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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    (ALL IN) Updates - Birthday Traits, User Groups, Equus Traits
    Birthday Traits
    You may now get any type of wings, any type of horns, immorality, or any zero space trait for your birthday for a horse that has traits. 

    User Groups by Land
    We are going to have user groups for each land now so that your profile displays where you live. You have to complete this when you join/leave lands in order to be considered part of the land. 

    1. Go to the User CP
    2. Click on Group Memberships
    3. Click "Join Group" - a request to join that land will be sent to it's leader
    4. Once your request has been approved (it doesn't notify you, you just have to check), return to the Group Memberships page. Under "Groups you are a member of", click "Set as Display Group" next to the land. 
    5. If you leave a land, return to the Group Memberships section and choose "Leave Group"

    Too confusing? You can also post on Updates and we will update for you. If you do this, you must provide the thread that proves you are joining the land. 

    You can moderate the groups. You will receive notifications when someone requests to join a land, and you will also be able to remove users once they have left. 

    OOC Accounts
    There's also a user group for OOC Accounts now. This is admin controlled. Please post in updates to have your account changed! 

    Other Stuff
    The good news is that we are going to add little icons next to your account name that indicates what herd you are in (yay!) and we are going to let you pick those icons. Leaders should let us know what you want by July 9th, 2018. If you don't let us know, we'll pick one for you. These will not change with each leader, so make a group decision. 

    please read here for update on icons

    The bad news is I killed your custom user titles for the moment. Sorry friends. I will give you another way to have those, but for a little while you will not have them.

    Equus Traits (ADDED!)
    We are going to revamp the Equus traits, as they really are not worthy of their current 3 spaces. Excluding Equus traits which already have magical powers associated with them, we are opening up the others to have small traits related to the animal the horse is melded with added to the definition. Please suggestion what you would like below by July 9th, and we'll finalize the new definitions based on suggestions. If you aren't sure if your version of an Equus trait is open to this change, just ask!
    1. This is awesome
    2. Is there any way we can change the color of the land text, like leaders and judges? (Do I ask too much)
    3. Will these icons be original/free-to-use (I'm guessing) .psd images? If so, what size dimensions are we looking at?
    Apothica • Tiberios
    What is nomads?  Any character not associated with a kingdom?
    -Semi Active-
    *Plot Only*
    1. Yay!
    2. We can, but we are potentially talking a lot of colors that won't necessarily show up on all layouts. It's a possibility, feel free to suggest colors if you want, and it may happen or I may try it and it may look awful. So no promises.
    3. Yes, they need to be original or free-to-use, ultimately .jpg or .png files. Emoji sized, but if you give them to me bigger I can shrink them down, but obviously they shouldn't have a whole lot of detail to them.

    @[Neo] Yup, nomads are those not associated with a land!

    -Kyra who is again too lazy to switch accounts
    Hey gang! So for equus viperus, the only thing aeris and I have definite is some degree of scaling, fangs, and snake eyes. To make it kind of worth the three space trait status, I wanted to propose pits to give the character thermal vision and also toxin for their fangs. Maybe dislocating jaws to swallow large prey? I’m iffy on that one but it’s a thought.

    Thanks everyone!
    I believe the Equus Pardalis trait is currently fine how it is definition wise. What are your thoughts?
    currently playing
    Astrophel | Divest | Falter

    I was playing Equus Avian as the ability to fully transform into any bird, to have shapeshifting wings at will, talons at will, and a beak at will. Also predator bird eyes, the ability to churr/sing/chirp like a bird, and the ability to have feathers over oneself at will.

    Basically a strange, constantly changing combination of horse and bird. Not sure if that's the correct way to use the trait lol.
    Shape shifting would be pretty cool. Maybe for viperus they can become basilisks? Minus the petrifying stare, probably. Tell me if I’m asking for too much!
    Currently the equus traits (except equus mutatio) don't include shifting. Their permanent form is half horse / half whatever animal. We'll consider it in the re-write, but for the time being they should always be half and half.
    Oops! I only have posted Aemar maybe three times in a couple threads, and he's definitely not involved in politics/main plots, so not hard to correct from here on out Smile I would love to have that added in the rewrite though, as that would automatically make the trait more suitable to it's 3 spaces. Plus, as a derivation from Equus Mutation, it makes sense for the user to manipulate the extent to which they are their given animal.

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