through central park and when we sat on the bench, he started saying sweet things before getting down on one knee and proposing. I cried of course lol.

    So, we even totally get back on the metro and return to my family. I rushed to the hospice because I knew how excited aunt carmen would be. When I told her and showed her the ring, her entire face lit up. Ever since I was q kid, aunt carmen would always cradle my face and tell me how beautiful I was. Well, she did just that. She reached forward and cradled my face, whispering "beautiful" to me after not having been verbal a few days. She pulled me into a hug and I just cried into her shoulder.

    There wasn't a dry eye in the room with my family that night.
    Unfortunately, that was the last time I saw my aunt before she passed away, but I knew she was happy and it was one of the most heartfelt and emotional days of my life.

    And now I'm crying remembering it all haha
    Awww these are so cute

    Okay maybe we’re cute too.
    First off, we have a different school system out here, primary school ranging 4yo-11/12 year old, then depending on level of education you get 4, 5, or 6 years of middle/high school, then you go to any form of higher education depending on the previous level (for both of us, after taking the 6-yr thing, that’s university, at age 18).

    Anyhow, this 6-year school was for me 6 years indeed but my bf did the first three years in a different school and then switched because that school was only large enough to house the 4-year path and then the first 3 years of the 5- and 6- year courses. Think of it maybe as a bachelor-master system, then that school only offered bachelor’s degrees.

    Anyway, so I took the technical study courses and also biology, because that means getting both a good chance for technical higher education and also in the healthcare field, and I took those with Greek and Latin because you know I am weird and want a bit of everything and cannot make choices. Anyway, he also took the technical+healthcare thing. It was not that uncommon a choice, we had one class full (24 people) with people like us. We had shared classes in chemistry, biology, physics and math but otherwise I had somehow gotten stuffed in a mixed-class with also the language groups for Dutch, English, sports etc. Probably the Latin thing.

    In our fourth year we barely met/spoke, just that we knew eachother in passing, nothing spectacular there I guess. In the fifth, there were only two girls left in this technical classes and we both had some male friends, this clicked into a group of about 8 nerds I think somewhere after Christmas and we spent lunch breaks together and they would often spend their open hours (in which I had usually Greek lessons) together as well as skip physics class because that teacher just sucked so hard and could not explain anything (I learned from the book and got a C and was happy, one co-student who got straight-A’s started to teach some kids physics and helped them pass so yeah it was bad).
    So in sixth year I guess this continued and our lunch break group got closer and we went to birthday parties and all, also we had a trip to London in March arraged by school. I think something was brewing then but you know, young and stupid and oblivious. Wink
    We had our last final exam on June 2nd, and our after-exam party (school organized it, but with everybody being 17-18 and our whole school went, was a good party was on the 3rd. His birthday was the 4th so we sang at midnight of course, though he birthday-party was on the 6th (a friday evening).

    So uhm, our legal alcohol drinking was set for low-levels of alcohol at age 16 then (drinks above 15% at age 18, now it’s both 18). He was pretty drunk and less shy so we kind of hung out and he told me he really liked me and had shared a quick kiss then, at about 01:00 when the party was technically over and parents were already waiting to take us home - we can’t start driving lessons before our 18th birthday - so we both ran home after that Smile.

    So next morning I was afraid he maybe forgot because he had been pretty numb (he’s a sleepy drunk so while that’s cute I can’t ever tell how much he remembers) and I had decided to call him to congratulate him on his birthday in my most ever hoarse voice (lack of voice at all). I had told myself that if I wanted to be the girlfriend I should act like one and the least I could do was call him on his birthday right? Turned out I was barely able to speak so that was a bit of a problem.
    I got his mother on the phone first, lol. Felt super awkward because I actually couldn’t really say something but she’s super sweet so that’s okay. I think we barely spoke back then since we had nothing to say/didn’t know where to start so we shared the silence Wink

    Anyway I got sort of confirmation on his party on the 6th and we went to a movie the week after, and he and our friends came over for my own graduation party as well later and we hadn’t told them yet so it was a bit of our secret. My cousin had then afterwards asked me ‘so is he your boyfriend or something’ and I had no proper answer bc it was all just starting but when I told him that he litterally straight out asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend officially so that worked out well ^^. But I guess to everybody else we were completely obvious lol

    Aaaaaand then we spent the whole summer apart. He went on a three-week holiday with his parents, I went on a three-week holiday with mine, and we both started studying on universities far away from our hometown. By train it would take me 3 hours to get home or to him.
    We were a weekend/holiday-relationship for the next 4 years. After that I transferred for my master’s degree (he’d transferred previously) and suddenly we lived as neighbours so basically together for about 4-5 days a week; there would be something with our housemates or study friends sometimes or a weekend not spent back with either of our parents. Or exam weeks. Or the yearly field trips for 3-6 weeks for him, usually in may or june. He’s in earth sciences so he got to study stuff all over the world.

    In his last year he moved for an internship and I went to my parents’ also for internships. Back to the weekend thing lol. But we’ve always managed so we could also survive those last 5 months.
    We both graduated around the summer of 2016 and also both had found a job around november/december. We moved to our current place around christmas-new year 2016-2017. We’d been together since his birthday in 2009 approximately so it was about time we actually moved in together! (:

    Last year for my birthday, almost a year ago now, we were on holiday camping at the beach and had went out for dinner at the beach for my birthday. There had been a wedding we thought, because there was this super ugly wooden porch on the beach which we totally resented and commented on like ‘we’re not ever getting THAT for our wedding’. Bc yeah we’d already established this mutual idea of getting married at some point in our lives, same as that sometime in the future we eant kids. Anyway after dinner, sun had just set but he said he wanted to walk to the shoreline still so we did, and then he asked if he wanted to get married and oblivious me (who thought maybe he was not ready yet honestly) just said ‘yeah whenever you get to asking me’ so that was a bit awkward for both and only after rephrasing and asking ‘but for real would you marry me’ that actually registered as him asking me. He even asked me if he needed to get to his knees for me to get it but the sand was cold and wet so I said don’t. So yay we got engaged. Haha.

    My sister and her boyfriend visited us the next day (tuesday) for my birthday on our campsite and we kept it a secret from them the whole day, super giggly about it, because we wanted to tell our parents first. We got a ring together the day after, and our holiday wasn’t even that long because it was going to rain so we broke camp and went home thursday. My littlest sister was home then, so when we told her and my parents like “uhm yeah we got some news we’re gonna get married” she was suddenly crying out super loud like I HAVE WAITED FOR THIS FOREVER because well, we’d been together 8,5 years and she was 18 so we had been together since just after her 10th birthday - I guess that was justified (for the record I have two younger sisters and a younger brother and she’s the youngest child).

    I atill had a week off and we went to my grandmother who lives pretty far away, got the ring resized by my uncle (he’s a goldsmith, lucky me so it was free) and visited her to tell. I could really tell she was super happy about it, like things settling into place for her maybe.
    Anyway, she had been having a heart condition and had a heart attack not much later, maybe a week, at night, she had called the nurses but they got there too late. I’m glad she knew before passing but would have loved her to be able to join us for the day. So it was a weird period of time but after the funeral and everybody (I’ve fot a large family on my mother’s side!) was at my grandmother’s home and we had gotten dinner and all so I could tell the rest of the family in one go. My aunt (mother’s younger sister) told me that my grandmother had been pretty excited about it because when my aunt had visited her later on that week she had already told her and then felt bad because I had said I wanted to tell the rest of the family myself lol. So my aunt said she would pretend she did not know which she did until after I’d told then. Super sweet of her. It was also such a cute story to think of how happy my grandma was with the engagement ^^

    We’ve been engaged for almost a year now and will get married next year May 17th. We’ve yet to arrange eveything else but the wedding location, but I will have a holiday by the end of this week (again around my birthday) and we’ve planned to go actually do stuff then.

    For the record we have no pets in our appartment because we thought that’d be cruel on the animals lol
    These are all so cute!  Can't believe how many start in grade school!  

    KJ said I was lucky to have not met him back then.  Especially having gone thru deployment in Iraq, he wasn't the stable person he is today.  So I guess we had to go thru our troubled lives to grow up and realize what matters in life before finding each other Smile
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    Dan and I met in 2011 through our jobs. I was a pseudo-manager for a drugstore (still an) and he worked for Redbull at the time as salesperson. In FL, the salesperson also makes their own deliveries. Well his first time at my store, he rang the doorbell so many times that by the time I could actually answer it’s and let’s him, I was pissed. We have a note posted saying that to only ring it once and be patient because we’re probably with customers. So I fling the door open and start ripping him a new one. From that day on, he always tried to deliver when I was there and we talked/flirted for six months before we both got around to asking the other person out. 

    Dated a couple of times then went our separate ways. I had any first serious relationship after that which resulted in my adorable son but found out that the relationship had pretty much been a joke. The guy had cheated on me the entire time with multiple women. 

    Dan and I had always stayed friends over the years and would talk occasionally. He hinted at reconnecting but I wasn’t ready too. Then he got into a serious relationship and even got engaged to the girl. Only to find out she’d been cheating on him. So he broke off the engagement and kicked her out of the house they had just rented together.

    Naturally we started talking again and eventually hooked up and from there, dating. I told him one day that I was not a rebound girl and wanted something serious. He was of course nervous and unsure but said he didn’t want to lose me. I told him I wasn’t sticking around while he rebounded and couldn’t promise I’d be there when he wanted a real relationship.

    Needless to say, we got serious. Moved in together. He proposed February 2016 at the fair while we were riding the Ferris wheel. I said yes and we eventually moved to Michigan and now we have a daughter together.

    He drives me fucking nuts and we fight sometimes (a lot actually lol) but he always makes me laugh and tells me I’m beautiful even when I look and feel like I’m at my worst.

    No idea when we’ll get married, not in a rush to right now.
    (and others)
    I loved reading all of theses Smile

    I met my husband in college, sophomore year. In the fall we ended up with back to back classes (a literature class and psychology class) and we would walk together across campus. We bonded over our eccentric old prof who the rest of the class hated, and flannery o'conner, hah. I was really crushing on him (I mean... he was a beautiful track star who loved to read)  but He was dating someone else during the beginning of that semester. Luckily it didn't last long... and we texted a little over Christmas break. then when we ran into each other in the spring he asked me out on an official date

    We had a lot of fun, got dinner and a movie i think? Then the thing i really remember was when he was dropping me off at my dorm we were both stalling because we wanted to keep hanging out but it was about 1 am now. (side note... we were in Indiana and there had been a ton of snow that week) He suddenly said that he had a snow sled in car and asked me if i wanted to go sledding XD

    I was all for it, and there was a huge hill by my dorm.. Which of course lead to us both riding the sled together tumbling into the snow and being silly. A few weeks later we were dating for real and we got engaged two years later when he came to visit my Family with me in Florida over Christmas ( he asked my dad and everything) and we got married six months later <3
    Starsonder . Locheed . Oberyn
    Solace . Levi . Firen . Clegane . Warlight
    y'all are so cute but kahzie your story is forever my favorite

    so uhh I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years. I was coming out of a 3 year relationship and not looking to date seriously, and was on okcupid. he messaged me, with were a high match, but he lived in oxford (about 1 1/2 hours away) so nothing came around immediately. We kept talking, I was still pretty meh on dating but was also...lonely and bored and he was far and away the most interesting person I was talking to, so I was trying to figure out a good date that would a. incentivize him to come to me (I didn't want to drive to him) and b. entertain me if it turned out he sucked.
    Well one day while writing a rant on good old beqanna.com it clicked that there was an imax showing of Jurassic Park at our local history museum. I messaged him after posting the rant, and he agreed.
    We met up at the museum and just...clicked. We wandered the museum for hours and he determined the sex of a skeleton for me, which is My Kind Of Thing, he overshared and told me within the first two hours that he was divorced and only had one testicle (unrelated to the divorce) and we watched Jurassic Park and I was super attracted to him but he didn't try to hold my hand or anything during the movie so I thought he wasn't into me, but then when the movie was done he asked me to dinner, and after dinner he said a lot of nice shit and we kissed and then I had to go home because I was housesitting for my parents.
    We kept talking and seeing each other and I refused to acknowledge I was falling for him because of the distance and the fact I didn't want a relationship, but we just...kept meeting and it was so good and it became a relationship for real, and he moved to Memphis for a job and for us, and it turned into a really great relationship Big Grin

    Also at the same time we were entering into a relationship I saw a really cute dog on my animal shelther's web page, and she was coming up on the date when she could be put down by our shitty shelter (it's gotten better but 4 years ago the euth rate was pretty bad), and a rescue said they could pull with a foster. I wans't intending to get a dog (I'd need one that's completely housebroken! and doesn't get into anything!) but I just...loved this dog and her stupid dope face in the pictures, so I volunteered to foster her, knowing absolutely nothing about her.
    Picked her up from the animal shelter, and lo and behold, she was housebroken! Completely! She didn't chew anything! She could be left in the house, uncrated, for hours!
    She briefly went on a trial adoption, I cried nonstop, she was returned because of cat chasing issues, and that was all that she wrote. Rigby was meant to be my dog.

    tl;dr - picked both my boyfriend and my dog arbitrarily off the internet

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